Oklahoma Senator introduces bill to criminalize porn.

Oklahoma Senator introduces bill to criminalize adult content and imprison creators

And if you produce, distribute, or possess porn, you'd face prison.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP via Getty Images

The day after Inauguration Day, Oklahoma Senator Dusty Deevers introduced a slate of legislation to "restore moral sanity" to the state, including criminalizing pornography.

The bill, SB593, would prohibit pornography, and those who produce, distribute, or possess porn in the state would face up to 10 years in prison. Project 2025 (the conservative policy wishlist for Trump's second term) calls for exactly this: a ban on pornography and the imprisonment of its creators.

Oklahoma already has an age-verification law in place, meaning that those who want to view a website with a "substantial portion" (over a third) of explicit content must verify their age with personal information like a digital ID. As a result, Pornhub is no longer available in the state. (The Supreme Court recently had a hearing about age verification, but the result is still pending.)

SEE ALSO:Did Trump's executive order just make everyone in the U.S. female?

The bill also heightens 10-to-30-year penalties for "organized pornography trafficking," though it's not immediately clear if this is referring to sex trafficking.

"Pornography is both degenerate material and a highly addictive drug," Deevers said in the announcement of the bills. "It ruins marriages, ruins lives, destroys innocence, warps young people's perception of the opposite sex, turns women into objects, turns men into objects, degrades human dignity, and corrodes the moral fabric of society. Any decent society will stand against this plague with the full weight of the law."

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"Porn addiction" isn't recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a mental disorder due to lack of evidence, and the American Psychological Association (APA) points to a study that suggests porn can be used compulsively rather than an addiction. But many activities can be done compulsively, like eating or shopping. Another study suggested that one's perceived addiction to porn leads to more psychological stress over time.

As for how porn impacts perceptions, this seems like a great argument for comprehensive sex education. Among other things, sex ed teaches students media literacy — that porn is fantasy and not what sex is like — and teaches anatomy, so students can know their own bodies. But the first Trump administration sabotaged sex education in the country, and the pandemic disrupted it, too.

Only 36 states and DC require either sex education and/or HIV education at the time of publication. Oklahoma falls into the latter (mandating HIV education), and it stresses abstinence. It also isn't required to cover healthy relationships, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy organization for advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Additionally, the bill calls for heightening the penalties for possession of child sex abuse material (CSAM) from up to 20 years in prison to 10-to-30 years.

Deevers introduced several other bills as well, calling for measures such as abolishing abortion, ending no-fault divorce, and prohibiting Drag Queen Story Hour.

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  1. What is wrong with MAGA? Freedom this, freedom that but, in reality, freedom of speech only if Ithey agree. Ironically, porn is most popular in the Bible belt.

  2. Is this all legislator worry about, with all the other issues our country is facing, Yes I don’t believe In trafficking, But I think that not the major issues that should be addressed at time!

  3. Lololol, if you live in Oklahoma I thought access to porn was the only way to spend your free time since you're living in . . . fucking OKLAHOMA.
    BTW, saw an advert to Oklahoma just this morning and I was like 'who would WILLINGLY move to Oklahoma???'

  4. Bet he’s got his own secret stash.

    1. the ones that scream the loudest always do!

    2. I bet his favorite is 2 girls and a cup. Btw. DO NOT GOOGLE IT!

    3. That was weird!

  5. All a part of Project 2025. Its in the works

  6. They’ve heard of the First Amendent, right?

    1. even the Constitution is unsafe under this administration.

    2. It’s only free speech if they agree with it

    3. They're more than happy to ignore the Constitution whenever it's inconvenient for them

  7. Should be for All states..

    1. speak for yourself 😂

    2. Hard pass on the first amendment violation you want.

    3. calm down bro just jerkoff a little it will help

  8. Sounds like one of those MAGA confessions.

  9. If Republicans didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have standards at all.

  10. Even if you own Melania's old footage?

  11. Slowly but surely we're becoming more and more like north Korea and china😄

    1. Two leaders Trump seems to adore, even though they're tyrants.

    2. technologically advanced and efficient?! 😛
      dude, China is slowly advancing while you keep busy hatin on them instead of fixing your own country and society man....

  12. Face prison and continued to produce 🥴

  13. You mean it was legal before?

  14. And now he gets a big fat bribe from the adult industry, and that bill goes away. 

  15. Can we see his search history?

  16. Prohibition coming next!

  17. Keep voting for republicans guys.

  18. Oklahoma, soon to be nicknamed "The Vacant State"

  19. Yeah…that’s not gonna pass

  20. First TikTok, now OnlyFans

  21. First amendment right, like Tiktok, Pornhub and many affiliated or similar sites are not even american. Most of them are own and hosted in Canada or Europe. No force of law other than banning.

