Twitter is asking some of the employees it fired to come back, report claims | Mashable.

Twitter is asking some of the employees it fired to come back, report claims

From the "you can't make this up" department.

We may have made a terrible mistake. Credit: Anadolou Agency/Getty Images

Twitter, under the fresh tenure of Elon Musk, fired roughly half of its workforce last week. And now, the company is asking some of those employees to come back.

This is according to a new report by Bloomberg, which claims that Twitter is reaching out to "dozens of employees" to return to the social media company. The news of Twitter reaching out to employees who were fired was first reported by Casey Newton, who said Twitter was putting together a list of names to invite back.

Some of these people were reportedly laid off by mistake, while others were let go, but then Twitter's management realized these employees are actually needed to build the new features Musk wants.

A possible example of this is an exchange on Twitter on Nov. 1, where Musk tweeted about building a paywall bypass for some publishers. An ex-Twitter employee nicknamed SillyRobin replied that Musk has fired the team working on that particular feature, before listing more examples of Musk or his associates talking about new or upcoming features after firing the teams in charge of building them.

Twitter laid off roughly 3,700 people last week, mostly via email and without prior warning, Bloomberg claims. Musk addressed the layoffs in a tweet, saying the reduction was necessary as the company was losing over $4 million dollars per day.

Amidst the layoffs, Musk has also been very busy tweeting about upcoming features and improvements for Twitter. One of them, the rollout of blue checkmarks to Twitter Blue subscribers, has already been delayed until after the midterm elections Tuesday.

More in Twitter, Elon Musk


  1. Shame they were not unionized. The employees would have some real power behind them. That being said , I hope those employees milk as many benefits and salary as possible

    1. Can you please send me a friend request so we can be friends and get to know more about each other if you don't mind

    2. Oh no, this generation is anti-union and Elon is their great white pro free-speech savior and anti-capitalist hope…LMAO!

    3. the same thought…. 🙂 the more the better

    4. the more I talk to this generation, the more they see the benefits of a union. So many young adults watched parents struggle without any kind of Union protection. It is making a difference

  2. Paywall bypass takes an entire team!? Sounds like their payroll was a little bloated if they can fire 50% and only need to ask for "a few dozen" to return. That's only 1% of the people let go and .05% of the total workforce.

  3. Is this part of the genius master plan? 🙄

    1. Can you please send me a friend request so we can be friends and get to know more about each other if you don't mind

    2. Next move, name Kanye Chief Communications Officer.

  4. I'd charge him no less than $50 million to come back.

    Pretty sure they've got the leverage in this scenario. 🤣🤡

  5. Not surprising, especially when new owners say “slim us down” to save money and bean counters don’t know or care enough about who does what and how it affects the performance of the company as a whole. Oh look, we just fired the very people we need.

    1. Don't know if I buy this, people in India are much cheaper and they said this kind of job is going to be outsourced by most companies soon.

  6. Money says he will get bored with trying to run the entire company by himself, appoint a new board and CEO, then get back to whatever it is he does. I don't think he likes actually WORKING on a daily basis 🤔

  7. They should re-name Twitter "Gong Show." I'm being polite.

  8. They cannot find the keys to open the office….

  9. I’m assuming he’s trying to avoid the lawsuits that have been filed due to the surprise layoffs. I’m saying assuming because I’m not giving you my email to finish reading the article

  10. Hope this is the universal response:🖕🏻

  11. At twice the salary they were on I hope!

    1. Can you please send me a friend request so we can be friends and get to know more about each other if you don't mind

  12. Fired or laid off? There is a difference.

  13. Apparently, you can, make that up…

  14. I keep saying Musk is nuts and he really is.

    1. you really believe this ‘claim’. Did you fact check it? Curious

  15. Mashable is so painfully transparent it’s hilarious.

  16. Find something better to do!

  17. There's something very creepy about Elon Musk.

  18. I think everyone should drop out of Twitter, show him that his money may be able to buy this company but the people who are on it make it relevant!!! He's just a filthy rich bully!!!

  19. Typical when someone starts firing people without 1st doing research!!!!!

  20. I once wrote code with the most descriptive function names ever. Got kicked from the project cos management ego got hurt (by something I wasn't even responsible for but I was happy to take the chance to just quit altogether). For days I watched my project manager and some other guy struggling to understand my code while making fun of them with my friend who'd seen my code and who couldn't believe they were that dumb either. Best part was there was a bug I'd already solved but I didn't make the change before handing it over. Fun memory triggered by this.

  21. I would tell him 20 grand per week, ten week minimum. Up front.

  22. He doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Maybe it’s time to just let him sink. He can’t keep playing with peoples lives like this. I find no integrity in this man’s character.

  23. Scenarios like this are what the middle finger is made for.

  24. Under new conditions and employment dispute mitigation... Drain the swamp did he.

  25. Never go back to something that has wronged you.

  26. It appears that the russian bots are very active on this post.

  27. Lmfao... "You can't make this up"

    But, you know, even if it wasn't true the people at Mashable would make it up anyways because not one of them has a shred of journalistic integrity

  28. Coming from Mashable this is probably FakeNews

  29. And in other news....Musk is telling people to vote R. What a shock! 😂

  30. Hope their all demanding pay rises

  31. Someone forgot to ask for the production repo's password.

  32. Another well run organization .

  33. So if Facebook says it’s true….it must be true. ‘Claims’ allows anything to be said about anyone. Smh.

    1. Facebook didn't say anything

    2. sorry. It’s the same truth….and it’s allowed on FB so it has been given the ok by FB. You know they fact check all these claims. Yeah. Just like all the people on here did.

  34. Oh yeah, that's normal

  35. If they are smart they should know why they are being asked to come back . Employees have rights know them and use them. But you can always go back and pray they don't fire you again this time legally covering themselves.

  36. See this is what billioner s does knows nothing 😂😂😂

  37. Who's report?..🇺🇲😆

  38. Idiot branded as a genius buys a company on a whim and almost ruins it, story as old as time?

  39. If I had a large pay off I would tell them to run and jump. That twat have just wasted all that money he paid for the platform and all of his own doing.😂😂😂

  40. Get more pay from the Chief Twat!!!

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  42. I hope they decline or demand double their salary to return.


  44. That considers a new hire and it is time to negotiate new salary and compensation

  45. Lol zero outrage when 11,000 keystone pipeline workers lose there jobs or military members and Americans losing jobs when they didn’t get the shot, but heads exploding over a tech company changing hands and firing staff 😂 weird but ok

  46. Surprise, surprise🖕

  47. Welcome to the “at will” employment contract you did not read, but you signed, when you accepted the job.
    Most of all that’s the nature of corporate America 🇺🇸

    The whole lay off drama is quite common and happens everyday in big tech mergers and aquisitions. Just because it’s Elon , doesn’t really make this move a huge shocker.

    “Learn to accept it and move on “
    Says those whom faced the same fate with all large corps world wide , that nobody cares about.

    Why are these employees so special?? Why should they get special treatment? You are not “entitled” or ever guaranteed a job. Period.

    Welcome to the real world , Corporate America, USA .

    Don’t like it ? Think you can do better ? Go start your own enterprise .

  48. What happens when you have someone with ADHD running amok in a billion-dollar company without checks & balances...

  49. Replies
    1. Can you please send me a friend request so we can be friends and get to know more about each other if you don't mind

  50. I bet the Human Rights team won't be among them

  51. Replacing a team....this normal

  52. It would be funny if it wasn't so insane, sad, and predictable.

  53. God what a fuckin shit show

  54. OMG - @Twitter is doomed


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