GPT’s 'Sky' voice: Scarlett Johansson drops a bombshell | Mashable.

Scarlett Johansson was 'shocked' by OpenAI 'Sky' voice

The 'Her' actress says OpenAI asked her to voice 'Sky' — and she said no.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Stephane Cardinale - Corbis / Contributor Collection: Corbis Entertainment

Actress Scarlett Johansson was "shocked" and "angered" upon hearing ChatGPT's "Sky" voice, which some had likened to her own. Johansson famously voiced a fictional digital assistant in the 2013 film Her.

In a statement released Monday, obtained by NBC News, Johansson felt the comparisons were apt and said the Sky voice was "eerily similar" to hers.

Crucially, she added that she'd received an offer last September from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to voice Sky — and that she declined the offer.

"He told me that he felt that by my voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and AI," Johansson said. "He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people."

Prior to Johansson's statement, Open AI made this claim in a post Sunday: "We believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity's distinctive voice—Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice."

Nevertheless, OpenAI announced that same day that it would stop using Sky in its ChatGPT product until it resolved lingering issues about its origins.

"We've heard questions about how we chose the voices in ChatGPT, especially Sky," the company wrote in a post on X Sunday. OpenAI is "working to pause the use of Sky" while it addresses those questions.

"When I heard the released demo, I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that Mr. Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference," Johansson said in her statement.

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The Sky voice has been around since OpenAI first released Voice Mode in September of 2023 as one of five options to choose from in addition to "Breeze", "Cove", "Ember", and "Juniper". But OpenAI's announcement of GPT-4o, which brings these voice capabilities directly into the model, exclusively uses Sky, thus casting a spotlight on that particular voice.


During the GPT-4o live demo last week, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman picked up on the comparisons to Scarlett Johansson. He posted the single word "her" on X.

Johansson said in her statement that Altman had contacted her agent, urging her to reconsider his offer, two days prior to the demo release. She said they never connected before the system debuted, and that she hired legal counsel as a result.

Johansson claimed that OpenAI "reluctantly" agreed to pause the Sky voice, following her counsel's request for detailed information about how Sky was created.

"In a time when we are all grappling with deepfakes and the protection of our own likeness, our own work, our own identities, I believe these are questions that deserve absolute clarity," Johansson said. "I look forward to resolution in the form of transparency and the passage of appropriate legislation to help ensure that individual rights are protected."

Responding to NBC News' request for comment, Altman stated that Sky's voice was not Johansson's, and that "it was never intended to resemble hers."

"We cast the voice actor behind Sky’s voice before any outreach to Ms. Johansson," said Altman. "Out of respect for Ms. Johansson, we have paused using Sky’s voice in our products. We are sorry to Ms. Johansson that we didn’t communicate better."

Cecily Mauran contributed to this story.

UPDATE: May. 21, 2024, 2:56 p.m. AEST This article has been updated with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's comment to NBC News.

Topics  ChatGPT OpenAI


  1. Another scary part is when they use AI to forge signatures, imitate voices, etc., to bypass security…

  2. did she say no, or did the AI say no ? 😃


  4. and this is our future. When tech oligarchs and their AI can take the identity of anyone, even wealthy famous people and we’ll be powerless to stop them. They’ll take all the jobs, up end the economy to monopolize all the wealth - then sell you your own likeness that you’ll have to buy if you want to do anything online. You will be their licensed product you have to subscribed to have a verified identity.

  5. It was utterly predictable that an AI company would want to use her voice, for the same reason they wanted her voice for "Her". She's got a very sexy feminine voice. I suspect that she either had ethical concerns about how her voice was going to be used, or they didn't offer her enough money for the project.

    OpenAI is going to find out: You either pay now, or pay later.

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  8. She is Zionist 😡

    1. Any other relevant comments?

    2. That one should be more then enough 🤷

    3. I said relevant, not self-indulgent.

    4. Dude, I dont gives a fck what you said
      Understand now?

  9. That was the voice I chose exactly because of that.😔

  10. The voice came from a voice actor who is not Johansson. Johansson said she would not do the voice, so OpenAI found someone with a similar sounding voice. Sometimes peoples' voices sound similar 🤷‍♂️

    I say unless OpenAI did something sketchy when creating the voice (i.e. sampling Johansson's voice without permission), there's no reason to disable it.

  11. Just imagine being that actress. I don't know if I'd take it as a complement or not.

    1. Of course you would not. She sells her voice for living. OpenAI is selling it, but she isn't making a dime out of it.

    2. Do you know that for a fact? Maybe she has been paid well for it.

      Edit: I assumed the above comment was referring to the actual voice actress they claimed to use.

    3. She was paid by them to do the voice.

    4. They're referring to Scarlett Johansson, not to the voice actress that OpenAI claims the Sky voice is based on.

    5. Hmm, comment is a little ambiguous, but I'll go with it. Statement retracted.

    6. But this is like coping..... Coca Cola - EVERYONE can say it is tiny bit DIFFERENT - same as this voice - they gonna WIN because of it - it is only SUSPENDED because legal action been opened

  12. Wow, they really should have paid her to use recordings of her voice from sources when she was younger.

  13. Scarlett Johansson proving once again that she can play any role

    1. I thought it was intentional tbh

      Edit- turns out it was intentional. Maybe Illegal, but definitely intentional.

