SpaceX releases Starlink app, prices for satellite internet service.


SpaceX releases Starlink app, prices for satellite internet service

Elon Musk's high-speed satellite internet experiment is finally taking off. 

The Starlink satellites from SpaceX will start to connect users to WiFi this week. CNBC reported Tuesday that SpaceX emails about pricing for early users went out Monday . 

According to the documents CNBC viewed, Starlink service will be $99 per month. There's also an upfront $499 charge for a starter kit that includes the equipment necessary to connect — a terminal, tripod, and WiFi router. We reached out to SpaceX for confirmation on pricing, but didn't hear back.

A Starlink app from SpaceX available on iOS (see screenshots below) and Android is now up; it gives more info about early access and how to connect to the internet system. 

The initial program is called "Better Than Nothing Beta." The U.S. and Canada are listed as service areas by the end of the year. Global coverage is coming next year. 

In the past few weeks, SpaceX has started rolling out coverage to beta testers in parts of the U.S. and helped out with high-speed internet access during wildfire outages


  1. I will pay it in a heartbeat. I have to use crappy t mobile lte router at an overpriced rate. I have no other reasonable options

  2. Satellite internet or tv servic is only a viable option where there are no other options. I had dishnetwork for a brief 2 years. Those were the worst 2 years of tv service. As soon as the sky gets dark or overcast...nothing...mind u this is in floriduh!! Lol

  3. So he expects us to pay double per month. And $500 upfront? I thought the whole purpose was to give everyone on earth free wifi? Also 50mbps/150mbps is like dial up speed. I currently get 400mbps/940mbps.

    1. I think that was his initial pipe dream. In reality, this kind of service is intended for more rural areas where people are paying that much for less than 10Mbps. I don't think you have any clue whats going on anyways since you think 50mbps is dial up speed, its actually 0.05mbps

    2. It's for people like me who pay 70 a month for spotty 20 mbps because it's the only option. Also, dial up speed was like 54kbps. Just fyi, 1mb = 1024kb.

    3. I understand that in rural areas the necessity for even a basic internet connection. My point was that in order for musk to even get permission to launch 1,200 satellites he touted it as free internet for all. Now is charging $1200 dollars a year for the same slow spotty coverage that rural areas already have. This is his cave submarine all over again.

    4. Did you ever use dial up in your life? I guess not
      Also, the 499.00 cost is not just an "upfront payment", IT IS THE REQUIRED EQUIPMENT COST, which includes the THE DISH ANTENNA, the WiFi Router/Modem, the Tripod to install the antenna and the power and data cables, and it is your after all. A regular ISP would charge you a deposit fee to keep THEIR equipment at your house, and you have to return it if you cancel the service...
      Did you even read the article like to understand it, rather than to complaint about it right away? Geeezzz!

    5. Have you ever heard of sarcasm? I guess not

    6. I don’t recall seeing any articles that ever said it’s intended to be free for everyone. Better option for rural areas, yes, but not free. Please link if you have your source, ‘cause now I’m curious.

    7. I misunderstood. He said it will be free in some areas. The quote was "low cost to free internet". Still, $500 for equipment plus $100 per month? Not very low cost. My sarcasm remains valid. Lol.

    8. It's not the same slow spotty coverage. High enough speeds for anything with a low latency. The problem with traditional satellite coverage is the high latency, over 1000

    9. I get 4-10 mbps. I'll pay any amount they come up with

    10. I had to pay 300 upfront and another 200 for my modem and that's just for standard fttn

    11. You're not the target market.

    12. This dude and people in 3rd world countries that don't have internet.

    13. Its Elon Musk he will find a way to drive the price down.

    14. I pay $80+ a month for 10mbps. If someone turns on their laptop kiss your steaming goodbye. We turn off our wifi on our phones just to watch movies. Ill gladly pay $100 a month and any upfront cost for better internet service.

  4. 500 upfront and 100 a month to clutter the sky with space debris ill pass

  5. A lot of folks here have no idea what rural internet is like.

  6. Coverage in East Asia?

  7. Oh wait, did y'all just realise that Musk is a crony capitalist? ;D Come on people

  8. I've been watching this project, hope it can help me out

  9. I love how they said starlink internet would be free. Now there are prices. Worthless.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. It needs to come to Canada

  12. Typical capitalist spewing shits about how it is an progress! But really it is all about grabbing most buck out of it possibly could.

    1. Or you could see it as someone who is actually starting to provide internet to places that had no access at all. Internet also means education & knowledge

    2. Ignorance at its best!

    3. It’s a better and cheaper per mbps option than what currently exists for rural areas. So yes, by definition, it’s literally progress.

