Android phones already have all the new iPhone 11 features

Android users have been making the joke for years: Apple is “innovating” by giving its iPhone features that Android phones had two years ago.

This year, however, it rings truer than ever.

The three new iPhones, launched on Tuesday, have faster chips and better cameras than their predecessors. They also have better water resistance, sturdier glass, and better battery life, among other (minor) improvements. To anyone who has an old iPhone (especially if it's two or more years old), they will be an improvement. And, since Apple so rarely messes up when it comes to the iPhone, they're bound to be great phones, overall.

But this is the first time that I cannot point to any significant iPhone feature that hasn't existed on Android phones for years.

The triple rear camera combo has pretty much been the standard on flagship smartphones for over a year. Huawei's P20 Pro had a triple rear camera in April last year; LG's V40 ThinQ had it in October 2018. Notably, LG's flagship has a very similar setup to the iPhone 11 Pro/Pro Max, consisting of wide, ultra-wide and zoom sensors.

As far as other new iPhone features go, like Night Sight, Google's Pixel has been doing night photography better than the iPhone for a while, and recently, Samsung and Huawei caught up as well.

You don't even have to look at very expensive flagships to see how badly the iPhone is trailing Android. Xiaomi's recently announced Redmi Note 8 pro has a quad rear camera with a 64-megapixel main sensor on the back, and a 20-megapixel sensor on the front. It starts at $195. Apple's "Pro" iPhones only go up to 12 megapixels, both front and back.

So what else is there? Water resistance is a common feature, as are OLED screens, and AI-enhanced camera tricks. Most Android flagships have more storage than the new iPhones.

Also notable is the lack of reverse wireless charging on the new iPhones, which Apple reportedly gave up because it wasn't up to company standards. It's possible that Apple has higher standards than other smartphone makers, but Huawei and Samsung phones have had the feature for a while and it works fine.

Of course, we don't know everything about the iPhone 11 — we don't know how fast it is (beyond Apple's charts saying it trumps everything else by a large, yet very imprecise margin), how much RAM it has, or how large its battery is. Again, typically, Android flagships have more RAM and larger batteries than iPhones. Apple's new, A13 Bionic chip may be faster than the competition; we'll know more about that when we test the phone.

So what it mostly boils down to is the software and services. Apple's iOS is pretty great, and Apple does typically make its software and hardware tick together in a way that makes the experience slightly smoother than on most Androids. The bundled Apple TV+ deal is nice, too — finally, iPhone buyers will feel like they're getting something extra for their money (last year's iPhones didn't even come with a fast charger). And hey, the "slofie" thing, while probably not particularly useful, might be fun.

But still — these are new iPhones we're talking about. Innovating in the smartphone space is getting tougher as these devices are perfected through the years, but can we have at least one wow-inducing, hardware feature?

It hasn't always been like that. Apple was one of the first companies to introduce the notch — like it or not — as well as a secondary, 2x zoom camera. Yes, Android smartphone makers, especially those coming out of China, hurried to introduce similar features, and some even beat the Cupertino company to the punch. But at least it felt like a race.

This is not to say that the new iPhones won't be good or even great phones. I was never unhappy with an iPhone purchase, and I've bought quite a few over the years. And I do reserve final judgment until after I've had some hands-on time with them. But for now, it looks like the old joke about Apple's "innovations" still stands.

Rumors has it that Apple will unveil far more interesting upgrades to its iPhones next year. I really hope to see something outrageously different and bold, which we haven't seen from an Apple in a long time. Now that the company has positioned its cheapest iPhone front and center, it can finally afford to experiment a little with the high-end models, no?

WATCH: The iPhone 11 event in 90 seconds


  1. No need for an “I’m sorry to tell you” speech... most of us know but we love the Apple/iPhone entire system of the phones working better than most Androids as the OS and phone are designed to work in tandem with one another and not to mention they have always looked great (designs) and great camera quality lol
    We don’t care who had it first lol
    This isn’t kindergarten 🤷‍♀️
    Just saying

  2. Ok, Mashable, and Stan Schroeder, we get it. You love your Android, but you’re insecure about your choices and have a childish need to say “nya nya nya.” Really though, posting the same article over and over again is either desperate or dumb, so congratulations; I finally clicked on the article. Next time it appears, I’ll click on the unsubscribe button.

  3. yes, we agree, but still, it is not iPhone, right?

