Huawei is running out of display suppliers as Samsung and LG bail out, report says.

Huawei is running out of display suppliers as Samsung and LG bail out, report says

Huawei's status as the world's largest smartphone maker might get challenged soon, as the company scrambles to get key parts for its phones.

It all started with the U.S. trade ban, which meant Huawei could not get access to Google services or do business with U.S. companies, including chipmakers Qualcomm and Broadcom. 

Now, according to a report by South Korean outlet Chosun Biz (via Android Authority), Korea's LG and Samsung will stop supplying premium smartphone displays to Huawei, starting Sept. 15. It's unclear what "premium" means in this context; the report probably refers to OLED displays, which are used on Huawei's flagships. For example, Huawei's P40 Pro uses a Samsung-made OLED display. 

This is a big deal, as LG and Samsung are among the world's largest supplier of displays, and an important part of Huawei's supply chain. Now, Huawei will have to order displays from China's BOE, as well as other local companies such as Visionox, Tianma and CSOT, but it's uncertain whether those suppliers will be able to produce enough to satisfy Huawei's needs. 

Chosun Biz also says Huawei might have trouble getting display, power management and touch controller chips, and a recent report said Samsung and Hynix will also stop supplying memory chips to Huawei. 

Put all of that together, and it's clear that Huawei will have major issues in putting together smartphones at its desired volumes. It's no wonder that the company reportedly plans to produce just 50 million smartphones in 2021, a 74% year-over-year decline from expected 2020 shipments.


  1. Hahaha. Am sure they’ll figure it out.. They have the means...

    Meantime I love how Supply Chain Mafia tactics are now squeezing them.. It wasn’t long ago they decided to bully the world in safety supplies supply chain... Even buying out foreign reserves while suppressing COVID details in Dec-Jan...

  2. When rich countries search for alternative way of producing there products cheaply they thought they found the perfect country for it and now they are all paying the price

    1. China = Low Price, High Cost...

      Am glad countries woke up to China as outsource (risk), they TOTALLY different than Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Mexico, India...

      Go figure all the other countries are DEMOCRATIC outsource places, where litigation is an option in Breach Of Contract (recourse) .. No such thing in China, you know what they do to lawyers...

    2. hope you don't mind if I correct you ...

      china = low price (but not the lowest anymore), high cost, crappy quality and certainly a scam.

    3. also entails their I.P. Theft and Mafia tactics such as during COVID (when the government coerced companies to renege on their commercial commitments)...

    4. Yeah! It is more competitive than the countries under your list. Concurrently, it has becoming increasingly powerful until USA felt threaten and thus at the pretext of unfair trade, working to get rid of it at all costs in order to maintain its position as the one and only superpower.

    5. meh. Stop whining. China will figure it out, if they are all they say they are... This would be just short term setback for China... AND CMON this is overdue, that America (as usual) was creating the monster that would hurt it (modern history is littered with quite few examples- regime change and despot making)...

  3. You are taling about China.... Thy can set up something tomorrow litterally...

    Then they will start to dominate the whole market

    1. If it was that easy, they would have done it already.

    2. Okaaaay dude lol

    3. exactly right . they are doing it now . just wait and see .

    4. i'll wait and see til that company goes down to bankruptcy

  4. P30 Pro is the best phone I've ever had, newer ones won't be any good without android.
    Expensive camera

  5. Just wait till they go bankrupt and someone like Apple or Samsung will buy them for pennies on the dollar

    1. China would never allow that. They’re are the CCPs darling.

  6. So Samsung and LG will have excess panels? Or laid off factories workers due to lesser demand?

    1. exactly that's what happening now .

  7. If they have done so, then wait for China's turn and their response will be more effective!

  8. Wow! In chinese supplier's eyes, this is a big market shift benefitting them.

  9. World tech company finally wake up and band together to isolate this thieves

  10. This is what you call having a taste of your own medicine

  11. It shows that China copies a lot.

  12. Poor Huawei bad news

  13. Where is the well there is the way

  14. looks like apple will happy for this

    1. if samsung and LG didn't bail out, then US will sanction against Samsung and LG... they don't want any trouble with US i guess.

  15. I'll stick with samsung

  16. It's better than to become slaves

  17. China will benefit more.. They thought Huawei will be down.. Isn't it Ironic?

  18. hala ka patay na wala Oled display

  19. Ban na yan sa US at EU

  20. It's all about business after all, because Huawei dominates the market . . . They find way to bring Huawei down . . . 1st Huawei banned in US .
    Next Google and now Samsung and LG bail out . . .

  21. China is the biggest threat to the survival of our planet.
    Isolate China from the rest of the World, then Bomb them back in to Stone
    Age, 1978 when Chinese worked in the rice fields, there were no cars on
    the streets and having a bike you were considered rich.
    Families had to beg to feed their kids,Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping was Honest,
    had a vision to help his country, unlike our tratator’s wanting to always Steal from our country and betray America ! !
    Boycott all trades with China for good. Snap back all sanctions, that is if we
    Love Our Freedom and Liberty, Land Of The Free !
    After China launched the largest terrorist attack in the history of the world, on the entire world, there is no greater
    enemy to humanity than China. Indeed A crime against humanity !
    China is indeed on a path to self destruction, we just need to help them back in to Stone Age, where we pulled them from.
    It sure was a wrong move by our crooked politicians to shutdown our own productions in favor of hefty kickbacks and Chinese payroll ! !
    Corona virus, now we know it mutates in to the unknown.
    The condition, called multi system inflammatory syndrome in children, appears to be
    a post-viral syndrome, said Dr. Jeffrey Burns, a critical care specialist at Boston Children's Hospital
    Global pandemic a total of 27.6 Millions
    worldwide 190,000 + deaths in US.
    **--**China already won the WMD ( Corona Virus war ) COVID chaos:
    The World has become a prison without bars.
    ‘Awfully close to Genocide’ Kung Flu. US surpasses 5 million coronavirus cases.
    **--** Our very own Crooked, Corrupt Politicians and past Presidents were on
    Chinese Payroll, were all covering up for China to protect China for
    they wanted to remain on Chinas payroll, now they got Exposed and hiding ! !
    What a shame when our Former CIA, FBI Agent Charged With Spying For Chinese Communist Party
    Chinese Spy sleeper cell had to fill the voids and are actively protecting China, now we know who these Spys are, Let the FBI go get them !
    If we Love our Freedom and Liberty, then we need to rise to Isolate China from the rest of the World,
    then Bomb them back in to Stone Age !
    We face tough challenges with China, " The Super Power, "
    China Threatens EMP Attack on U.S. Ships in South China Sea
    Russia, Turkey the known ISIS benefactor, North Korea and Iran with Nuclear Ambitions.
    China Masses Amphibious Assault Armor on Taiwan Strait


    1. I don't know where you're from but citizens and governments aren't the same thing.

    2. any countries will have such things happen, some ruler was good but later replaced with different visions. Similarly happened to strong country now. Winner with Russian help or corruption. No one know who is the person in power.


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