The jaguar who attacked a woman taking a selfie won't be put down

Good news everyone: The jaguar who attacked a woman taking a selfie will live.

The woman reportedly crossed over a barrier near the jaguar enclosure at the Wildlife World Zoo in Arizona on Saturday to take a photo with the cats when one reached out and slashed her arm. Paramedics took her to a nearby hospital to treat the non life-threatening injuries, according to a statement from the zoo.

"Please understand why barriers are put in place," the zoo tweeted. "Sending prayers to the family tonight."

In the comments of a Fox 10 Phoenix video that showed the aftermath of the incident (content warning for gruesome imagery), Twitter users shamed the woman and threatened to boycott the zoo if they put the jaguar down.

Others thanked the zoo for protecting the jaguar, who was just trying to defend her territory.

According to AZ Central, the local Sheriff's has not yet said whether the woman would be charged or cited for crossing the boundaries.


  1. Yes!!! Why would the animal be punished by simply being an animal? The human on the other hand should be heavily fined for being annoyingly stupid.

  2. Good. Animals have suffered too many times for the faults of humans.

  3. why would anyone think that is necessary, it was the woman's fault entirely!!!! beautiful cat should be treated as the regal animal she is

  4. actually I hope the zoo take the woman to court. crossing the barrier should be an offense. Even the idea that the jaguar in its very very small enclosure should be put down for intruders being attacked even killed is absurd

    1. I know right? Putting an animal down cuz of human stupidity? Lol

  5. Actually animals are far social than humans. Its humans who are antisocial. So nature punishes them. Stop poking them for your pleasure.

  6. So happy to hear that! What about the woman? 😂

  7. Glad the zoo did not put this animal down. Why do people think it is a smart idea to go in these closed areas.

  8. Oh my god why would they even consider that?? There are rules put in place for a reason - it’s not the poor cat’s fault

  9. Was there any Doubt? I hope not. She took the Chance and Lost. End of Story?

  10. Put the picture taking human down!

  11. This is from March, why are you posting it as if this is new?

  12. This level of entitlement and stupidity did not exist 50 years ago. What has changed?
    I say take away all warning signs and warning labels and be let nature take its course!

  13. It's a wild animal. Serves her right

  14. Trespassing the animal kingdom comes with daring consequences

  15. Darwin theory of natural selection in action...

  16. geezuz the amount of stupidity on her part is just befuddling. ain't the cat's fault if she ignored the signs. utterly devoid of anything resembling common sense. dumbarse.

  17. That's right up there with that silly woman who headed towards the lion the other day at the Bronx zoo. Some people just aren't wrapped too tight...

  18. Finally some good news... Finally they will not kill an animal for doing what he is supposed to do... 😉

  19. feed the woman to the jag lol

  20. Was that even a consideration? So stupid. Of course it's not the cat's fault!

  21. Stupid is forever. Hopefully the jaguar has received counseling and a antibiotic shot just in case

  22. Can we put down the woman who was taking a selfie?

  23. Can't believe it was even considered

  24. And the woman? Will she be put down?

  25. Animals are punished enough for the stupidity of people.


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