    Maybe time for american to get the religions out of the laws. It is personal for each and not be forced as many are non-religious at all.

    Historically, religions are so bad for human. Many wars and more suffering than been non-religious. Do your findings before commenting on me. Many hundred of millions are suffering or killed by religions each year. Do not forget, religions are for people who tried to control or change others to the same way of thinking. Wake up american, you have are part of the problem...not the solution!

  22. lol. Apparently it was the Victorian era when America was great then? At this rate they’ll be aiming for before Europeans arrived next.

    1. Indigenously speaking, "now THOSE were the good ole days!" LOL

  23. Unless you are a politician

  24. Cap 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢

  25. So the president has an affair with a pornstar and this is what we get from his party 🎉 🏆

    1. He’ll do what ever the highest bidder wants. He doesn’t care about the people or the rights of the people. He is a puppet for some evil people but he got what he wanted. He cares about two things. 1. That he stays out of jail and 2. That he makes money. If you have enough money he will sign a mandate for what ever you want.

  26. Land of the Free!!!!

  27. Tell that to the politicians and their Diddy parties.

    Double standard decision.

  28. Christians digging their own graves to hell

  29. What are we supposed to masturbate to huh? You expect us to use our imagination... 😂

  30. How about a law saying minors forbidden to attend church? After 18 they decide if they want to join. Can't let religious people take over or back to the stone age, literally. Don't forget they still stone people to death in middle east.

  31. Red states aren't going to like that... 🤣

  32. Well, half of Americans voted to get their rights taken away!! This is only the beginnings of Project 2025!

  33. Check his hard drive.

  34. ONE WORD: UNCONSTITUTIONAL ❗️❗️❗️‼️❗️❗️❗️❗️

  35. Yea I think this violates the 1st amendment

  36. All the proud boy simps living in their parents basements are like... wait hold up, this isn't what we had in mind...

  37. “Land of the free” 😂😂😂

  38. Oh look, it's the purity police....

  39. WOW! You guys are really living in the worst possible timeline.

  40. Legislating Morality Never Works. How about stopping School Shootings? That could use some Laws!

  41. His priest buddies won't let him.

  42. Sweet, sweet freedom.

  43. So is Melania going to prison for her pictures naked with another woman?

  44. This is something I could be behind. This has caused so much mental health issues in males. It has destroyed so many peoples lives

  45. china is looking more freedom than Magamurika!
    what Maga first amendment look’s like!

    and again Congrats Murika! a Felon really?

  46. How many politicians have a playboy magazine under their bed? Better close up shop for them as well 🤣😏

  47. The state that ranks 49th in education? Shocking 😂

  48. Banned tik Tok and onlyfans in the USA

  49. But he voted for a guy who cheated with a pornstar days after his third wife had a child? Talk about a fake christian. Zero integrity or family values

  50. https://media1.tenor.co/m/imNdNwICt3UAAAAd/4th-of-july-fourth-of-july.gif?

  51. Coming for some more of your freedoms soon.

  52. Somebody was banned on PH for their grapey comments on trans prawn videos, no doubt

  53. You’d think the Orange Idiot would be on board with this industry since he was smashing with one of its employees

  54. You’d face prison unless you’re an avid Trump supporter and donor. In which case then it’s fine.

  55. EVIL-gelicals: “If I don’t like it, nobody can like it!”

  56. You voted for this. Project 2025 sinking its claws in democracy

  57. Get rid of……him. He’s the devil

  58. Why do they want less freedom?

  59. Cunning ploy to get rid of the Catholic church and the Southern Baptists at one fell stroke?

  60. This is the rights "free speech"

  61. So much for freedom, right y’all?

  62. So much for freedom of expression.

  63. Vanilla ISIS resurgence.

  64. MAGA hates freedom.

  65. Mashable are terrorists who spread false propaganda to force an incitement into a cause 🤷‍♂️ literally the definition and of course we know who backs you so it’s definitely for political gain

  66. Arise, O Yeshua Hamashiach, destroy and eradicate all the Prostitutes of Pornhub, torture and burn their flesh, bones and souls in Lake of Fire forever, Amen.

  67. Cursed be souls of Prostitutes of Pornhub !.

  68. F’kg horseshit mfkrs. 🖕🖕

  69. This is what happens when you elect religious loons


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