John Oliver breaks down Trump's severe mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic.


John Oliver breaks down Trump's severe mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic

Donald Trump has made so many headlines with his serious mishandling of the pandemic that it's difficult to keep track of them all.

Enter John Oliver. The Last Week Tonight host has previously criticized the president's early response to the pandemic, as well as his handling of testing — but in the video above, he breaks down everything that Trump got wrong.

As you might imagine, it's a long list. And after talking in depth about Trump's chaotic European travel ban, his administration's delays in securing PPE, and his bungled communication and outright lies about the virus, Oliver admits that 20 minutes isn't nearly enough time to cover the president's mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"There are so many more terrible moments we haven't even had time to cover, from using this racist term multiple times, to never once releasing a comprehensive federal strategy for fighting COVID, to removing a watchdog overseeing two trillion dollars in COVID relief, to saying he asked his people to slow down testing, which his people then tried to pass off as him kidding, to which he responded 'I don't kid,' to baselessly claiming that doctors are inflating coronavirus death counts for money, to suggesting sunlight and ingesting disinfectants could help cure the virus, to repeatedly undermining the nation's top infectious disease expert — at one point, he retweeted #FireFauci, and got so openly jealous of him that when Fauci was invited to throw the opening pitch at a Nationals game, Trump announced he'd be doing the same for the Yankees, surprising them since they'd not actually invited him."

Oliver concludes by saying that while Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wouldn't magically end the pandemic if elected, he'll at least take it seriously.

"It's pretty bleak that that alone sounds good, but it really does," Oliver says. "'Cuz at this point, Trump is clearly bored of hearing about COVID, and I am sorry about that. But you know what's been completely exhausting for the rest of us? Worrying about it all the time."



  1. That's funny Gavin Newsome was gushing over Trump and the federal response to COVID-19 earlier this year.

    1. Cuz he knew Herr Trump would impede supplies to anyone who didn’t grovel. Not a huge Gavin fan, but he does what he has to to take care of CA.

  2. The irony of Trump supporters (or even worse, WWG1WGA idiots) calling the rest of us sheep will never not make me laugh.

  3. Biden's plan during debate: masks, testing and plexiglass dividers. It's all been done, Joe. What else do ya got?

    1. tell you what he DOESN'T got, the coronavirus!

    2. Yes, it has been done...because it WORKS!! Whar does Trump have?? His plan is to IGNORE it!! You sound like an ignoramus

    3. I guess we’ll find out in January.

    4. Yeah, a president who understands and supports science. Who would have thought?

    5. It actually has and works, except your orange baboon makes fun of anyone who does it.

    6. love how you guys say they follow science, the same science that says there's more than 2 genders ;D ;D ;D ;D. Science is only when it fits the agenda huh?

    7. Joe plans to tall in complete sentences expressing thoughtful plans and programs.
      Trump = Whining and word salad .

  4. wasent it that dr fauci guy telling trump that it was more dangerous than it was

  5. Replies

  6. I have never watched more than 2 minutes of this hacks show, he's not funny and can't say anything good about our POTUS.

    1. Well.... there’s really not much good to say, is there? Inferior in every way to Obama (or either Bush).

      Watch more than 2 minutes. Learn something.

    2. I don't need a late night hack or an idiot to tell me that Trump is the best president this country has ever seen, because I was educated in school, not indoctrinated.

  7. This is getting old guys

  8. Yawn. democrats would have left the country wide open... thank your lucky stars its not worse.

  9. Yeah, the Republicans are going to feel the repercussions of going full fascist when they are voted out in mass next week.

  10. Wake up dude you are dreaming again

  11. Do you understand what fascism is? For all you know YOU could be a fascist. Do you want an ultra right wing, single party system that embraces nationalism and military power? Well, you might be a fascist.

  12. I know it must be hard for you to support american values when they include society working together to achieve collective goals, but that is the only way we move forward. Trump is just moving us backward.

  13. Better stay off the good stuff for a while it is clouding your judgement

  14. Is that what you think? Any time someone describes something you can't understand you think they are on drugs? Pretty much the epitome of Trumplican thinking

  15. You seem like a person that's going to be screaming at the sky soon, there will be no mass vote out of Republicans, as real Americans have opened their eyes to the true enemies of our country, and that enemy is the new democratic party that is so far left, real democrats are #walkingaway!


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