Elon Musk will reportedly lay off thousands of Twitter employees by Friday morning | Mashable.

Elon Musk will reportedly lay off thousands of Twitter employees by Friday morning

And it will all be done via email.

Twitter's new CEO Elon Musk is expected to implement massive staff cuts on Friday. Credit: STR / NurPhoto Via Getty Images

Elon Musk's plan to put a few thousand Twitter employees out of work is proceeding at a brutal pace. Platformer's Casey Newton reports that workers received an email on Thursday evening informing them that they'll know if they still have a job by 9 a.m. PST on Friday. That information will also be conveyed by email, in a move almost as heartless as the layoffs themselves.

Twitter employees still able to call themselves Twitter employees by this weekend will be informed of their stay of execution in a message to their work email address. Their colleagues being sent to join the unemployment line will get the news in their personal email accounts, according to NBC News reporter Ben Collins. The emails are expected to begin arriving on Friday morning.

In the meantime, Twitter's offices have been closed and everyone told to go home and await their fate.

"We recognize that this will impact a number of individuals who have made valuable contributions to Twitter, but this action is unfortunately necessary to ensure the company’s success moving forward," the email reportedly read.

"Thank you for continuing to adhere to Twitter policies that prohibit you from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press or elsewhere. We are grateful for your contributions to Twitter and your patience as we move through this process."

Newton reports that Twitter employees are posting the saluting emoji in the company's Slack — a stoic farewell and gesture of respect to their colleagues as the ship goes down. They're also sharing Thanos memes, likening Musk's massive staff cuts to the Marvel supervillain's plan to kill half of the universe's population.

Though the email was unsigned, it's no secret who was ultimately behind it. Musk has been vocal about wanting to lay off a huge swathe of Twitter's workforce as soon as possible, having literally started firing people the day his takeover was finalised. Reports have varied regarding exactly how many of Twitter's 7,500 employees will lose their jobs at Musk's whim, however it's been speculated the number could reach as high as 75 percent.

Musk has been frantically trying to squeeze more money out of Twitter after initially attempting to back out of the $44 billion acquisition deal. These enormous staff cuts appear integral to his efforts, along with a deluge of wildly unpopular changes to the platform.

These layoffs are awful and are likely to negatively impact Twitter's quality, but hopefully some employees will find it a blessing in disguise. Collins reports that a few are hoping to be laid off so they can get severance, with the culture at Twitter having become "beyond toxic."

Between Musk's unreasonable deadlines making overworked employees sleep in the office and the threat of unemployment constantly looming over everyone's heads, it's no wonder people are looking for the doors.

Mashable has contacted Twitter for comment.

UPDATE: Nov. 4, 2022, 4:36 p.m. AEDT It seems Musk isn't wasting any time. Employees are already being locked out of Twitter's network, which they believe indicates they've been laid off.

More in TwitterElon Musk


  1. I honestly have never used Twitter & never felt the need for it

    1. exactly ! Twitter seem lame to me 😉 waste of money Elon !

  2. That's a small percentage of overhead for Twitter. I see more advertisers leaving, which is probably way more significant for cash flow.

    1. when you axe the employee in charge of getting the advertisers and contracting with them - you know, the details, it makes it harder to make $$

    2. twitter was already going to layoff a lot of folks before Elon took over. They already were having financial problems. Been on the news for months.

    3. "Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists.

      Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America."

    4. activist groups talking to advertisers is free speech. Advertising is just business.

    5. Well he is a certified genius businessman 🤷🏽‍♀️

    6. i agree.. everyone is blaming Musk for the layoffs. It was coming. Musk now needs to clean house and get back to free speech.. not the leftist communist speech.

    7. I agree fully. Advertisers have the right to choose their product placement for ads, and a 500% increase in racial slurs is not what most companies want associated with them.

      Activists are engaging in the free speech protected by the 1st Amendment in the US, and by legislation like the Charter of Rights in Canada and other countries.

    8. you do know that any issues with Twitter is not a free speech issue. If the government came in and shut them down or interrupted their business based on opinion of posts. Then you have a freedom of speech issue.

    9. Yes, totally agree. As I said just above to Josh.

  3. Mashable needs to worry about how useless it is .before they have to lay off people.

    1. why are you goose stepping on their page if you hate it?

