Stephen Colbert mocks 'officially bitchy' White House letter refusing to cooperate with impeachment inquiry

The White House has issued an "officially bitchy" eight-page letter to Congress refusing to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, and Stephen Colbert has one thing to say: uh, you can't do that?

"Don't get him wrong, Trump would like to help with their inquiry into his conversation with Ukraine but tragically he has developed phone spurs," quipped the Late Show host.

"Wait, wait, you can't just not participate in your own impeachment. 'Sir, you are charged with assault and battery. How do you plead? Um, pass? Can I buy a vowel?'"

Colbert went on to destroy the "absolutely bonkers" arguments made in the letter, which openly declares an intention to obstruct proceedings. It's worth a watch.


  1. So DEMS don't vote on inquiry. Why? What are they hiding? Guessing the lemmings like the beat of there deaf drum.

  2. Democrats and Colbert are wasting our time and money.

  3. Replies
    1. Please, let America be BETTER than that

    2. TRUMP2020. Oh yeah

    3. More like Trumplethinskin 20 to life. ��

    4. Trump 2020 indeed..... In jail! :)

    5. Not happening.

  4. Is Colbert the place liberal progressives like Mashable go when they take a break from their safe spaces?

  5. Make it an official impeachment or enjoy your time in court Schiff.

  6. ttps://
    Late Nighr talk shows an Saturday Night Live would be alright if they actually had any talent or good writers . The fact Seth Meyers was actually a writer for SNL says it all

  7. I think Trump is fighting impeachment by allowing massacre of the Kurds. There's been no quid pro quo, but Trump will cancel the withdrawal of troops from Syria in return for dropping of the impeachment inquiry. That's the way his filthy little mind works.

  8. It seems to me by not holding a vote for impeachment is an admission you do not have the representation of the whole country to investigate or impeach .Does not sound like much of a democratic process more like a lynch mob

  9. Replies
    1. Actually, no he's not. He's married with kids.

    2. Even if he was, so what? What does his sexuality have to do with anything? Does he give you a stiffy and you're secretly hoping he's gay? Because that's what it sounds like to me.

    3. now THERE is a well thought out, adult, educated response!

  10. Orange man bad jokes so funny


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