Greta Thunberg declines her latest environmental prize

Greta Thunberg, the teen climate activist whose school strikes have inspired millions of others around the world, has declined her latest environmental prize, the Nordic Council’s Environmental Award, calling it a “huge honour” but ultimately not accepting the $52,000 prize money.

Previously, Thunberg has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and won the 2019 Right Livelihood Award. In 2018, she declined the Children’s Climate Prize because finalists had to fly to Stockholm in order to attend the ceremony, a move that Thunberg felt would only contribute to global warming. Recently, Thunberg sailed across the Atlantic on a zero-emissions sailboat in order to avoid air travel before delivering her now iconic speech at the U.N. Climate Action Summit.

Thunberg declined acceptance of her latest award due in part to her obligations at the Youth Climate Strike in Los Angeles, where unprecedented wildfires are currently ravaging the region. Two fellow climate activists were sent as stand-ins for Thunberg.

In an Instagram post explaining the reasoning behind her decision, Thunberg said, “The climate movement does not need any more awards. What we need is for our politicians and the people in power start to listen to the current, best available science.”

Her decision to decline was also shaped by what she perceives as harmful climate inaction specific to the Nordic countries.

“The Nordic countries have a great reputation around the world when it comes to climate and environmental issues. There is no lack of bragging about this. There is no lack of beautiful words,” Thunberg said in her post. “But when it comes to our actual emissions and our ecological footprints per capita - if we include our consumption, our imports as well as aviation and shipping - then it’s a whole other story.”

“We belong to the countries that have the possibility to do the most,” Thunberg continued. “And yet our countries still do basically nothing.”


  1. Paid activist..another publicity stunt

  2. Well she has enough $$$$$$$$$

    1. if the has enough money, then she's using it wisely.

  3. Wish she would take a vow of silence! Her voice and persona make me pray for the end of the world!

  4. I want an ad blocker to shield me from having to look at this girl. There's a filter so I don't have to look at animal abuse. Why not one for child abuse?

  5. Plants trees and support and etc

  6. Trump: 'Give it to me, give it to me. '

  7. I could not admire this person more.

  8. G00ber fear of this young lady is amazing, but totally predictable.

  9. YES! Continue to kick you know what little girl. YOU ROCK!

  10. Greta is a child being abused by grown-ups who are using her as a pawn to push a political agenda. The hysteria she's been instilled with has done nothing more than cause eco-anxiety in children.

  11. I hereby bestow on her the award for most annoying person ever, female teenager category (immediate family excluded).

  12. She was right to do this. All it would do to accept the prize is to damage her credibility. Countries like Norway are waving the environmental banner while selling oil and that open-water farmed salmon that pollutes the fjords. Their fishing museum has a room dedicated to explaining how they really should be allowed to hunt whales again. They should take the stupid environmental prize money and put it where their mouths are.

  13. I think she was in Chucky's Bride - Part II

  14. Jealousy for lunch, enjoy the taste of it in your mouth.

    1. I can see that. I for one would definitely be jealous of a 16 year old girl with no original ideas being coached as the face of climate change regardless of the fact that she has no real power and will be forgotten about next year.

  15. There are planes flying all over the globe non-stop to display show horses and trucks driving around with junk mail, what DIRE situation? You are being fooled.

  16. ON the one hand, I agree, awards accomplish nothing in the face of such a dire situation, except make some people feel like they are accomplishing something when they aren't.

    On the other hand, 350,000 kr. isn't going to make or break the situation , so take the money.

  17. On the third hand, the committee will probably put the money to good use. And on the fourth hand, now she doesn't have to mess up her schedule by going somewhere to talk to some people who already know we need to listen to scientsts.

    1. I recently read in The Guardian that certain pioneering scientists are being discredited at University College London for their racist tendencies. Do we know for certain that climate change scientists did not create this science as a racist means to stifle economic development and hinder the opportunities for minorities to improve their lives by having a vibrant economy?

    2. Yes, we do know that for certain.

    3. I'm glad. I just hope 10 years down the road we don't find some posting by a climate change scientist that is considered racist. Otherwise, the credibility of the science is forfeited.

    4. If you find a racist climate scientist, that won't cool the planet. Given the huge numbers of scientists doing research, there is probably someone somewhere with bad social attitudes. I truly wish you were correct and that finding someone with a bad attitude would reverse climate change.

      Well, I guess what you said was that it would trash the credibility of the science. The credibility of the science relies on convergence of results. When people all over the world get the same result, you figure it is real.

      And people, like gardeners and coastal dwellers, that have experienced sharp changes during their lives give that reality a lot of credibility.

    5. We would all be happier if climate change were false. But to find out that there is a vast conspiracy of complete strangers who all agree on the same lie would be akin to finding out there is no Santa Claus.

  18. Yes. We know it is real. It has been confirmed by scientists all over the world, from many countries, and from many racial and ethnic backgrounds. It took over 8,000 IPCC volunteer scientists to read and review current climate studies, so imagine how many are doing the work.

    And we are more likely to fall behind the development curve in the long run, barring a change in leadership.

    Areas that have not developed have not installed soon-to-be-obsolete tech. Africa, for example, is bringing in electricity by providing solar panels. A small home with no electrical appliances to speak of, can keep the lights on at night and charge the family's phones using a tiny solar setup.

    This trend will continue. There are huge distances that would have to be covered to build out a grid. Better solar harvesting tech is in the labs now. By the time Africa is ready for higher electrical consumption, they can install the new solar.

    Meanwhile, we'll be waiting for the old stuff to wear out before we replace it.

    1. She'll come to regret that decision next year, when she becomes forgotten and irrelevant. Like the Parkland shooting kid activists.

      What were their names? Right, you have to search for it.

    2. Unlike you, who even without anything to contribute to the world, will live on in our collective memory forever?

    3. Unlike the childish Trump, Greta realized it's not all about her.

    4. Some people worry more about increasing safety for the planet and less about whether anyone knows their name. The idea that every person working for positive change is only in it for fame is pretty far out there. If you don't know anyone who contributes to the community just because that seems like a good idea, I'd advise you to maybe get out more or to get to know people better.

    5. Their names are irrelevant. By you pulling up the mere mention of them we know what they stood for, what they fought for. Mention them more, remind more people of their fight. And perhaps Greta isn't a pathetic narcissist who needs to have her name remembered more than her deeds. She is accomplishing something great or sad trolls wouldn't feel the need to come here and blab out nothings.

  19. wonder if all the anti-science dummies also don't believe in science related to medicine.
    wonder if they go to the doctor and when they get a diagnosis they go check Fox news to see if it is accurate.
    or maybe they just get diagnosed by Oxy abuser Rush Limpbag


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