Twitter Blue's relaunch has been delayed again, this time to avoid Apple's 30 percent fee | Mashable.

Twitter Blue's relaunch has been delayed again, this time to avoid Apple's 30 percent fee

Just in case you were waiting for it to come back for some reason.                                                                                                                     
Elon Musk's surprise at a 14-year-old Apple policy has put a delay on Twitter Blue's relaunch. Credit: Silas Stein / Picture Alliance Via Getty Images

Twitter Blue's relaunch has reportedly been delayed once again, meaning anyone who wanted to buy Twitter's useless blue tick badge will have to wait a bit longer. At this point it's probably best to assume it won't arrive until you actually see the option to sign up on your account.

Platformer and The Verge report that Twitter's subscription service will not return this Tuesday as CEO Elon Musk had originally announced two weeks ago. Twitter Blue is instead being held back indefinitely while the social media platform figures out how to avoid the 30 percent fee Apple charges developers for in-app purchases. 

Mashable has reached out to Twitter for comment, but expects no reply but the howling rush of wind over thousands of desks left empty by Musk's firing spree.

Apple's fee was apparently an unpleasant shock to Musk, who took to Twitter this week to misleadingly decry it as a "secret 30% tax." Despite Musk's complaint, Apple's 30 percent fee has actually been public knowledge for over 14 years, the company's then-CEO Steve Jobs having literally announced it onstage at an iPhone event in 2008. Apple also takes a reduced 15 percent fee from smaller developers that earn less than $1 million per year.

But now that Musk himself is aware of Apple's fee, Twitter is reportedly attempting to circumvent it by refusing to sell Twitter Blue subscriptions as in-app purchases on iOS. Anyone who uses an iPhone and wants to sign up to Twitter Blue will presumably be directed to do so via other means, such as Twitter's website.

Apple now allows developers to inform users of payment options outside of their iOS app after a class-action lawsuit caused it to change its rules last year

If and when Twitter Blue does finally return, Platformer also reports it will cop a one-cent increase in pricing from $7.99 up to an even $8. Users will also be required to verify their phone number in order to sign up, which is likely an effort to curb the rampant impersonation plaguing Twitter practically since the moment Musk took the helm.

Musk's many rapid and ill-considered changes to Twitter have drastically eroded public trust in the company in just a month, with advertisers fleeing the platform in droves. Yet no matter how clearly disastrous many of the billionaire's decisions have already proven themselves, he seems determined to enforce his questionable ideas regarding how Twitter should be run, come hell, high water, or bankruptcy.

More in Apple, Twitter, Elon Musk


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Directly from the article:

    “Apple's fee was apparently an unpleasant shock to Musk, who took to Twitter this week to misleadingly decry it as a ‘secret 30% tax.’ Despite Musk's complaint, Apple's 30 percent fee has actually been public knowledge for over 14 years, the company's then-CEO Steve Jobs having literally announced it onstage at an iPhone event in 2008. Apple also takes a reduced 15 percent fee from smaller developers that earn less than $1 million per year.”

    And yet, Elon still Blue himself.

    1. it’s only a shock when you don’t pay attention to the details of your contracts. As Forrest Gump put it well: “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  3. Lol
    The way this article is written is just pure hate at Twitter and Elon 🤣

    I guess it hurts somebody giving a taste of their own medicine to big tech and daddy government

    1. sure everyone wants to pay for something that should be free, lmao.

    2. Elon does not have a workable plan to sell Twitter Blue, so he's blaming Apple.
      Rich people love to blame others for their own faults.

      FYI Elon will not be giving you any of his wealth, so you're simping for him for free.



    5. Worshiping billionaires is a particularly twisted sort of self generating poverty. Why would you do that?

    6. All this comments proves the point, you can say your piece you just don’t need to write in that way.

      Also the fact he removed “disinformation policies” is what I am talking about

      And the final point, I can’t hear anything from people with Ukraine flags, so much support you guys sending

    7. Which is funny because both of them are large companies that deserve scrutiny.

    8. Just don’t get the Elon Stans. Simping for billionaires is a fascinating phenomenon.

    9. I think it's because they have delusions of grandeur and believe they can become the next version of him or at least get a minute of his attention. Equally sad as it is hilarious.

    10. huge overlap with the incels too.

    11. he needs to read that, two or three times, slowly...if necessary. 👍

    12. the dude is a petulant putz that craves the limelight and that is driving the business into bankruptcy.

    13. newsflash...I am one of those guys that hates what Twitter became and Elon is a Chad

    14. Elon is getting a taste of debt and regret. He own foaled himself and I’m loving it.

    15. I don’t take it as hate - despite his amazing IQ, Elon’s recent behaviour at Twitter has been nothing more than tacky - he needs to tweet less, and get on with the job of whatever it is he’s trying to do

  4. Meaning, Apple acquires better business skills than what Elon Musk is known for. Elon Musk has no business skills.

    1. so what's the Better skills... Google does the same, do does Microsoft, you use their products you pay for it..