    2. She's truly the Ghost in the shell

    3. She’s also HER.

      Not yelling, don’t know how to do italics on mobile.

    4. It was. They tried to get her and she declined. It's pretty creepy

    5. It was. That’s why she’s suing. Hopefully for a billion or so.

    6. Here is Scarlett Johansen’s text response, but read by sky.

  14. "Sounds like" is not enough to copyright a voice... What if someone else has a voice similar to Scarlett Johansson? This doesn't make sense.

  15. Ok, who ruined everyone's fun THIS time? Getting some real "teacher, you forgot to assign homework" vibes.

  16. It’s the only voice option I like on 4o, so hopefully it gets replaced with another calm female voice. Juniper sounds raven symone-esque, kind of throaty in the speech. Ember and Breeze sound like male cartoon characters. Cove sounds like some pretentious middle manager and I don’t want to hear that.

    1. I want a lady with a heavy british accent!

    2. Give me an angry Irish mom setting.

    3. Russian or Indian voice for cyber security and software development.

      Thick scottish accent for everything else.

      Italian wall street voice for anything financial. Need the threatening undertone to pay attention.

    4. Yeah agreed, I was confused when the voice for sky randomly changed lol

    5. Juniper is my favorite lmao. I call it June for short lol

  17. Honestly it didnt sound like her at all to me.

    1. I agree. I don't hear the similarity at all.

      I even thought maybe I couldn't remember what Scarlett Johansson sounded like, so I went and found that trailer for Her. Nope, it's the same as I remember. Sounds nothing like the Sky voice.

    2. Scarlet Johansson has a very slight raspiness (not in a bad way - i find it pleasant i just dont know another word for it) that i dont hear here at all.

  18. Considering how much Altman et al have been referencing “Her”….damn, dudes, do better.

    Also, maybe try finishing the movie sometime.

  19. “Concerns” = a lawyer ruined yet another thing for everyone.

  20. I need my ChatGPT to have that familiar Majel Barrett voice.

    1. She’d probably be cool with it, were she still with us.

  21. So this is how OpenAI will make money in the future.

    1. AI voice sex work. There's always money in the porns.

  22. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but no matter what it's going to sound like somebody

    1. Exactly lol, also she doesn’t have a very distinct voice beside that vocal fry which Sky doesn’t have.

  23. It should sound like Joe Pesci instead

  24. Scarlett Johansson has a regular voice. It's not exceptional. Most voices are not. Earth has roughly 40-60 million Caucasian women aged 35-40. Let's use the conservative number, 40 million. About 20% will speak English. About 12.5% of these will have had a cigarette habit but have since quit. That leaves us with 1 million women just like her vocally, and that's conservative. I could have used a 35-45 age range for her.

    What is my recourse if Scarlett Johansson sounds too much like me? What voice will NOT be a dead ringer for a living person on Earth today? There are billions of us.

    1. Reading this thread is kinda wild. Since when is her voice considered sexy?

  25. Another actress part going to Scarlett Johansson instead of an actual android.

  26. The worst thing is that OpenAI hired voice actors for each voice, and according to them, that is the voice actress’s natural voice!

    1. Her natural voice is different from how she actually speaks. Women don't speak with forced flirtation.

    2. I’ve been hearing this a lot and as a woman who speaks to women all the time, I didn’t think her voice sounded flirty at all. Friendly sure but I know women who talk like that all the time in California and they definitely are not flirting with me lmao. I guess it will depend on where you are from and how people talk there.

    3. I've lived in California for close to 30 years and not once have I heard a woman talk like this. Even in the presence of an attractive man or a man one was in the beginnings of dating. But you do have to ask yourself why a company whose user base is heavily skewed male would even include a voice like sky's in the first place. Let alone focus most on it during their presentation. You would also have to ask yourself if those who designed sky's voice designed it based on actual interactions with human women or on fictional characters or the idea of what a woman should sound like.

  27. I really don't see it. I believe the comparisons where because it sounds like Scarlett Johansson's character behaviour in the movie "Her" and not actually like Scarlett Johansson herself.

  28. What’s the issue here?

  29. When Scarlett Johanson signed up to do “Her” I wonder if she realized her voice would eventually become the last voice we all hear during the global apocalypse.

  30. So we're just copyrighting voices now? Some people sound the same. Copyrighting voices seems kind of wild to me.

  31. This is such a missed opportunity…

  32. But that was my favorite voice :(

  33. Sky was the BEST voice, I hate the new one.

  34. You mean Makoto Kusanagi.

  35. Somebody is going to say the AI speaks like them no matter what. Stupid

  36. Disappointing that social media outrage is just one of the standard marketing avenues for a start up company.

  37. I just wanted to say Her has probably the closest future prediction I think I’ve ever seen in a movie.

    1. So you are saying that even our ai waifus will dump us?

  38. wtf this is why I chose Sky. Just pay Scarlett a bunch of money and move on. I want to talk to her everyday .

