Elon Musk threatened to buy MSNBC. Joe Rogan jumped in with ideas, too. | Mashable.

Elon Musk threatened to buy MSNBC. Joe Rogan jumped in with ideas, too.

More Musk trolling.
By Matthews Martins on 
Credit: Samuel Corum/Getty Images)


  1. Ілон Маск — гордий власник веб-сайту, раніше відомого як Twitter — знову погрожує купити те, що йому не подобається. Цього разу Маск погрожував придбати лівий MSNBC.

    У деяких великих новинах медіа-індустрії Comcast оголосила цього тижня про намір виділити свої кабельні компанії, включаючи MSNBC. Саме це змусило Маска вкласти свої два центи в канал новин.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Won't he be busy with his volunteer government job of firing people?

  4. Bullyionnaire doped on Ketamine

  5. The gates of hell are once again opened

  6. https://t.me/elon_reevemusk75

  7. https://t.me/+nB7soLq8nKYzZmNk

  8. Buy it
    Send Maddow packing
    Then sell it

  9. https://t.me/Elon_ReeveMusk29

  10. https://t.me/Elon_ReeveMusk29

  11. https://t.me/+ARE2JRMikeFlZjNk

  12. Elon musk is giving $100,000 to all his fans all over the world......

    Click on the username below to send him a message on telegram....


  13. Is this a real plan or just another Musk-style social media stunt? We may never know his next move.

  14. He needs to give the American people back the 20 billion he borrowed as he clearly is mentally ill.

    1. Elon Musk says he plans to use ‘DOGE’ to stop the Federal Government from “wasteful spending.”

      Maybe he should start by returning the $20 billion Tesla and SpaceX have received in government contracts, government subsidies, and government loans.

      Talk about wasteful spending!

  15. Bullyionnaire doped on Ketamine. Another day, another Musk Baloney

  16. That would be something if he really was to buy MSNBC . I know all the Democrats news commentators will leave MSNBC if he was to buy it

  17. ust what the country needs: a filthy rich more on, who obtained much of his wealth from government contracts, controlling our media!!

    1. You literally just described the people who run NBC Universal, the current owners of MSNBC.

    2. Who self prescribes, the most drugs, do tell.

    3. Your mom was hitting the rock pretty hard last night.

  18. In Germany 🇩🇪, only it was a different flag being flown. It was back in the late 1930's and till May of 1945, is where this movie was played out before

  19. Thank you Dude. 20 thumbs up, 2 down = 91% agree with you.

  20. Exactly....Russia! China, North Korea and now....Trump's America!

  21. Welcome to Trumpistan.

  22. Maybe MSNBC? Elon owns you, Graham cracker.

  23. Cracker? All right ace of spades.♠️

  24. MAGA can never handle political opposition

    1. Your tears are our sustenance. Thank you!

    2. Your hate... likely find yourself in a dimension of fire.

    3. Then you are WEAK

    4. Says the Pot who called the Kettle black.

    5. Maybe dont commit crimes then run for president, wins and says it's a political witch hunt

      That timeline don't add up

      Trump University for example

    6. Winning is handling it just fine

      Try winning sometime and see how you handle it

    7. Doesn't seem like it, grown maga men still having a meltdown over trans people

      TDS is trans derangement syndrome

    8. Which grown maga men?

      The ones in dresses?

      Who cares what they think?

    9. What is the fascination with trans? It's not like you'd have a chance with any... or anyone.

    10. What is the fascination with 0.000001% of people screaming that men have a right to be in a girls bathroom as long as they're wearing a dress?

      I guess the fascination is:

      "why aren't these people in a mental health center"?

    11. Were you hit by a cast iron skillet as a child ??? Where is all the outrage over women in mens bathrooms, or mens sports ??? Get over yourself.

    12. Haven't seemed to notice any women in men's room or women competing with men in sports

      Hard to be outraged if it doesn't exist

    13. They were wearing diapers a short time ago.

    14. The rich used their pawns to take control. Hope the pawns have plenty of children to do the labor.

    15. As long as it is truthful and not bias lies everyone should be fair game

    16. Like Hunters laptop?

    17. Why does an invasion of privacy suit your fancy? I would love to see your computer violated by a repairman and how you would throw a fit and sue! Look for something LEGITIMATE to get your rocks off, instead of CREATING things that have nothing to do with politics! But I understand that's the ONLY way MAGA can find fault, is to dig deep and CREATE controversy!

    18. Violated?🤣

      He didn't pay the bill like most Democrats.

    19. Stop this projecting. You know who pays for half the people in your state.

    20. Still obsessing over his pics? What did they get him for, something all maga men do... drink and play with guns.

    21. I thought it didn't exist according to 51 intelligence officers?

      What happened to that?

