Sir David Attenborough breaks Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram record.

Sir David Attenborough breaks Jennifer Aniston’s Instagram record

Move aside Jennifer Aniston, there’s a new Instagram record-breaker in town. 

Sir David Attenborough has broken the record for the fastest time to reach one million followers on Instagram, reaching the milestone in just over four hours, according to the Guinness World Records. 

That means the 94-year-old naturalist has surpassed the previous record set by Aniston, who reached the one milly mark in five hours and 16 minutes. Before that, the record was five hours and 45 minutes, set by none other than Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Since joining Instagram 24 hours ago, Attenborough has racked up 2.7 million followers. His first ever post gained a whopping 10,257,883 views. Pretty impressive tbh. 

The veteran broadcaster joined the social media platform for a really important reason, too. "This is my first time on Instagram," Attenborough said in his first ever Insta video. "And I'm making this move and exploring this new way of communication to me, because as we all know, the world is in trouble. Continents are on fire. Glaciers are melting. Coral reefs are dying. Fish are disappearing from our oceans. The list goes on and on and on."

Attenborough plans to use his account to share important messages about saving the planet and possible solutions for tackling climate change. Jonnie Hughes and Colin Butfield, who worked on Attenborough's upcoming Netflix film and book A Life On Our Planet, are helping to manage the account. 

Congrats, Sir David, on your record-breaking achievement!


  1. faith in humanity slightly restored

  2. What a man, brings tears to my eyes, I've folliwed him all my life.

  3. A prove that still there is a place for sanity in this world

  4. Were they in a competition? lol seems like the two most random people to compare.

  5. Terrifying ,so many followers of the climate guru, who wants to save the planet by reducing its human population

    1. now that is not a bad thing.

    2. I am normal human ,but when he ,on few recorded occasions said that sending food to the starving people is ''barmy'',Or in one of his speeches in 2013 gave the advice 'Stop feeding the third world nations to lower the population''' He is so obsess with the depopulation ,that he said -human are plug on Earth.,he's worst then Hitler

  6. Jen looking more like a man/her true gender every day

    1. I thought similar when I saw this pic she started to actually looks like Caitlin Jenner!! ;D ;D ;D

    2. the Hollywood illusion isn't working anymore ;D once you see it you can't unsee it lol

    3. You don't have to put people down just because they're more attractive and successful than you.

  7. Wow... Good neuws ;)

  8. Hi everyone who cares about the environment!
    Please go to @CoralCityCamera to learn more of a Coral Reef that’s in danger!
    There are plans to expand a Cruise Ship dock that will hurt the inhabitants of this lovely coral reef :(

  9. I would follow him than Aniston. He has much more least people are having their brains back...

  10. modern celebrity culture is stupid anyway
    who care what an actress is up to?

  11. Yes yes yes!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


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