John Oliver has a creative suggestion for pranking Trump's voter fraud hotline.


John Oliver has a creative suggestion for pranking Trump's voter fraud hotline

U.S. election week has been long, hectic, and filled with highs and lows — and amid the tension of the lengthy vote count, Donald Trump's baseless claims of fraud, and the fact America will soon be getting a brand new president in Joe Biden, it's more than possible that you may have missed a few things along the way.

Here to break everything down with a handy recap is John Oliver. In the video above, the Last Week Tonight host debunks the Trump campaign's evidence-free claims of a 'stolen' election before going on to hint at a creative contribution people could make to the very real (and already heavily-pranked) voter fraud hotline that Trump's team has set up.

"The Trump campaign also set up this website and phone number, where they invited people to submit evidence of voter fraud," Oliver explains in the clip. "Meaning that if you, say, wanted to supply them with an incident that you found suspicious, you could do that. 

"You still can, actually — you can go to this address and send them whatever evidence you want. There's even an option to add photographic proof, and, quick fun fact here (I don't know why I'm even mentioning this) a political term for election shenanigans is 'rats fucking.' So if you, say, happened to have any access to images of Pennsylvania-based rats fucking, it's frankly your patriotic duty to send them to the Trump campaign, straight away."

We anticipate a long week for the person manning that hotline's inbox.



  1. They already gamed the system...cheating is their high card!

  2. Hey you might have something. Since the vote was even closer in2016 let’s go back and count those votes. Hillary had the popular vote, so just maybe the electoral college was wrong.

    1. Im betting the republicans cheated then too and with Gore.

  3. An ally from Asia talked frankly about the Fraud!

  4. First I wanna know, did you donate to Trump's campaign in 2016 as you promised ;D, Jonhn???

  5. So much for biden's leadershipin everyone getting along.

    1. Feeling sorry for the orang blob???

    2. Give him a chance ffs. It is still Trump at the moment leading the country but he is hiding in the White House O.O

    3. Spread kindness and not hate for 4 years and let's see where we are then.

    4. He isn’t even there yet.. this is still trumps presidency until Jan 20th. Trump deserves the troll because he can’t accept the loss and is trying to throw our elections under the bus.

    5. Trumpsters have no sense of humor...suddenly such snowflakes

    6. To soon! We are still under Frumpee and until 1/20/2021 it’s still on!

    7. So much its been a whole weekend we have to get you trumpers to stop drinking golden showers first

    8. When Trump is lurking about and his trumpanzees, chaos will soon follow!

    9. Who ever believes that, thinks the days when snowflakes melted still exist....trump did teach a great many lessons.

    10. The MSM and Big Tech are doing great harm by pushing Biden as the “projected” winner and ignoring / censoring allegations of fraud. There are law suits and plenty of irregularities to sift thru.

  6. Minions Laugh

  7. Joe Biden vs clone joe Biden debate anyone ? Lmmmaaasoo

  8. Can't stand him....he should stay in england

  9. If Trumps republicans think a majority of Americans are going to accept this, theyre living in an alternate reality.

  10. This is a democratic ploy to cast doubt. Democrats are the lowest form of life. They say they want equality and fairness but are the most racist and liars and thrives. If there was nothing to hide put it on display. But they always have something to hide.

    1. Nope. Lying liar Trump who lies all the time, is lying about losing.

    2. You're the greatest fraud when you shout "fraud" without evidence.

    3. All kinds of evidence. Has been for several elections.


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