Elon Musk's Twitter is now officially X.com | Mashable.

Elon Musk's Twitter now officially has a new URL

It's made the switch.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Dan Kitwood / Getty Images

Twitter became X months ago, but now Twitter.com is also officially X.com.

The URL change cements Elon Musk's rebranding of the social media app since his takeover. In July of last year, Twitter officially shed its iconic bird logo and its name, with X replacing it all.

Now, anyone typing the original Twitter URL will be redirected to X.com. The platform announced the change with a pop-up on its browser today.

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A pop-up message explaining Twitter.com's change to X.com.
Credit: Screenshot: X

A message on the login page read, "We are letting you know that we are changing our URL, but your privacy and data protection settings remain the same."

Musk also announced the change on his own X account, writing, "All core systems are now on X.com."

This is just the latest change in a fleet of updates with Musk at the helm: subscription fees have been implemented (at times, randomly), blue ticks were replaced and given back, the shift to "X" has resulted in broken URLs and arguably, there's just a general sense of chaos on the app.

Topics  Twitter Elon Musk


  1. The thing with narcissists is when one of their stupid ideas isn't working out their ego won't allow them to correct course and admit to having been wrong, instead they double down and turn simple failure into absolute disaster.

    1. use this doll to point out where the mean old Elon touched you. You poor thing!

    2. https://t.me/+b1UxCwzCh7FlODU1

    3. Is this why you cant admit, X is alive and well.

  2. Notice how often Musk using what the non technically trained among us would think sounds like cool tech speak? “All core systems are now on X.com”? That’s a line right out of B Sci Fi. As if he were guiding some titanic transfer of undefined powerful science thingies. The social network previously known as Twitter continues to be hosted on the exact same server farms as before. Although Musk did capriciously mothball a percentage of twitter’s servers recently resulting in service delays, mechanically nothing has changed. URL registration with name servers is a clerical update. The fact that somone didn’t get around to submitting the forms earlier is just a sign of sloppy chaos post massive layoffs. of course the real elephant in the room is how Musk dumped one of the most valuable/recognized IP’s in history for a cheap font.

  3. 100% stupid according to Elmo’s “vision.”

    1. https://t.me/+b1UxCwzCh7FlODU1

  4. Total BS. Stopped using Twitter as a result of Musk.

    1. You are missing out, the platform is massively improved since he took over…

    2. https://t.me/+b1UxCwzCh7FlODU1

  5. Replies
    1. use this doll to point out where the mean old Elon touched you. You poor thing!

    2. did you buy your wankpanzer or are you just a cheapskate gulping Elmos rickydick for free and posting the same reply?

    3. you poor, poor thing. You are so brave though with your brave insults!

    4. Indeed I am. Thanks for confirming 👍

    5. I hurt your feelings didn’t I ? I’m sorry!😅😂🤣

    6. https://t.me/+b1UxCwzCh7FlODU1

  6. Replies
    1. use this doll to point out where the mean old Elon touched you. You poor thing!

    2. still simping for drug added rich men? Daddy issues, Pablo honey. You got em. 😂

  7. contact Elon musk company 📤🚘💵

  8. Want to make some cool Cash at the comfort of your home ?? Do you have an affirm account? My hacker and I have credit cards to get iproducts to your address and we share at a percentage. Also we have bank logs and we need receivers in the States and Canada to work with.

  9. https://t.me/+TNkAKyjVogdmODI0

  10. Congrats Elon, out there solving the important problems while laying off people at Tesla

  11. Even the letters of the alphabet ask themselves the question “Y”? should I become a subscriber of "X"!

  12. Twitter URLs still work. And he wants to call them "posts" although everyone still calls them tweets. Still the dumbest brand destruction in history.

  13. I have already forgotten about this swap from Twitter to X. It was awkward for a few weeks after the change but I'm used to it now.

  14. I’m not sure I’ll ever call it X. It’s too ambiguous and easily confusable with other things.

  15. Twitter was already a successful social media platform to tweet and share their interests and content until the genius billionaire boy messed up everything

  16. https://giphy.com/gifs/voldemort-Tg61sKSV8Ud2M

  17. i try to open my X account and my screen is black and says something went wrong but dont fret try again i click try again and nothing happens

  18. Stupid is as stupid does … now where have I heard that before?

  19. This is such a nerdy 80s kid thing to do – “It’s X, because it’s XTREME!”

  20. Twitter is dead
    X is alive

  21. I quit the platform after giving it a chance to clean up its act with regard to fact checking. It didn’t and I don’t miss having strangers exchanging lies. I’m much happier…not there. I think they’re printing cash for a little while longer and getting coverage like this in hopes of generating it. They won’t. Musk is a definite argument in favor of lightning rarely striking twice.

  22. His failure is nearly complete. 🤣🤣

  23. Elon will end up in jail for securities fraud. He just can’t stop trying to promote things that don’t exist to bump the stock up. Not his first offense

  24. omg. he renamed it X just so it could be called X Com like the video game. jesus. he’s that childish. 80% of twitter employees lost their job for a spoiled billionaire.

