Stephen Colbert blasts Trump's claim coronavirus affects 'virtually nobody' as death toll exceeds 200,000.

Stephen Colbert blasts Trump's claim coronavirus affects 'virtually nobody' as death toll exceeds 200,000

 The U.S. has the most coronavirus deaths out of any country in the world, with over 200,000 people now dead. This, as Late Show host Stephen Colbert pointed out, is also more deaths than Americans killed in battle during the last five wars combined.

Meanwhile, President Trump told an Ohio crowd on Tuesday that COVID-19 affects "virtually nobody." Apparently older people and those with medical conditions don't count.

"'They say 200,000 people have died, but I haven't heard from any of them,'" quipped Colbert, imitating Trump. "'Raise your hand if you've died from coronavirus. See? Nobody.'"

SEE ALSO: 'He wants you to ignore reality': Stephen Colbert savages Trump's unhinged town hall performance

Colbert further skewered the CDC's Halloween guidelines, which advise greater social distancing when screaming, as well as its apparently mistaken coronavirus guidance update last Friday. 

The CDC's updated advice said coronavirus particles could be airborne and travel further than six feet — "kinda important information just to slip in there on a Friday afternoon," Colbert noted. However, this advice was abruptly removed yesterday, with the CDC explaining it had been a draft that was accidentally published.

"Well that's embarrassing," said Colbert. "You published a first draft? I mean, come up with joke here about how this embarrassing, maybe a metaphor, figure it out later. Note: CBS lawyers won't let you have jokes that involve masturbation."


  1. In 2019 according to the CDC. The #4 cause of death was upper respiratory illness at 160,000. The #8 cause of death was lower respiratory illness at 60,000. That is 240,000 deaths. Tried to find out what this year's numbers are and nothing is available. Everything is related to corona flu. So the numbers are padded. The press lies.

  2. The misconceptions here is foolish. COVID-19 kills people who have health problems or are infirm.

    However the more stupid people who don't wear masks or socal distance are giving the Caronavirus strength to affect healthy people.

    This is real science people and keep doing what you are doing.
    Don't wear masks.

    Caronavirus doesn't care about politics, religion or if you deny it exists.

    It exists and every idiot spreading misinformation gives it power.

  3. It affects nobody with healthy a immune system, every covid death has a previous underlying condition.

  4. Maybe Covid-19 deaths haven't affected Trump but they've hit 200,000 families. Pretty sad.

  5. I would love him stand in front of Governor. Cuomo in NY and see him let out all his anger on holds barred. :-)

  6. Is this clown still on the air? Biggest goof on TV and there's lots of competition in that department, like every single person on CNN

  7. Yep

  8. "Nobody likes my personality."

    Does that include Trump himself?

    1. Is he trying to state that his personality is a separate entity?

    2. It includes Melania

    3. I didn’t know that being a racist moron was a personality, I learned something new today

  9. Trump had an interview with a woman that he thought was too close. It made him nervous. How about everyone at his rallies not wearing masks and shoulder to shoulder. He couldn't care less about them.

  10. Don't knock colonoscopies --- THEY'RE vital.

    and less disgusting.

  11. If you want to be scared and terrified just watch a trump rally.

  12. Trump acts like now we know the disease. That’s a false narrative. When he didn’t know the disease he didn’t act now he knows the disease and he’s still not acting and lying about it

  13. So when does the DOJ deem any city with a Trumputin rally an "antichrist" jurisdiction?

    1. The antiChrist has

  14. Trump is blaming China for his incompetence. The virus came from China and Trump was told about it by China. International travel is the cause of virus transmission. Trump failed the Americans by doing nothing. Then playing it down. He can spin it all he wants. The blood of the American People is completely his doing and his fault. I must say he’s been the best President ever in something. It’s not making America Great Again. It’s Make America Dead this time!

  15. "thats a negetive spirit and that doesnt do so well" says the guy who won on hateing everyone that isn't you

  16. "Get Donald Trump out of here!"
    -Melania Trump

  17. Describing tRump as America's colonoscopy is both atp, and hilarious.

  18. That thing is one of the worst creatures that evolution has come up with.

  19. I've heard toddlers that made more sense than Trumpty's lackeys and even himself.

    1. What's so childish about super-duper-missiles?

  20. Anarchist jurisdictions cannot vote. Relax, Trump hasn't attacked his own tower and blamed the left for it, yet.

  21. OK, two can play Humpty Dumpty's game: since NYC is an "anarchist zone," and HD is cutting off fed $$$ - Let NY secede and refuse to forward tax revenue! That puts NY almost 200 bilion AHEAD and the feds lose mega $$$. You lose Humpty Humpty.

  22. Publicly he says he doesn't care if anybody likes him, but he cries at night because nobody likes him.

  23. NYC should evict all Trump buildings and businesses in response...

  24. The stupidity of that orange thing.. so sad for 'merica.

  25. Did Colbert just reference Epic Rap Battles of History: Trump Vs. Scrooge??

  26. My 8 yr old step nephew got Corona virus. Trump is literally insane.

  27. No one cares about Trump's personality as long as he finally gets lost!

  28. after 4 years "Trump is not presidential" is getting old - we know - that's why he got elected

  29. As the old Portuguese proverb says: Trump is in the woods without a dog

  30. Trump supporters need CA and NY.. who's gonna pay for their healthcare, dentures, and roads? Not Trump, that's why he moved to Florida.


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