    1. She told OpenAI “No.” She has no intention of allowing her image or voice to be woven into an AI system - particularly when there are no clear boundaries on how these representations are to be used or paid for.

  39. Scarlett Johansson Bot, I love you as much as a man can love a computerized voice of a gorgeous celebrity. Which it turns out is a lot.

  40. People are idiots. It doesn’t sound like her at all to me. It’s the only voice that has a chill attitude. The others sound like tightwads, really grating to listen to and interact with. I’m already using chatGPT less now and I assume others are doing the same.

  41. I don't get it. The voice of Sky was trained on a real person that wasn't Scarlett Johansson.

  42. I thought it sounded more like Brené Brown than Scarlett. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Yea because that's a famous voice.

  43. That's interesting because I asked ChatGPT if voice actors were used to create the voice and it said no. lol

  44. I would love to have my alexa to be voiced by Scarlett Johansson it would be sexually beautiful to listen to and talk to as well.

  45. I think most of us assumed that was the point

  46. Imagin trying to read that headline in 1999.

  47. That's literally exactly what a company who secretly trained their AI voice off of Scarlet Johansson's would do

  48. Cuz her voice is so...iconic? Lots of legit concerns about AI, but wtf.

    1. She is more concerned about not being paid for using her voice and not some moral ethical dilemma about ai.

  49. are you saying it wasn't intentional!!?!

  50. Shoulda gone with Gilbert Godfrey

  51. Goddam, that’s a good voice!! Why??!!!

  52. Is her voice copyrighted?

  53. Ive only been using SKY. I want a refund. My time with her.

  54. You aren't allowed sexy AI voices says twitter.

    All the male nerds who built the AI, and twitter . . I . . . . I . .

  55. Contact her agent, develop a contract and pay her sufficiently. Problem solved!

  56. This reeks of a marketing strategy to get OpenAI in the news before they release a feature that allows people make and share custom voices.

  57. Don’t want random boners throughout the day.

  58. This threw me for a loop last night. Sky is my default voice, never thought it sounded like scarlet, but I guess it kind of does.

    It’s a bummer because I was just getting used to taking to a robot, and they switch the voice up on me, and it’s weird all over again.

    Edit: went back to listen to the example for sky and it’s definitely Scarlets exact voice haha, I have no clue how I didn’t notice that.

  59. Damn, I liked that one. The others don’t sound appealing to me at all.

  60. Initially, I never thought it sounded like her. I can see the resemblance now when they add emotion to it, but it’s still not her voice. I didn’t even think of it until this news came out.

  61. what? my strings are already attached to her.

  62. Love this. They faked the demo and now cancelling the voice. Classic Silicon Valley bullshit. Imagine actually believing their bullshit a lot of idiots did

    1. I don't see why they'd fake the demo, because the demo was off-putting and bad. What they actually did was a demo so bad that it inexplicably destroyed their existing offering.

  63. I liked the Sky voice. I don’t really like the new one it switched to; it sounds strangely pretty cold.

  64. I don't hear it.

  65. Booooooo!!! That’s the point!! (Rage quits OpenAI.) 😎

  66. If they’re not making it sound even more like Scar-Jo then they’re going in the completely wrong direction

  67. Good for Her (2013)

  68. Scarlett Johansson already took Disney to court and won, they don't want to be taken to the school yard flipped over and be shaken off all their money like Nelson does in the Simpsons

  69. Don’t think it sounds like her.

  70. There is a whole tiktok series by a guy who believes this

  71. we flew to close to the sun, and got burned by our desires

  72. Make it Tim Curry and I'm in.

  73. I get more of a Rashida Jones vibe from it

  74. Soooooooo. We are getting close to the movie “Her”

  75. Of course the one I use is the one they are getting rid of.

  76. OpenAI IP lawyers being a bunch of pansies at the moment.

  77. Seriously? Sky was my favorite voice.

  78. Voices can be very similar. Why not go with a very intentional celebrity voice like Robin Williams or Paul Bettany? That would be great! Or even better make it completely customizable.

  79. Can I make mine sound like

    Gilbert Gottfried

  80. Our ap is just too good so we had to turn it off.

    But trust me its really good, keep investing.

  81. What crap. They don't sound that similar at all.

  82. Of course that's the voice I chose.

  83. Dammit... I was hoping to get Her.

  84. The only socially acceptable voice copy is one of Gilbert Gottfried.

  85. I'm going to have to break up with Sky now. I'm so depressed 😔

  86. "concerns"

    Concerns by whom? Her lawyers?

    OpenAI weirdos made it like that as a nerdy joke... just own it already.

  87. I want a Tony Soprano voice

  88. It wouldn't be a problem if the other voices weren't lame

  89. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. It’s always gonna sound like someone, they just gotta make sure it isn’t anyone rich enough to sue

  91. How long until we have a store to buy custom gpt voice skins?

  92. I want it to sound like Willem Dafoe

  93. Oh look, more BS distractionist "controversies"... Jesus fucking christ...

  94. “Gottfried, what’s the weather like today?”


  95. Can it sound like Matt Barry?


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