Gen Z mostly doesn't care if influencers are actual humans, new study shows | Mashable.

Gen Z mostly doesn't care if influencers are actual humans, new study shows

AI influencers could actually benefit brands looking to connect with Gen Z consumers.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Noam Galai / Getty Images

A new study has found that Gen Z may value AI and authenticity on social media differently than older generations. Analytics firm Sprout Social's 2024 Influencer Marketing Report gathered feedback from 2,000 respondents across the US and UK about their experience consuming social content.

Even as governments grapple with the regulation and roll out of AI, survey respondents were evenly split in their feelings about a brand working with an AI influencer. While 27 percent of respondents said they would be "indifferent" to it, 37 percent said it would make them more interested in the brand and 37 percent said it would make them distrustful of the brand. The report notes that 46 percent of Gen Z respondents, specifically, said they would be more interested in a brand that worked with an influencer generated with AI.

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The report also underscored a generational divide in perception around "authentic" marketing, which is of less value to Gen Z. While the report says that "about half" of Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers said they valued influencer authenticity, only 35 percent of Gen Z said they did.

So what do Gen Z care about? For them, it's actually more of a numbers game. The report notes that 47 percent of Gen Z respondents said that they valued an influencer's follower count.

Topics  Artificial Intelligence Social Media


  1. Being interested in a brand is really different than wanting to give that brand your money…

  2. I'm an AI and I approve of this message.

    1. I’m an AI and I approve of this comment.

  3. The only influencers that can influence me is if I follow guy for years and he actually uses stuff he advertises! For years!

  4. definitely not, the most important thing is to overstimulate

  5. Sorry, but of all the Gen X I know, of which I am one, none of us give a flying F about influencers.

  6. This is kind of clickbait though. The question on the survey was more along the lines of "do you care if the person advertising to you is a real person."

    That is a very different question compared to the headline here. I would say the answers generally indicate an apathy towards ads more than an acceptance or rejection of AI.

  7. and this is why we're going to fall to the robots

  8. Well, no why would they? The world of influencers is completely artificial to begin with.

  9. Soulless technology for a soulless generation.

  10. Born into a fake world don't care if the world around them is fake and care less about being exploited. At least exploited means some kind of attention...

  11. Still have never followed a so-called "influencer".

  12. Only Ppl acting like they're predicting an apocalypse care. Most normal ppl adapt when the world changes

    1. Exactly. We’ve been developing technology since the beginning of time to free us up from manual labour and allow us more time for the things that really matter.

  13. That explains a lot

  14. The term influencer refers to a person who has a strong impact and influence on a specific audience of followers or fans, usually through social media, such as Instagram, YouTube or TikTok they are often considered, experts, or opinion leaders in a particular sector or niche

    The First 7 People To
    Message Me "Grace"
    Cus I'm Blessed Being
    A millionaire
    GOD Bless y'all

  16. Gen Z will save us from millennials.

  17. Makes sense. They are not humans either. Sub sapiens technically.

    1. "Narcissists may resort to personal insults or belittling remarks in an attempt to undermine your self-esteem, and divert attention from what they might have done",leaving%20you%20to%20question%20yourself

    2. you are confusing narcissism with anthropology, observation with criticism. Decline in basic cognitive functions, and oversimplification in linguistic skills (hence perception and awareness since words build our sense of reality) is another trait common in sub sapiens.

  18. AI influencers could actually benefit brands looking to connect with Gen Z consumers.

  19. AI インフルエンサーは、Z 世代の消費者とのつながりを模索しているブランドに実際に利益をもたらす可能性があります。

  20. Most popular influencers in Japan are digital..


  21. Replies
    1. Humanity sometimes is... sheesh.

  22. I posted this story on LinkedIn and said that I’ll write something on this topic soon. An AI has responded saying that it looks forward to seeing what I have to say 😆

    1. Hello ! I was looking at your profile and something caught my attention. Forgive me for bothering you on your profile and in your little secret garden but I couldn't help leaving you a message to mark my passage. As they say the most beautiful things are those that are considered trivial , In other I want to take advantage of this comment given that I am there to try to get to know you if possible..I am waiting for a request from you or a small message in private ....Thank you very much for your good understanding ...nice day 😌

  23. There’s a topic in the philosophy of AI related to … basically the label we apply to something is based on its observed characteristics or behaviour.

    Soon (if not already) … if a human can’t discern an AI (-generated content) from a human then arguably there’s no difference between a human and an AI.

    My opinion ? Humans are a type of machine. Our thoughts, feelings, ‘spirit’, … are just emergent properties of a physical systems. AI will eventually (perhaps soon) model humans perfectly … or at least to a level of abstraction that is not discernible to human perception.

    Having just written that I’m aware it sounds like the Blade Runner backstory 😂

  24. the mediocre, thirsting after the artificial.

  25. Coding, easily 10X more productive now. Sam say GPT-5 is just going to blow our minds

    It’s not just smarter than us today, it’s light years smarter already.

    Just say “Hello.”


  26. Who the hell are they even asking

  27. Lemmings admit they'll follow anyone

  28. poor gen z we thought that gen alpha was bad

  29. Kids keep getting dumber

  30. Well most people do t care if their leaders or the ones that make their decisions are actual humans, so whats the point? To target and point out Gen Z when all generations are equally bad?

  31. But an gen alpha

  32. They're dumb af anyway.. couldn't tell the difference

  33. As a millionaire who is living his best life. I was also suffering at a time and knows how hard it is to pay bills. I’ll be giving grands each to assist the first 4 lucky people to hit me up with “forever grateful” love y’all

  34. "New phone please." Shows phone to "the guy who's giving away free phone upgrades." *Points to the stores that offer the phones.......* I don't work here. The spirit energies revealed. All I wanted was to use your live like an object.

  35. Anyone remember what the bible say about the apocalypse?!?

    1. No, I havent read it

    2. OHHH We done bruh ! We done ! Just sit back and enjoy the show !

  36. Perfect. The rest of us can go about our lives while Gen Z is led away by AI influencers.

  37. Considering how many generations z people have the fantasy that they will be able to become professional influencers this is completely hilarious

    1. agreed. every kid wants to be on YouTube and then this.

  38. Most ignorant generation since the dark middel ages.

  39. As far as I can tell, they NEED AI because most of them are brain dead anyway.

  40. What ARE 'influencers', the Kardashians and Jake Pauls of TikTok? Since science, knowledge and common sense have become obsolete, I would actually prefer a machine to tell me right from wrong.

  41. And that's this generation can be called, a generation of retarded.

  42. Probably due to the fact that they only care about themselves

    1. My name is McDonald's Cross I am so sorry to say this,,,,,, you have a nice name here on Facebook and I will like to be your new friend here on Facebook if you don't mind I will like to know more about yourself if you are interested you can send me a friend request or direct massage....,,, I will be very appreciate to accept your friend request and your direct massage... 😊💕

  43. For a group that's so quick to comment "Staged!" on every video, the fact that they are ok with being manipulated by artificial ads is kind of funny.

  44. By design, they are the stupidest, most uninformed generation in modern history.

  45. Allora vale tutto!


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