    1. 80% of those employees were obviously useless, and did nothing and were going to lose their jobs to AI anyway, like most people will in the near future.

    2. If most people are terminated so will sales as do many people will be out of work that they will no longer be consumers of these AI robot builders. Not going to happen as all these people think. Money makes the world go around, not AI

  25. When I click on my profile page, it still says “Twitter.com” and then my name.

  26. It will always be Twitter to me. X is is stupid name.

  27. PA Announcement: “Attention Titanic passengers, the deck chairs can now be found on our new lido deck. The iceberg has presented some challenges but it has also given us some opportunities. Enjoy!”

  28. It’s literally all time high users and best margins since 2019.

    1. This is a straight lie. Musk has overseen a massive decline is daily users. Twitter use in the US has declined by more than 20% since November 2022.

    2. This is literally false.

      The U.S. user base has been flat or down every month since November 2022, the first full month of Musk’s owning the app, and in total it’s down 23% since then.

  29. Has he bought WordPress too?

  30. Cool. Everyone still calls it Twitter.

  31. if you’re old

    1. It hasn’t even been ‘X’ for a full year. Calm down, you might hurt yourself with your rush to judgement.

    2. 69% of U.S. X users still refer to the platform as Twitter

    3. If you’re still on Twitter you are.

  32. All I see is the Mac app which is still Twitter ..

  33. JFC this whole debacle will be taught in business schools for years to come as the absolute worst thing done to a brand, however tainted it was to begin with.
    On the plus side I just logged in out of curiosity and a bunch of very attractive women have started following me. Lucky me!

  34. It’s not like Twitter was great before Elon. It was always a cesspool of toxic behavior. If you think he destroyed it it just no longer catered to you. Most of Elon’s moves have been lateral changes not worse or better.*

    *With the exception of platforming of Nazi’s that is one area where Twitter got demonstrably worse.

    1. I only go on there now to keep up on a couple of themes (lists), which with hindsight was a mistake, since keeping up with friends is indeed more important than the choice of platform however obnoxious, but anyway, neverending life mistakes aside and returning to the theme, I've observed more than the anti-reason takeover you mentioned, which itself already seems like a bit of a problem. In no particular order:
      Fight videos everywhere
      Videos worse than fight videos, everywhere
      Untrammelled crypto spam. Yes, this was bad before, but one of megamind's main promises was to stamp it out
      Mass reinstatement of society's dregs
      Not knowing whether someone who resigned from OpenAI actually worked for OpenAI. Previously in many cases a blue tick could provide information
      That Krassen guy. No, he was there before. They
      Plus the nazis yes
      In its favour:
      everything truly egregious which I've reported has actually been removed and often the user banned, which was unexpected
      they appear to have figured out their performance issues
      I regretfully admit there's an energy about the place

  35. except it's Twitter.

  36. Time to call tweets as eXcretes now

  37. Of all the weird and crappy things Elon has done with Twitter since acquiring it, this complete rebranding is the one that is the biggest head scratcher. The brand itself was an enormous part of it's value. He should just buy Coca Cola and change the name to Piss Water.

  38. And Elon’s about to go bust

    Perfect timing you could say

  39. RIP Twitter

    A self-funded billionaire could have made it a true public square, and rooted out propaganda, harassment, bots, and incitement to violence. Unfortunately we got on a rich-on-paper billionaire living on loans, desperate for cash and the adulation of the worst people, who saddled it with a billion dollars a year in interest payments and turned it into 4chan.

    1. No large social network has ever come close to rooting out those things, not sure how Twitter was ever going to be any different.

    2. It’s almost as if their business model sucks if they never accounted for scale and now can’t control the rampant hate speech, misinformation, and propaganda flooding our society via social media. These people were never geniuses.

  40. The whole name "X" for a company just doesn't sound right. That seems like bad branding all around to me. Of course some marketing folks probably told Elon that and he just did it anyways.

    1. You overestimate Elon, he doesn’t listen to marketing people either. “X” is just a thing he has been obsessed with since before he was fired from PayPal.

    2. It's the kind of thing that sounds cool in some weird nerd's head in the 90's, but when it actually comes out in public just makes people go "huh?" or comes off as wannabe edgelord teenage boy behavior

    3. He's just trying to show he's one generation younger than a boomer.

    4. The X brand name always reminds me about car fueling stations in Finland branded as ABC. It was just a temp name, but they selected it. Nowadays we don't think about it how it might sound stupid.

  41. They're seriously just using the old pre-PayPal logo for this?

    1. Graphic design is his passion

    2. No. Obviously it's just an image in that post.

  42. That can't be the real logo. Looks straight out of 1998.

    1. That's because it literally is.

      That's the logo of the original "X.com" business that Musk created, back before they merged with what would become PayPal.

    2. No. They already have a logo. Why would you think this


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