Bill Gates was not expecting all the unhinged COVID-19 conspiracy theories.


Bill Gates was not expecting all the unhinged COVID-19 conspiracy theories

After warning about the dangers of a pandemic for years, Bill Gates looks like the most prescient man in America. But there was one thing he did not see coming: the conspiracy theories swirling around the coronavirus epidemic, and the fact that he would be at the center of many of them.

While giving an interview at the virtual health conference STAT Summit on Tuesday, Gates repeatedly skirted questions about how the anti-science messages of the Trump administration were affecting the coronavirus response. One question he did answer was whether he and America's reassuringly straight-talking grandpa — Dr. Anthony Fauci — ever commiserated about the prevalence of conspiracy theories. Especially those concerning, well, them.

Gates shared that he was taken aback.

"The idea of these conspiracies — What is the purpose of the vaccine? Is it microchipping, population control? — that was so unexpected that I don't think either Tony or I had great advice for each other, other than, hey, keep on giving that fact-based message," Gates said.

A new analysis of COVID-19 misinformation, based on a representative sample of 1,040 U.S. adults, found that 13 percent of Americans believe the conspiracy theory claiming "Bill Gates is behind the coronavirus pandemic." The report, published in the Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, also found 25 percent believe that "the coronavirus is being used to force a dangerous and unnecessary vaccine on Americans." 

Those numbers and the general rise of conspiracy theories are certainly depressing. But at least Tony and Bill can talk it out with each other.



  1. The true conspiracy is that Bill Gates created the COVID conspiracies about him to distract from the Extra-Terrestrial human-trafficking ring he’s involved in. What a supervillain.

    1. You’ve most our lizard overlord

  2. The tracking chips are already on our phones, not in the vaccines.

    1. NO. Those are for the phones. THEY WANT TO CHIP PEOPLE.


    3. Chipping people isn’t practical or feasible, they can accomplish the same with phones, tracking, cashless payment, social score, since everyone has a phone already. Think about it, the chips are already in everyone’s hands. They already mass distributed it without having to ask permission. Vaccination they will use as an excuse to contact trace (tracking).

  3. We weren't expecting Event 201. We were not expecting him to shout 'grenade' and then pull the pin. We are expecting more hype now from media though and continued lack of transparency from the NIH.

  4. What a lame 100 word article, Mashable is crap. Unliking this page immediately!


  5. I am trusting Bill Gates because hi is dealing with viruses since windows 95. ;D

  6. It's all in crazy people minds, not real "genetically modified organisms intended to treat or prevent coronavirus disease" ;D

    "Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the conduct of clinical trials with and supply of medicinal products for human use containing or consisting of the…genetically modified organisms intended to treat or prevent coronavirus disease
    COM/2020/261 final"


  8. If theres no Conspiracy theres no need to use the Military for it theres no need to force the vaccine on ANYONE. Theres no need to get upset about what people are theorizing if you dont actually have that as part of your plan. But that is part of the plan and that is why it is in FACT A CONSPIRACY.

    Instead of saying I dont understand why they think that answer the questions!!
    Why do we need to vaccinate for a virus with high survival rate of 95%? We dont.
    Why is the Military involved and this is a Military Operation when it has NO NEED for any brute force of Armed Convoy Delivery if its a 95% survival rate most dont think they need the vaccine so NO ONE has any reason to worry about how it gets delivered.

    If its only been 2 months why the rush to push something NOT FDA approved on Society?

    WHAT IS LOCKSTEP BILL? Why is Lock Step not being talked about by you?
    Because if it was half the Americans wanting to take that WOULDNT.

    Why is it that the two clowns who went to college together are suddenly both at the helm of the pandemic giving advise that ignores all prior studies showing masks dont work including Dr Faucis own opinion himself?

    What was Aaron Russo talking about when he said the Rockefellers had a plan to get everyone to take the chips and there was going to be an Event... Then 911 happened
    then the push for National ID Cards... WHich is what Nicholas told Aaron would happen.
    He said if they dont go along with it well just shut off their chip... What was he talking about Bill?

    Do your Vaccines contain Chips? If not how will TRACK who has been Vaccinated Bill?

    None of these questions are being answered and until they are NO ONE SHOULD TAKE THAT VACCINE OR BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS.

    Conspiracy theory or not.

    "Those numbers and the general rise of conspiracy theories are certainly depressing."

    Americans asking questions is NOT depressing its inspiring to know that they arent all brain dead zombies eating up everything the media says and are questioning what they put in their bodies.

    1. Cuckoo I Feel Crazy GIF

  9. Its comforting for scared people to have someone to blame, to scapegoat.


    2. No one is afraid it not going away because we all know about something called herd immunity it is the media who is acting like theres not such thing and we must push vaccines on people.

  10. ... philanthropist said ;D

  11. What did he have to do with the virus?


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