  4. We got this...but why are you reposting this every other day? I'm starting to feel spammed and you guys were supposed to be professionals...

  5. Hey, this is the 10th time you’ve posted this. Seems like Mashable needs a refresh.

  6. And btw, if u post this again, I (maybe few others) will unfollow this page for good, u guy definetly running out of content

  7. I think you should share this article one more time.

  8. Ok. I don't know what happened to you, but you keep repeating stuff. I have other things to do than read the same thing over and over.

  9. Commenting on these posts complaining is actually helping Mashable. We all miss the old Mashable and when they were actually relevant. Sadly all we can do is report these as spam and hope they stop. So everyone please do their part and report this post!

  10. Well I said if this came up as a new post again I would unfollow. So bye!

    1. bye apple fanboy

    2. well yes I am an apple fan but that’s not really the point is it? But thanks for chirping in. Always nice for a valid point to be shouted down. How very Trumpesque of you.

  11. Mashable, no iPhone users give a crap if it’s the same feature set. It’s reliability, usability and familiarity that make a new iPhone purchase attractive these days. Not just a checklist of features. Why change if it’s the same? You’re article doesn’t point out anything new

  12. For f**ks sake. I have reported this 3 times as spam and seen it AT LEAST 3 other times. I am still seeing it!!!

    How about you get off your a*se and create some new content Mashable? Instead of rehashing old articles that just generate click bait.

    If I see this one more time I am unfollowing you.

  13. They lack the most important feature and never will have it: iOS (consistency across different devices of many ages)

  14. I’ve now seen this ad 8 times! How much are Samsung paying you to run it?

  15. Mashable, we have seen this article (Ad *cough Cough) far too many times. Another similar post and I will have to stop following you.

  16. Features and usability is two different things. Who cares about features when the UX are crap?

  17. Apple - once the innovator, now the imitator.

  18. You sound surprised, this has been known since 2010.

  19. This article would be posted until everyone here write comments from android phone ~ Mashable Admin.

  20. So you have to buy four different android phones to get what is on one iPhone. Basically.

  21. Sorry to tell you, but... the iPhone models will end up selling more copies than individual android models

  22. Clickbait! Stop posting this every single week! We get it Mashable! You think you’re better than the rest of us but you’re not!

  23. Omg I've seen this reposted 10 times already. Go find some new news.

  24. Planning to hit the Repost number of a magical 100?

  25. I know, any thing else.

  26. This is at least the fifth time I've seen this article posted from you guys. I'm going to start taking screenshots as evidence now SMH 🤡🤡🤡

  27. You are posting this again? How much is Samsung paying you for these advertorials?

  28. Do you guys post this once a day? Is Mashable even relevant anymore? Let’s see if they post one worthwhile post in the next 24 hours

  29. Wonder how much is Google paying Mashable for the millionth time they’re sharing this article. Lol

  30. That's fine.. I no longer see any reason to upgrade my phone.

  31. LOL, so how many times are you guys to go repost this? This is like the 10th time now?

  32. So Mashable runs an pro-Android story with an opening photo of the iPhone. Ok Mashable, you know what’s getting you the clicks.

  33. That's ridiculous, this negga doesn't have anything else to do.i know you don't have enough money to afford the iPhone 11 but still, doesn't mean you have to hate apple.bruh

  34. I've hidden these posts multiple times. Here is the disconnect between "social media management" and offering real value... this post sucks but now people are commenting that it sucks and complaining about seeing it over and f'n over...

    "Engagement is up! Keep posting!"

  35. How many times you’re gonna make the same post? Write something new.

  36. Thank you for saving my life Mashable. How stupid of me, I'll go sell my iPhone right now and buy a 64MP mainstream android phone with 24MP selfie camera . They will surely produce better results in photography than my 11Pro Max.. Oh and for the best video on the market no mention right?
    Besides that what do I need A13 bionic with the best cpu/gpu, iOS right?
    Listen just change the name to Laughable from Mashable. Pathetic effort from continuous articles of laughable quality.. One step closer to unfollow.. Keep it up

  37. Yeah but their fingerprint ID can be opened using any samsung shamsung!

  38. BUT WHO. . . ASKED?

  39. How much did Samsung pay for this post?

  40. This is like the 10th time you are re-posting the same article against iphone and I wonder why.

  41. Yes but it’s still not an iPhone


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