      Or are those biased lies acceptable since they're Democrat lies?

    22. but, but, but, what about Hunter ??? LOL, old tropes never die with MAGAt's

    23. So lies are ok, if they're told by liberals.....

      I'm starting to see why the felon won in a landslide

    24. 200 percent more downvote...such a trend with ignorant comments

    25. Sore losers are still sore

      Need to see a prøctologist ASAP

    26. man that skillet really did a number on you.

  25. to be honest ,musk found out that MSNBC stands for must sell network by christmas. how about that.

  26. If he asked how much it cost. He can't afford it.

    1. Putin can

      Musk will buy it for him by proxy

      America is healing

    2. Courtesy of Putin.

  27. To me Elon and Trump spend so much time together , they are starting to look alike. Is anyone else agree?

    1. I'm sure they're playing drop the soap together....that's how projection usually works!

    2. Kind of like Clinton with little boys and girls. I sure hope they open the Epstein flight manifest that the democrats have been hiding forever.

  28. Elon won’t buy msnbc. No one watches msnbc. Especially not any females elon likes

  29. Mr. “I’m not a right-winger”

    1. To be honest I don't know, what I'm certain of, is that he is regarded, really regarded.

  30. Damn where are our left-leaning billionaires?

    1. That’s a bit of an oxymoron. The closest would be Cuban but in many countries I could see him supporting the centre right. Obviously there’s George Soros but I would say his influence is a burden on the party.

    2. God I wish soros had a tenth of the influence the right claimes he has

    3. Don’t let MAGA delusion closed your judgement. I’m not sure with Musks recent donations, but soros has consistently been the top political donator in the US. And than the next five largest donors are is republicans billionaires. The dems need Soros to counteract them, but the left should still be wary of a finance billionaire directing such critical funds.

    4. "soros has consistently been the top political donator in the US. And than the next five largest donors are is republicans billionaires."

      Can you share where you're getting that ranking from? I'm particularly interested in how they define a political donation. Just doing a cursory search turns up this page on OpenSecrets. The top 7 are Republicans with Musk at number 4. Soros doesn't even make the list.

      "the left should still be wary of a finance billionaire directing such critical funds."

      Why does "finance billionaire" matter in this case? The person you're replying to is saying Soros doesn't have the influence people say he does and you reply to just say he's a top donor. That doesn't contradict what the poster is saying. Do you have evidence that Soros has asked for things things the way that Musk is publicly calling for republicans to fall in line or he will fund primary challanges?

    5. I just remember reading it in 2022 but in 2024 it seems the donor landscape has changed dramatically. Here is a reliable list (paywalled) from WAPO. In 2022 Soros was the top donor in the Us and in 2024 he doesn’t crack top ten. It’s mostly republicans in both.



      And finance billionaire matters because I believe the way Soros made a huge chunk of his money was amoral and predatory. He had a “miracle trade” where he basically shorted the pound than went on a media campaign to tank it. I think he is a leach who basically stole from every UK resident. These are my criticisms of him but I’m willing to see his value to the left.

    6. "He had a “miracle trade” where he basically shorted the pound than went on a media campaign to tank it."

      It didn't take a lot. In the late 1980s the UK, to lay the groundwork to join what became the euro, pegged--not a hard exchange rate but within an upper and lower range--its currency to the Deutsche Mark. The principle of the decision was fine but the timing was horrific as the UK's economy was stagnating and Germany's was booming. Monetary stimulus was effectively ruled out because of the peg (the Exchange Rate Mechanism officially) and an official devaluation was politically humiliating.

      In plain English, HM Treasury made a promise they couldn't keep and Soros saw it and took advantage. If it hadn't have been him someone else might have (and others did but didn't put ten figures into it). It's interesting how the only people who blame Soros for Black Wednesday are people outside the UK and people in the UK blame their incompetent Tory government for the ensuing interest rate hikes, not Soros.

    7. Thanks for the link. I guess I didn't even think that you were looking at previous elections. My OpenSecrets link has the same info and sure enough Soros is #1 in 2022. But pretty much every year before that he's never much higher than #10 and often way lower or not even in the top 25 (2020, 2010).

      "And finance billionaire matters because I believe the way Soros made a huge chunk of his money was amoral and predatory. He had a “miracle trade” where he basically shorted the pound than went on a media campaign to tank it. I think he is a leach who basically stole from every UK resident. These are my criticisms of him but I’m willing to see his value to the left."

      Fair enough. I don't know much about Soros other than he's the Right's boogyman. I'm more interested if he's actually getting people to implement some agenda of his outside of just giving money to candidates who share his policy ideals.

