Barack Obama hung out with Greta Thunberg and they shared a glorious fist-bump

When Barack Obama says you're part of his team, you know you're probably doing something pretty cool. 

The word cool doesn't begin to cover the actions of 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who is, in the words of Obama himself, "changing the world." 

Thunberg met with the former U.S. president during her visit to Washington D.C. on Tuesday. "You and me, we're a team," Obama said during the meeting. Then the pair enjoyed a pretty epic fist bump. Frankly we'd expect nothing less of both of them. 
Thunberg is currently in the U.S. after sailing across the Atlantic Ocean instead of flying. She will speak at Mashable's Social Good Summit in New York on Sept. 22, ahead of the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23.
The teen activist will also lead the Global Climate Strikes happening Friday, in which young people in 150 countries will protest inaction on climate change — it's a movement she personally spearheaded. Obama asked Thunberg about the strikes that have already taken place. 
"No one is too small to have an impact and change the world, so just do everything you can. Be creative," Thunberg said. 

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  1. What a shame that a young child believes he is a person she should admire. Sad she has no one around her to teach her the truth of things and allow her to decide who are good people. She has been sheltered from so many truths that the lies she sees are her reality.

  2. Such a shame to go from having such an amazing president to the one we have now

  3. I’m just shocked to recall that a real human being was once in the WH. The nerve of Mashable...

  4. Iconic? More like a has been looking to stay relevant...

  5. why is he constantly in the news, you don't see other EX presidents every freaking day, stop with keeping him in the news, NO ONE CARES

  6. I bet when Trump tries to do this, it will be on an Epstein Island. And it wont be a glorious fist bump Trump will be sharing.

  7. gee she had to sit outside the White House but our classy former President actually met with her. The difference between ignorance and intelligence.

  8. That girl is something��

  9. He goes on and on about rising sea levels, etc. and then buys a beachfront mansion in Martha's Vineyard, while she makes a show of sailing over here to avoid flying and then they have to fly a team over here to sail the boat back. A fitting pair of hypocrites they make.

  10. So she didn’t meet the naranja?

  11. Mashable you are CORNY.

  12. Wonder how trump-the-dump would react to her - - several possibilities and they all make me want to vomit - - -

  13. Don't you mean a terrorist fist jab?

  14. No Bumps to the Bank, There is Money to be Made in Fear

  15. The Zeitgeist of cringe

  16. This will change the world ��

  17. Many angry trolls commenting here. So much anger and hatred for Pres. Obama. Kinda sad to fill your life with so much hate. It must be exhausting and probably making you ill. Miss his empathy and class. Vote �� in 2020.

  18. The US will take decades to restore back the level of respect the orange clown lost

  19. I thought it was a terrorist fist jab

  20. A whole lotta communism in one picture.

  21. Is Obama explaining to her spacial awareness?

  22. Republicans would call this the ecoterrorist fistbump


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