    2. go complain about Mashable on twitter then.

    3. and yet here you are commenting.

    4. right? Amazing the guys that make these comments and don’t realize the irony lmao

  4. When the new boss the new owner comes in . The things change the employees will be replace . These employees knew the chances of being replace if and when Musk would take over . Hopefully they have found another job to go to after musk took over twitter

  5. He will have to do way more to recover his "investment" 😅

  6. So much for these billionaires and businesses adding jobs 😝 but seriously makes be wonder why there were so many people working and overnight not needed.

    1. He’s laying off the censors… you know, the arbiters of ‘disinformation’ … those goons.

  7. I can’t believe he’s not meeting with every person he lays off! I’m offended!

    1. You understand reputable organizations have someone meet face to face or at minimum a phone call from someone. Not the CEO genius.

    2. the email will have a notification “Just by opening this email you hereby relinquish any rights to any action against your employer, it’s affiliates, owners, or customers.”

    3. you understand many of these people work from home and to try to call everyone would take weeks right? This is just the evolution of the “pink slip”. I wish it were more personal, but this is the way it is. Mashable is only vilifying Musk because it wants to flex its virtue flag, and it’s annoying.

    4. You couldn’t be more wrong. A five minute phone call is not that difficult

  8. Yeaaaaah well...

    Elon Musk on Twitter: "Some hate humanity, but I love humanity so much" / Twitter.Jun 5, 2022

    1. his idea of humanity is making as many copies of himself as is possible.

    2. your post is spot on. I'm honestly laughing at the Musk tweet and #irony

      Just sayin' because braindead conservatards use laugh react when comments are above their heads

  9. He should be doing it by tweet, one at a time.

  10. Shoot! I am worried about my position as the social ethics supervisor. 🤣

  11. "I feel the Need...the Need, to Tweet!" -said no one ever.

  12. He’ll be laying them off but they’ll be on the payroll for 60 days. So, basically he’s emailing them to give them all an extended vacation.

    1. no not really. You get to come back to work after a vacation. In this case you come back unemployed

    2. Probably will, since California has laws about the warnings needed for mass layoffs. Maybe he stays under the threshold, but if not, then he probably will to comply with the law.

  13. Oh bravo lord Musk; doing your part to bring on the planned recession

  14. Lay off means he fire them? In Holland such mismanagement is not possibel. Employer has to go to the judge to fire a employee!

  15. Well half of the people probably work from home

  16. You can’t make a company profitable when you’ve got a bunch of people who are just doing enough to keep their jobs. The ones staying are those who have a history of good performance.

  17. Not via tweet? 😕

  18. By email? Where's the irony in that? Use Tweets!

  19. Hopefully employees abandon ship, terrible boss...obviously doesn't care about you

  20. Remember what Twitter employees told keystone pipeline employees go find another job. WELL KARMA IS AMAZING. TWITTER EMPLOYEES GO FIND ANOTHER JOB SIMPLE. 

  21. Don't they have twitter accounts?

  22. @Musk. Seems you hate the voting block that is your typical car buyer. Good luck with your new fascist friends and good luck with the Nazi Maga thugs buying your cars

  23. Everyone is. This is a dumb post

  24. Maybe rehire them as boarder patrol.

  25. Good. They can move right over to Blue Sky.

  26. Now they'll have to censor worldviews on their own time!

  27. Liberal heads over heating

  28. he can close it for all I care.

  29. Take America back again and slam the wokeness to the ground. Can’t wait for Tuesday.

  30. You don’t need 7500 people to run a website

  31. Spoiled kid behavior

  32. Good riddance 🤣😅😂

  33. nobody needs those CIA Puppets - suppoters of the NWO - Nazi World Order

  34. Elon is in panic mode . . . 💩

  35. I’m quitting Facebook for twitters

  36. Who cares about Twitter

  37. Good for those ungrateful twats. Lol. Tweet twat. Haha

  38. A tyrant, an idiot and a coward.

  39. & the fanboys will cheer 🤷‍♀️

  40. "Milhouse, you're cut"

  41. He's not gonna individually tweet? LAME.


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