      Even toy financial services charge a fee for sending, receiving and converting..

    2. “the richest man in the world has no business skills” 👌

    3. If twitter wants to charge for a checkmark, that’s their prerogative. I choose not to pay for it, but others will. Likewise, if Apple wants to charge for being on the AppStore…. Musk and his cronies are trying to spin this and it’s so stupid.

    4. … he was lucky to be backed financially and supported by capable people, and the timing was right in terms of global needs.
      Social media as an industry is not new tech any more, so the only thing he now needs is good business skills - luck no longer plays a part, and he’s sacked most of the staff so doubt anyone still there knows how the business actually works 🤷‍♀️

  5. Calling it a secret tax says so much about how uninformed one has to be. Always has been. Their platform, their rules. Pay to play, or do transactions off app like plenty of companies do.

    1. precisely. If one does not want to use Apple’s service, one is free to use the multitude of other avenues out there. Apple is NOT a monopoly. Google, Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, Sony, Huawei, OnePlus, HTC, Kiocera, Asus, Blackberry, and more! What a nimrod claim.

  6. Simple force users to use website to purchase and that option or purchasing is not even on apps 😀

  7. Apple thought the government would be paying this fee as government was the sole financial supporter of Twitter

  8. Twitter should just use web payment instead like Netflix and Spotify 😂

  9. Apples gonna take twitter off the store if he tries to work around it. How uninformed is Elon? The same thing happened with Fortnite and it hasnt been back on the store since. Apple won the lawsuit brought against them too. Basically, pay the 30% or your app wont be on their store.

    1. Fortnite has chosen not to be back on the store I believe. Apple does allow off app transactions. Netflix and Audible are two good examples.

    2. interesting. But they still probably have to pay 30% to apple dont you think? I mean, thats why apple said no to Epic, who either wanted to circumvent the 30% or give less than 30.

    3. The 30% only applies if the account sign up and payment is handled through the app. If the app takes the user to a web page to sign up for a subscription, neither Google nor Apple take a cut. The 30% is for the convenience of using the marketplace/app and associated payment systems for collecting money.

    4. Sorry, the reply was misdirected, even though it's in the right thread.

    5. I believe Fortnite was attempting to bypass appstore payments from within the app. Not a user, but I assume going off app to purchase in game additions would be a horrible user experience. Not so for a subscription.

  10. He doesn’t have to avoid it, it’ll only be 15% because nobody is going to buy this nonsense anyway

  11. If advertisers are not advertising, why would you even Twitter Blue? 😅

    1. it’s not even remotely interesting, let alone “open my wallet” interesting

  12. The level of incompetence and stupidity Elon has displayed here is staggering.

  13. He’s so in the hole when he complains about the 30% that has been in place and known to all since Steve Jobs.

  14. Twitter is going to crash SO HARD. 😂😂😂 Just because you CAN buy it, doesn’t mean you have the INTELLIGENCE to sustain it.

  15. I notice Mashable is on Twitter WITH A BLUE CHECK MARK 😂😂😂

    1. because it had one under the old rules of being notable. They aren’t paying for it. At least not yet.

  16. Join the club, Elon - or should I call you "clueless Elon"?

  17. I wonder if the 30% will be less than insurance he will have to buy for a direct back end payment. The risks have to be approaching 100%. Who would underwrite it?

  18. Maybe bring a genius is overrated? Oh.

  19. This is just code for Elon does not have a workable plan to sell Twitter Blue so he's blaming Apple.

    Rich people love to blame others for their own faults.

  20. Leave twitter! It sucks now! Musk isn't even filtering misleading fact on COVID. What other lies is he going to not rein in?

  21. Did Trump get his BFF Putin to give Musk a loan? Putin wants a Red Sparrow instead of the Bluebird. Are there any empty jobs for Russia GRU and the Wagner Group? Should DHS be concerned?

  22. Here's the thing it's a steep fee and they have a lawsuit for it in France too, but the US is a free market so you reap what you sew you either add in consumer protections for companies that run marketplaces while making it a more fair market value or you pay to play.

    1. steep according to who? The market has spoken, plenty find it worth it to pay the fee. Look at all the free apps they verify and host for free. Let’s sue Twitter because we think $8 is too much, it should only be $2. This is simply one business whining about the price of another business’s service.

  23. So musk..who wants to charge for a service is mad because the company who runs his platform wants to charge for a service? Lmao. Rich white man problems huh...


  25. Try banning it on Android lol..that will not work out well

  26. See ya cess pool Twitter

  27. It is and will always be VAPOR WARE


  29. Twitter has become a joke 🤣

  30. Get your own App Store, by then you would no longer have to pay the fee, it would be free.

  31. Wait for Apple to ban Twitter from iOS...


  33. What a CHEAP SOB!

  34. Launch the entire app into space. It deserves to die

  35. SB

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