    8. how has Timothy Mellon taken money from the dems lol

  31. if america lets this happen unopposed, you deserve Trump 2040

    1. America deserves Trump for electing him, twice.

    2. Fool me once, shame on you.

      Fool me twice, ...

    3. Shame on.... A fool me can't get fooled again

    4. Fool me once, shame on- shame on you. Fool me- you can't get fooled again.

    5. Yeah!


  32. i can't take it guys, i'm cringing to death


  33. This is how you get Orbans America, where they shutdown or own ALL the media outlets.

    1. This right here is what people need to understand, we had one economic crisis followed by the collapse of one main political party leading to a mandate to orbans party that allowed them to start tearing apart the institutions and gobbling up the media. The fact that it is taking another enormous economic downturn at even a sliver of a chance to oust him is a miracle and somewhat thanks to being part of the eu. If they manage to start to go down the road orban did, what putin did, it's decades of decline before you can right that ship, and since it's the USA the world will suffer for it.

  34. Man, remember how unhinged they were over supposed Twitter "left leaning algorithms?"

    And now they're fine with full on fascist state TV? XD they're such hypercritical clowns it's insane.

  35. its hard to tell for the untrained reader, but this is joe rogan trying to make a joke. its hard to spot without the chair humping

    1. Yeah, just like when Trump can retro actively declassify confidential documents in his head, if Joe says something which triggers the libs and then claim it’s a joke, it’s automatically becomes funny as well.

    2. "its hard to tell for the untrained reader, but this is joe rogan trying to make a joke"

      It's a tongue in cheek joke, but let's not pretend like Joe doesn't want this to happen.

    3. Joe doesn't want to be a host on MSNBC

    4. I meant the part about him wanting Elon to buy MSNBC.

    5. HE might be joking, but if Trump himself bought MSNBC and CNN you could bet he would defend the decision.

    6. Joe's jokes are said at 170 decibels so it's understandable that people wont realize it's a joke.

    7. i dont understand how this is a joke, hes not yelling into a mic about aliens as a way to disguise how much hes into assplay. isn’t that what comedy’s all about?

  36. The propaganda justifies their fascist actions.

  37. Unironically calling for state run TV and social media while others on the left are unironically calling for single party rule and reeducation camps… boy I love the political landscape of the 21st century, it’s as if we learned nothing after WW2.

    1. Someone finally acknowledged it. It was Bill Gates who put the “MS” in MSNBC; Twitter was in fact biased against conservatives before Musk bought it; the federal government did in fact lie blatantly and repeatedly during COVID-19. The right isn’t doing anything the left hasn’t done before; we’re just doing it to you now, times ten. Anyone who’s whining “whAt happeNed TO OPpOsiNg BiASeD mEdIA/sOciAL MeDIA??”, you should have cared about it when you were in power. When it served you to allow bias, you chose to do so and laughed at our complaints. No shit we’re not going to care that you think we’re hypocrites now that being fair and neutral benefits you.

  38. Who cares? These channels are selling and laying people off bc no one is watching them. MSNBC would get a slight viewership bump than all the liberals would stop watching and it will go back to a completely dead channel.

  39. Oligarchy is only fun when you’re on the oligarchs side.

  40. Has Joe ever said that Tucker Carlson lies?

    1. Nope, he's said this though:

      "Tucker has a lot of left-wing people on and he doesn’t disparage them or criticize them or mock them,”

      “I think his discussions that he has on his show are some of the most nuanced in that he is willing to have conversations with anybody. He’ll talk about all kinds of things, and I think that’s very important in this time that you have people like him.”

  41. wtf happened to Joe Rogan? Even when he was making record-breaking profitable deals for his podcast he was still obviously liberal-minded and seemed to have values. Such a bizarre shift.

    1. Crazy how he could be liberal minded and cast out by the entire liberal base and establishment. Almost like you guys pushed him away.

    2. So you’re saying he just believes whatever people who are nice to him believe? Yeah I agree, pretty spineless

    3. An unbiased take is if one political party is constantly attacking you, insulting you, and trying to get you cancelled while the other party applauds what you do it's very easy to see which party someone will want to hang around in.

    4. No, it shows you don’t really believe anything and are just being audience captured. Destiny deals with this shit all the time and hasn’t swung right randomly despite massive efforts to cancel him for his trans, Israel etc takes

    5. I never said he wasn't audience captured, and in fact I implied he was regarding "which party someone will want to hang around in". I can think he's a fucking idiot but understand why he pivoted like he did at the same time as they don't contradict each other.

    6. Ah, yeah I see. Agreed

    7. Why wasn't he pushed away from Alex Jones when Alex was doxxing his family, threatening to slit his throat, accusing him or working for the CIA/Soros, replaying that Planet of the Apes clip?

