Biden asks Trump what everyone's thinking: 'Will you shut up, man.?'

Biden asks Trump what everyone's thinking: 'Will you shut up, man?'

Joe Biden isn't moderating the first presidential debate, but he did have one very important question for Donald Trump: "Will you shut up, man?"

For those who aren't subjecting themselves to this extremely painful night of Men Talking Over Each Other. Here's what you need you need to know. 

Donald Trump appears to be incapable of having a normal back and forth, and instead of calmly and constructively debating he keeps interrupting Biden. This then leads to them loudly butting heads and speaking over actual debate moderator, Fox News' Chis Wallace.

At one point Trump yammered on so relentlessly that Biden snapped and asked what so many people have been wanting to say to Trump for years now: "Will you shut up, man?"

After Wallace officially ended the segment, Biden sarcastically said, "That was really a productive segment, wasn't it?" and directed a "Keep yappin', man" at Trump.

But the "Will you shut up, man?" proved to be a really strong debate mood among the exhausted American people.

It's a genuinely tough watch, folks. But especially so for one particular person...


  1. Biden interrupted every bit as much, but Wallace treated him with kid gloves only calling out Trump. Very biased! Too bad. Biden did not answer any was frustrating.

    1. what show are you watching?

    2. I think your abacus is broken. I watched and it wasn't even close who interrupted more. Even Chris Wallace called Trump on it.

    3. DELUSIONAL, just like the DICTATOR you Rumpers Defend. SAD, SAD, SAD, You Don't care about our COUNTRY At All

    4. yeah seriously. We weren't watching the same debate. trump acted like a 2 year old. The only thing he didn't do was poop his pants.

    5. well we don't know that..

    6. Yeah. You are right

    7. were you actually watching? I guess Biden did interrupt Trump when he was interrupting Biden actually trying to answer.

    8. are you sure about that. ;D ;D ;D

    9. not in the least.

    10. if you won't shut up and you act like a clown then it's perfectly acceptable.

    11. no he didn’t. Stop lying.

    12. if you think that you need to go back and view the debate again. Biased? How? Because Wallace called Trump out on his lies?

    13. could have pooped his pants and you guys would still think he’s so classy and presidential! You see only what you want whether it’s there or not!


    15. please dont downgrade teen age girls. He was an overtied toddler

  2. Are Americans proud of this so caliied debate I sincerely hope not it was a disgrace where are the sincere decent American people I'm sure your there

  3. It would have been if Trump would have shut his trap.

  4. Biden said to Trump:

    "Will you just shush it".

    Trump rants too much.
    Not Presidential.

    1. and Biden is presidential! He can’t complete a sentence without correcting himself! Go Trump2020us

  5. I watched last night and saw just what I expected.. trump completely unaware of the rules of debate. This defines what is expected. My children learned this in school and so did I . Instead Trump wanted a food fight. No rules ,bully tactic and silly threats and comments. Why even watch this he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.


  6. Well.....a lot of us was thinking, wonder what his face would do if I punched it.... but you know "Will you shut up,man" was close enough ;)

  7. Biden was the one who shut up. Wouldn’t admit that he was in favor of packing the Supreme Court. I guess he didn’t remember what his handlers told him to say.

  8. I think the only way to keep Trump under control is to schedule a Zoom meeting. The moderator can ask Trump a question let Trump answer and then mute him when Biden is speaking. Trump kept talking over Biden to the point that Biden lost it, saying “will you shut up man”

  9. They both talked over each other. More childish name-calling came from Biden.

  10. It’s a terrible shame that Biden asked him to shut up but I totally understand his frustration... seems his opponent was on some rage inducing substance .

    1. it's a Shame that anyone that is suppose to be a Leader stoops so low and in front of the entire World acts likes a moran and bully. Trump is evil and nothing good is going to come to him. He promotes nothing good😠🤬😠😡😤and has made it normal to be rude and an idiot to anyone that goes against him. All you people believing in Trump are so blind and twisted as he is. There is nothing great about what he has done these past 3 years, other than encourage division. He's so petty and fowl I couldn't even watch him at the debate. My skin boils😱☠💩👹🤡He is all these things and more. When is his heart going to fail, that's all everyone is waiting on.🤷🏾‍♀️

    2. Maybe you mis interpreted my comment ...I agree with you!

    3. Maybe they should’ve drug tested him. 🤷🏼‍♀️ ‘Hey Orange Cheeto....the 70’s called and they want their cocaine back!’ 😆

    4. yes 100%

    5. The world is laughing at the USA... what a horrible example we’re setting . Others are watching and may very well copy this lack of decorum.. Sad day!

    6. It not a shouting competition...

    7. I would have done the same thing

    8. I agree with you... :)

    9. I felt Biden’s exasperation!

    10. That was Trump's tactic. He was trying to rattle him. It was like watching an abusive lover gaslight and try to intimidate you.

      Remember when Trump stood behind Clinton trying to intimidate her.

      The orange Fuhrer and his turd Reich live for those immature, grade school bullying tactics.

  11. Steadfast People, the next Wave of Comments is from Europe, will Confirm our "POTUS" should be a Circus Clown.

  12. Joe Biden

  13. Vote Blue in November Bide-Harris 2020.

  14. Haha pure entertainment. These are the best of the best. #wow

  15. USA has proven What you are.

  16. Name calling is the best you can post about the debate? It was deplorable on both ends. One over spoke and the other dodged questions.

    1. oh please ...djt NEVER shuts the f up

    2. that’s how trump dodges questions....he keeps yammering on and on and on and on and forever to infinity about literally NOTHING.

    3. yammering, stammering, interjecting, lashing and carrying on like a toddler

    4. I agree with that, however biden dodged questions too and was brought down to drumps level with name calling. Ill give Joe credit though, he did better then I expected.

  17. Biden's total achievement after 47 years is to tell somebody to shut up
    How easy you guys are to impress

  18. most of us are suggesting that same thing to Trump, will you shut up man!? Please!

  19. They both should shut up and stop the lies


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