Greta Thunberg gives Trump a powerful glare as he walks past her at the UN Climate Summit

16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg watched as Donald Trump walked past at the UN Climate Change Summit on Monday. She did not look pleased.

Trump was initially expected not to attend the summit and was meant to be at a session on religious persecution instead. But he showed up, making a brief appearance just before Indian prime minister Narendra Modi's remarks. According to a pool report, he was there for 14 minutes.
Now footage is circulating of Thunberg's reaction to Trump's entrance. It is truly a glare among glares, which makes sense: Trump has called climate change a "hoax," despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, and he has promoted a ruthlessly anti-environment agenda during his time as president.

Before Thunberg set sail for the U.S. in mid-August, she made it clear that she had no plans to speak with Trump during her stay. "Why should I waste time talking to him when he, of course, is not going to listen to me?" she said in an interview with CBS. "I can't say anything that he hasn't already heard." (Extremely good call.)
She did deliver a summit address of her own on Monday, admonishing leaders for prioritizing money over the planet and patting themselves on the back for work that's not nearly sufficient.
"For more than 30 years the science has been crystal clear," she said. "How dare you continue to look away, and come here saying that you are doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight."
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  1. Ohhhhh she gave him a look! I bet he won't be able to sleep tonight! Wow, she really got him...not sure he'll recover. Also, thank you mashable for this truly stunning and brave article

  2. As real as this is, we still should stick to the message. It is critical. Her glare is a human cry for help that is crying out loud in each of us, just personified in Greta.

  3. She would make a good Wednesday in the Adam's family.

  4. "Though she is but little, she is fierce."

  5. I am in total agreement and do have huge respect and admiration for her and her cause. But please, would someone explain to her that her somber facial expressions and enacting does not necessarily need to reflect similarly on the scourge of climate change. And that the vision and the hopeful outcome of her work and dedication is a happy and sunny one that deserves an ocasional smile.

  6. Everyone who is bashing her based on age, the "kids" are doing the most right now to raise awareness that we need to save Earth. Maybe you should listen to them rather then treating them like idiots, Millennials and Gen Z are the ones inheriting the mess you made. Don't mock us for trying to get you to fix it.

  7. She just gave a memorable speech calling on all adults to grow up and listen to the facts and stop being obsessed with how much money we have or can make...because there won't be a place on earth that survives...we can now see places melting away ....flooding beyond belief, etc...maybe we have 8 1/2 years to stop the destruction....!!!

  8. People she is a person who has asperger's syndrome she feels very strongly and her expression reflects that-- why judge her for that? Try to stay focused

  9. Someone is putting her on a sad path of not showing respect to adults. I hope she doesn't grow up thinking that is acceptable. Parents are to teach respect.

  10. At her age she has all the power and enigma i felt her presence by the way she stare. I don't know but I had a very strange feeling that without knowing or maybe it's possible to recreate a person by accident i felt like she might have been living from the future maybe year 2100 or so.

  11. This poor child is being used so severely. Quite sad really.

  12. I know exactly how she feels. He's ruining everything environmentally for greed and his cronies. Its so disgusting.

  13. Maybe she should be in charge of the UN! We are all trembling......

  14. She's not here to play. I say bravo. That's leadership, right there.

  15. Her mean glare expressed more than global concerns!

  16. This is a young woman who will be a force to reckon with in the future. Keep going young lady.

  17. It is so difficult for those with little to no experience with teenagers to imagine how well-spoken and intelligent and perspicacious some of them are. Greta is telling truths that many grown people do not like, and therefore they are dismissive. Too bad.

  18. I appreciate her awareness creation campaign, but she's going way too far and being very offensive.

  19. was wondering how did she go to New York? Swimming?
    OMG she flew???
    But it’s bad for the environment...

  20. In this world most of the people are illiterate and rustic. They are far away from science. This is why they can not understand what to react and how to express their feelings. When people find the laugh at the protest of climate change, this means a huge lack of education! Those savage people have no idea about increasing green house gases or trapping infra red radiation in the atmosphere. They can not understand what will be, if the sea level rises up because of global warming. So, it will be a hard task to handle the idiots! But, we will support the protest of climate change in favor of better earth.

  21. To be fair, this is exactly the expression i'd pull if I ever saw Dumbf in the (orange) flesh.

  22. I just saw her showmanship on the news were she accused them of stealing her childhood and dreams, dull that I forgot the popcorn to see that scene and by the way trump surely doesn’t give a flying f••k about her

  23. We all have that same look. The sane folks, at least.

  24. She's deranged by adults who lie about climate change. How dare these money hungry politicians and so called scientist scare children from living a normal life. The world was to end almost 30 years ago to global warming and we are still hear. The ice glaciers that were suppose to melt are still there. How dare you adults feed into this false narrative knowing it would affect young lives. How dare you scare children from growing up and having children of their own. HOW DARE YOU!

  25. She’s too young, she doesn’t have a past of any dirt to dig up. Be careful family and friends though.

  26. Don't even waste a second of emotional energy on that orange menace, Greta. The majority of the world IS listening and he won't be POTUS for long. He's afraid a shark will eat him when the waters rise at Maralogo anyway, so he probably was about to panic.

  27. Although focusing on climate change activism is an utmost priority, ignoring the associated problem of energy density with renewables is a no-brainer... it will lead to the death of science & rationalism

  28. You go young people.we did our part in the 1970 and we still are

  29. President Mean Girl may have met his match — a real test of his middle school tweeting prowess.

  30. poor brainwashed child...
    Problems are real, but she`s only a tool ;)

  31. Let the girl have a normal childhood! I see over the top marketing.

  32. Sad this little puppet is being used by the Liberals! She doesn’t know crap about the world ����

  33. So why dont we give kids achievable goals to help the environment... plant a tree... recycle... anything... but quit using them as pauns to a political game... heck we could all use some achievable goals...

  34. She doesn't like not being the centre of attention.

  35. Welp..maybe the kids will do something to make this world a better place 'cause it's not doing too well on the adults' watch.

  36. Hey Greta go plant some ������. Do something constructive, you are not helping yourself by dropping out of school to protest climate change. Learn about you can fix it from inside, be a scientist, or engineer, something that make a real change. Stop wasting your young years on political activism.

  37. If looks could kill he would have melted on the spot.

  38. Who cares what a snot noised teenaged ginger child thinks anyways? What a brilliant article.

  39. He probably wandered off unsupervised again and stumbled into the wrong room.

  40. She knows what ignorance looks like and someone that doesn’t care about anything but himself.

  41. He can’t bear to think that he’s not liked by anyone.. good for her

  42. Children have more common sense than TOO MANY adults

  43. Does she have downs?

  44. 45. Lumbering about for the camera.

  45. i won't be taking any advise from a 10 yr old

  46. sadly just a pawn and she knows it

  47. What’s the little boy mad about?

  48. If only looks really could kill...

  49. You gonna go to China and India next?


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