      Are those less serious than mocking joe for taking horse dewormer for covid when ACTUALLY he took a drug commonly used as horse dewormer but he actually took the human version commonly used for Strongyloidiasis

    8. Initially it was the SJW/Woke stuff regarding comedy that pushed him a bit Centrist, the Trans stuff pushed him Center-Right, but it was when he got COVID and Left wing outlets attacked him about his Ivermectin stuff that pushed him to the Right. Joe is already conspiracy minded who the Left had gone after for a while, but when Democrats and the Left wing media all came after him it's a pretty clear path for Joe to run to right wingers who instead of attacking him applaud him.

    9. Rogan isn’t the one who changed…

  42. "MSBC lied about me one time so it should be controlled by a billionaire and become a right-wing propaganda machine" this fucking ape

    1. He's not wrong, but he's also an idiot. The Left has been going after Joe for years over his jokes being problematic or his opinion on Trans people in women's sports or when they tried to get Spotify to end their contract with him and then the COVID stuff attacking him was done at a corporate level which was the straw that broke the camels back. It also probably didn't help that his last comedy special fucking bombed horribly so the Left, rightfully, roasted the shit out his aggressive lack of humor in his show.

  43. When these channels are sold off they won't be a part of NBC/universal anymore, so cable companies could just remove them from their standard package and add them to an add-on tier. That would be a power move if they just became another right wing propaganda network

  44. If Joe has access to that kinda money, it kind of defeats the entire narrative of trying to claim MSNBC is being ran by the elite and you're just the little guy. You can't have it both ways!

  45. This is why I get pissed off at libs that end up quitting their journalism job or editorial board jobs as a protest!

    LIKE NOOOO BRO stay there, god forbid every news media in america starts looking like fox news' board.

  46. that would be funny, ngl.

  47. I genuinely dispise people without any principles.

  48. Have to say this seems like the dumbest time you could ever choose to be selling MSNBC. I expect media that is (deservingly) critical of him to do really well in the next few years just like happened during his first term.

  49. Would MSNBC owned by Elon be worth anything.

    I understand the network effect on Twitter is sticky, but wouldn't all existing MSNBC viewers simply not watch?

  50. You bet your ass if this happens Elongate would appoint Rogan to some fucking crazy high position there


  51. Well, yeah. The right now is more mad that they feel like they dont own any of the cultural or institutional levers.

    When black people finally were able to join a society where racism is shamed, did they rise above and not be racist themselves?

    When people are mad, when they feel like underdogs, they use potentially solid arguments to rail against the powers against them. When they finally get some of that power, does that mean they get it with a clear head? Fuck no

  52. Tbf msnbc is garbage anyways

  53. It's weird I was just thinking the other day about people moving to blue sky to try to make that a reasonable place to have discussions based in reality. Watch it become that and then Elon buys it.

  54. I kinda want to see Trump purchase MSNBC. I want to see the reality where the president personally owns multiple news networks and social media sites and watch as hacks like Tim Pool defend the decision and encourage his viewers to support Trump TV.

  55. We already have several TV stations that are more state-owned than Elon Musk's TV station would be.
    For example, C-SPAN and PBS.
    Very few people want to cut the funding for C-SPAN, lol

  56. Of course they want to emulate Putin Russia so badly.

  57. Rogan has officially lost the plot. Wtf is wrong with these freaks. They move to Texas and turn into angry right wring assholes

  58. Who do you think owns each legacy media outlet? It's the super rich. How exactly would this be different than MSNBC doing things like hiring Jen Psaki or Fox News hiring Mike Huckabee? They are already propaganda outlets for the corporate wings of each party.

  59. The horrendous ratings for Rogan’s last comedy special broke him completely

  60. MSNBC is basically Democratic Party TV now so what's the problem?

  61. Joe Rogan:

    Makes a joke about Elon buying MSNBC and cross dressing to be the new Rachel Maddow

    The sub:


    1. Didn't buying twitter start as a joke too?

    2. But, unlike Twitter, the audience for MSNBC is so tiny, it’s being sold off.

      I bet if Elon started a new cable news network, it would dominate MSNBC in ratings within a year and be a lot cheaper than buying MSNBC, then getting rid of everyone that works there to be replaced by Fox News rejects.

    3. "I bet if Elon started a new cable news network, it would dominate MSNBC in ratings within a year and be a lot cheaper than buying MSNBC"

      Funny how such a media genius massively overpayed for twitter when he could just start a new media company and near instantly dominate the market.

    4. No. Flirting the idea isn't a joke. I was in the trenches arguing that Elon Musk absolutely would buy it back when he first made the poll.

      This is a joke. Nobody would want MSNBC, Fox dwarfs it. Twitter was an actual prize.


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