    4. dude LOL - unlimited internet in my area is only $40 per month. It's fast too. Sorry - $99 per month plus $500 upfront is insane. Progress - sure. Canada and USA have most expensive internet/mobility plans in the whole world. Congratulation to ourselves because it's a progress! Just like 5G scam.

    5. Key Phrase: "In my area" - Other areas aren't as fortunate and don't have what options you have, which is the whole point.

    6. $99 an month is rip off no matter where. Simple truth.

    7. I pay 113 a month for 2-3 MBS then 118 for dish a month. This is not a rip off for those of us who do not have access to fiber or any other service due to corporate greed of ATT and Windstream and spectrum. So you saying this is a rip off is a relative term.

    8. @StefCholws - Supply/demand. If an area can’t get speeds as fast as what SpaceX is offering and somebody living there wants those speeds, then the price SpaceX offers is literally the best deal they’re going to get. Simple concept. ;)

    9. @StefCholws - Also, in this thread alone, somebody is saying they’re paying $113/month for 3mbps. THAT is a ripoff in comparison to this. Don’t hate on something without considering what it means for those with less fortunate options.

    10. are you stupid? In some places they are paying as mutch or even more for dail up or dsl internet that is slower. Or even wors they have to use a slow lte router to have internet. With this you can have internet in the middle of nowhere where there is no cellular data or cable or even power (with a battery or generator)

    11. Just because you got internet at you're place or food it is not that they have internet or enough food in africa or other places.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. rip off is what it is. Simple. The estimated cost of the StarLink constellation is 10 billion US dollars

      Let's go with your scenario if everyone are able to access and using. Let's say 2 billions people around world. Let's say it is generally expensive on average of around $50 a month per person excluding upfront costs. StarLink stand to make $1.2 trillion an year.

      So you can see how numbers quickly add up. System was extremely cheap to set up and maintaining. Profit from it is instantly substantial which warrented my opinion that it is rip off.

      That's what it is.

    14. and unlimited in my area is like 6M for $100 a month, so I'm all for it. Your area is like 10% of the people on earth situation, maybe. Everyone else could use this and be pretty happy.

    15. you should ditch your ATT. USA sounds expensive. Lol. Mine is just $40. Unlimited fibre. 🤷😁 I think even $40 a month is rip off too.

    16. You clairly don't know what it costs to disign prepare and launch and maintain the satelites? Also the dish and router disign, testing and production and so on! They are gonne make money but not that mutch. Other isp's are making mutch more money. Just accept that it is awsome for internet underdeveloped places.

    17. still doesn't change fact that it is rip off. 💰 💰 💰

    18. this service is available to everyone globally. So it's going to be more than 10% of world population. Rip off price. That's what it is.

    19. oke so just because it is not free it is a rip off? Newsflash that is not how this world works. Nothing is free so in your reasoning everything is a rip off? Lol

    20. anyway. I am gonne go now. Have a good day!

    21. Can’t seem to change your level of understanding either. You literally have people telling you this is a good deal for their area and you can’t see beyond your own bubble of experience and existence.

    22. I think $5 a month is very reasonable. Just saying.

    23. good night and may StarLink watch over you and sucking money out of you. 😂😂😂😂😂

    24. I am all for bringing internet to everyone. In fact I think it should be part of our evolving human right.

      Problem is..... Lot of people just simply can't afford it. So let's be honest. StarLink wasn't an charity for everyone. It was business that launched by Elon Musk and decided to charge $100 an month indiscriminately whether you live in rugged part of North America. It is rip off. Your defense is that internet is better than nothing. While I agree but it still doesn't change fact that StarLink is not charity and it is there to make $$$$$$. Unfortunately it is rip off priced. Just luxury for those who are privileged to afford it.

    25. you don’t even know! $99/Month in rural areas is cheap! We paid $140/month for internet that reaches 20/MBPS if we are lucky!

    26. $140 for 20/MBPS is.

      But to get good internet in these areas $100 is not.

    27. good for you. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Still doesn't change the grand scheme of it that it is an rip off price.

    28. @StefCholws - Correct and I don’t recall anybody else ever saying it’s a charity except you. They are a for profit company that offers better options for people in certain areas. By definition, that IS progress.

    29. by your definition. Only people who have luxury to afford better options is an progress. You'd make a good politician.

      👍🏼🙏🤷💰💰💰💰💰💰. Still rip off. Lol


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