Twitter postpones blue checkmark relaunch again | Mashable.

Twitter's checkmark might come in different colors because that's the issue

Maybe take some time to think it through this time.

The relaunch probably isn't happening on November 29. Credit: NurPhoto/GettyImages

Twitter is postponing the launch of Twitter Blue again, and when it finally returns, it might bring along a new breed of "official" checkmarks.

This is according to Twitter CEO and owner Elon Musk, who tweeted the news on Tuesday.

"Holding off relaunch of Blue Verified until there is high confidence of stopping impersonation," he said. "Will probably use different color check for organizations than individuals."

Given that the Twitter checkmark saga is getting increasingly hard to follow, here's an obligatory recap.

Twitter's blue checkmark is used to prove users' identities. Shortly after acquiring Twitter, Musk rendered the blue checkmark mostly useless by making it a perk of purchasing a Twitter Blue subscription, meaning that everyone could get the checkmark for $8 per month without any additional identity verification. Then, after a wave of impersonations, Twitter brought in an additional, gray checkmark saying "Official" for certain accounts, as a way to do what the blue checkmark originally did: prove a user's identity. Then, Musk "killed" the "Official" checkmark, but the company brought it back shortly thereafter.

Given the speed at which the entire endeavor was descending into chaos, Twitter decided it was best to pull Twitter Blue altogether, making it impossible for most people to get any sort of checkmark on their account. Musk chimed in, saying the feature will relaunch on Nov. 29 to "make sure that it is rock solid."

Yes, it appears that this recap might ultimately end up being a thousand-word affair. We're very sorry.

With Musk's latest tweet, it appears that the Nov. 29 date is definitely off the table. But the new colors are interesting, not only because they'll definitely complicate matters even more, but also for their meme potential (see below).

In any case, if you were hoping to get a blue checkmark, you'll have to wait a while, and if you're an organization, your checkmark might be purple, beige, lavender? Given that he fired most of Twitter's employees (or drove them out with "extreme" demands), it's (probably) Elon's call, so all bets are off.

More in Twitter


  1. Elon Musk has shown the world 2 things with his Twitter purchase. 1 is that his reputation as a businessman is not deserved. 2 is that having a high IQ does not mean he has any common sense.

    1. he knows how trigger snowflakes

    2. Just because you own a rocket company doesn't make you a rocket scientist.

    3. you are correct on both counts. Elon need to sit down. Fast.

    4. Snowflakes have money too, antagonizing them is not how you get to their money or that of those who advertise toward them. Seems basic business.

    5. Dear Lance, half of all Americans are snowflakes. I am too and proud to be one, because no 2 snowflakes are alike. You do go on being a cookie cutter human being. It must be boring being exactly the same as all the other cookies.

    6. do you think this is about money?

    7. lol, we actually think for ourselves. Don’t rely on the media or the government to tell us how to think. I bet you were the first in line to to get your free shot aka free train rides to the showers because the government told you it was great.. you people are lemmings

    8. Sure could have fooled me. Your comment was cookie cutter MAGA BS. Oh wait, It's MAGAGA BS.

    9. Not cookie cutter maga bs, but that is a typical liberal snowflake talking point. I’ll vote for who is best for the country not a party. You vote for a demented old pedophile because he doesn’t use hurtful words. He just lies through his teeth and his family robs the country blind. Another $400 million in weapons today shipped to Ukraine but happy thanksgiving to the homeless in liberal ran cities.

    10. ima sure you own one of the rocket cars or long to. Go green

    11. Lol. You’d know!

  2. The 8 dollar thing is probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever read! I hope he figures this out so there are no fake sites…

    1. until facebook and other social media start copying elon…

    2. And yet...There are blue check marks everywhere.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. So he's sitting there deciding colours . Must be amazing to see such genius at work.

  4. I can see it now, 2 adult acting like 3yo.>>> What are are you talking about you AHOLE, you have a regular checkmark ✔️ I have the special green checkmark ✅ go back to mommy basement 😂

  5. A short logos story :
    Tesla met Twitter, then in between them got Neuralink, after quite some time there's Spacelink

  6. All you people hating with jealousy over Elon. You need to understand and realise that this man is the ONLY one in our current era who is actually TRYING to save Humanity. And yet every day you all show him you’re all not worth it. Humanity isn’t worth saving.

  7. Soo, free app that majority of people use that allows the rich and poor to be viewed as equals, gets bought out by rich guy, immediately turns it into a feudal system where you’re ranked by how much money you spend with them? 🤦‍♂️

    1. People bought the check marks for $15000 before, now it’s $8. It this case it’s actually an improvement since more can afford them. But also the problem;)

    2. I have never heard of paid verification pre-musk. Where do you see that?


    4. they've been charging for blue checks long before Musk- $4.99... it was right in Twitters own site this whole time.

    5. The man is $35 billions in debt, and he needs $1 billion of profits in 11 months from a company that was loosing money … he’s throwing everything at the proverbial wall to see what can make him money.
      Strangely he seems to think that antagonizing everybody will help him get more advertisers. 🤔

  8. Well, I mean, if they are really pretty colors....

  9. Elon Musk never read the Star Bellied Sneetches and it shows.

  10. A true genius ladies and gents

  11. Can't wait until the roll out the Circle mark.

  12. Like they'll be more relevant in an other colors

  13. The dying company strikes again…

  14. I have never been this interested in Twitter!

  15. Honestly, I hated the old Twitter.
    Who knows, maybe under Musk it'll be better ✌🏼

  16. I mean the only reason to buy it was to troll people

  17. Putin's new lap dog? Just like Trump. Musk went to Putin for money and now Saudi Arabia for money. He is moving from EVs to Hydrogen vehicles by 2025.

  18. I don’t understand why some other cyber person doesn’t come forward and come up with a site called “ yada”

  19. No. The issue is that Musk is an a-hole.

  20. The funniest thing is CBS making a big deal of quitting Twitter and then quietly rejoining 2 days later WITH a BLUE CHECK MARK!

  21. There is no one left to present which is the best color. 😆
    Why check mark and not alphabet? Make it just like the Tesla model.

  22. These cyber trucks NEVER coming out now

  23. twitter caste system

  24. More free advertising for Musk/Twitter 🤣

  25. Everyone should get a trophy emoji for free

  26. Wow, we should all bow down to the genius of our billionaire "job creators" /s

  27. Don’t care for your negativity - you don’t like him opening up the accountability and free speech then do us a favor and get lost




  31. Mashable 🐑 hahaha

  32. Maybe earn a couple hundred billion and return with an offer to control your own international corporation. Until then, be less critical. morons. As if there was never ever posted any fake news prior to this

  33. Hello please 🥺🙏🥺 cash app me tag on $kennyla2a to get something to eat please and god bless you.


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