It sure seems like Trump already violated Twitch's community guidelines

President Donald Trump joined Twitch, ensuring that his racist invective isn't limited to just Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and every one of his television appearances. And he probably already violated the streaming platform's community guidelines.

Trump held his first Twitch livestream on Thursday, a broadcast of a campaign rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Currently, he has more than 47,000 followers.

During the speech, Trump was more than happy to hurl racist invective at Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar (D), as he's done before on multiple occasions. At one point, he called her an "America-hating socialist."

He also regurgitated a far-right blog's claim that Omar committed identity fraud by marrying her brother to help her become a U.S. citizen.

If this sounds kinda familiar, it's because it's very much in the same vein as his racially motivated birth certificate conspiracy directed at Barack Obama during his presidency.

But Trump wasn't done. Omar is the first Somali-American elected to Congress and one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress (Rashida Tlaib of Michigan is the other). And Omar is part of Minnesota's Somali community, the largest such community in the United States.

So you probably won't be shocked to hear Trump lashed out at Minnesota's Somali community while attacking Omar.

It didn't stop there. He also warned of "deadly sanctuary cities, which release dangerous criminal aliens into the heart of your communities."

Here's the thing: his speech seems like a violation of Twitch's Community Guidelines, which ban "hateful conduct" that encourages "discrimination" and "harassment" based on race, ethnicity, and national origin.

Harassment is defined as "any content or activity that attempts to intimidate, degrade, abuse, or bully others, or creates a hostile environment for others, and is prohibited."

Twitch says that any "hateful conduct is considered a zero-tolerance violation," which will result in "a range of enforcement actions, including and up to indefinite suspension."

We've reached out to Twitch to see see if any of Trump's comments on Thursday night violated these guidelines. Even if you let Thursday's rally slide (and why the hell would you?), there's no denying Trump has used his rallies to incite violence in the past and is likely to do so again.

Not that it seems to matter to any social media platform. Already Twitter has twisted itself in knots to keep from banning Trump and Facebook straight up threw in the towel by admitting it'll just let anything from politicians fly.

Adding one more ironic twist to this whole mess is the fact that Twitch is owned by Amazon, meaning Trump is now utilizing a platform owned by (and financially benefitting) Jeff Bezos, one of Trump's favorite targets.

For now, Trump's Twitch account is alive and well and he's already teasing his next event to stream on the platform, a broadcast of his planned Oct. 17 rally in Dallas, Texas.


  1. "The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.
    The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.
    A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him?
    The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city.
    Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning!"
    -Ecclesiastes 10:12-16

  2. Oh he’ll fit right in on twitch. A touch on the older side but whatever the message is still the same

  3. Best president of our life time and a great rally last night don’t you agree

  4. If anyone tough that Fidel Castro was the master of media manipulation, this guy is the winner.

  5. Whether right or wrong, The president should have more important things to do than be on social media blasting away.

  6. He is a peace seeker. Seeking peace everywhere 😂

  7. And Mashable is promoting the same lies as always

  8. Report it then, if you feel it violates the TOS. Simple as that.

  9. Immigration issues aren't racial issues, they're legal issues. What is wrong with people? Lol

  10. That’s your opinion which most people don’t agree with you.

  11. Where does he find time for golf?

  12. Trump only and always!

  13. Must be a slow news day huh smashable ? It’s getting real old..

  14. This clown is so scary.

  15. His buddy Epstein is gone... it is his new line to the kids...

  16. Like twitch is morally superior...toss a cat, beat a dog, show some vag, it's all good!😁

  17. Barack Obama was an illegal president he was not natural born anybody can come up with a birth certificate

    1. can we start saying that about Trump? I think he was born in Europe somewhere. Where's his birth certificate? I haven't seen it.

  18. What’s this “Twitch” thing? Sounds like a new one. Is this another one of these Gusufer 2.0 Russian Federation sponsored formats?

  19. HERE IS WHAT TRUMP DID to Kurdish children when he helped Russia and Turkey to kill our allies who helped us fight ISIS:
    (This week)

  20. The desperate DemocRAT radical leftists USE "Racism" as a form of ATTACK. The one's who focus on "Race" are the true "Racists". They are race baiting for the sake of RACE BAITING!!.....SAD.

  21. Liberal Tears! KAG2020


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