Elon Musk's pile of money is now bigger than Bill Gates's pile of money.


Elon Musk's pile of money is now bigger than Bill Gates's pile of money

In the battle of rich, white dudes becoming even richer, Elon Musk is winning. 

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX has overtaken Bill Gates to become the second richest man in the world, behind Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Bloomberg has assessed. 

This is due to Tesla stock recently soaring after becoming part of the S&P 500 index, propelling Musk's net worth to $127.9 billion, which is slightly (by slightly, I mean $200 million) more than Gates's $127.7 billion. Bezos is still far ahead with a net worth of $182 billion. 

While this sounds like a near-insurmountable gap, one should consider that Musk added $100.3 billion to his net worth just in 2020. Musk and Bezos are also rivals in the space race (Bezos is CEO of spaceflight company Blue Origin), so this battle of titans will be an interesting one to watch play out.

Bloomberg says this is only the second time in eight years that Gates is ranked lower than number two. The man has been giving away billions to charitable causes so we can assume he's not that interested in the ranking, anyways. 

Musk, who has a $0 salary at Tesla, is poised to become significantly richer over the next couple of years. The man has a lucrative compensation plan which could net him billions if Tesla keeps hitting some very ambitious goals, which so far it has. 



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. There very few I think that it's well earned, Elon is one, well done he deserves this sincerely.

    1. LOL. Ask his employees if he deserves it. Exploitation should not be praised.

    2. are you one of his employees?

    3. no. but there’s plenty of stories. You don’t become wealthy without exploitation. Musk is anti-union, just like bezos. That should tell you everything. Nobody cares if he started with his own money, that’s all erased.

    4. then I think we can move on, I don't agree or disagree but unsupported statements is what got you Trump and what got us Boris.

    5. they’re not unsupported. You asked if I was an employee, you would’ve supported it if I said yes? Then why not believe the stories of actual employees?

  3. Piss off Mashable; you literally stole this SAME headline from The Verge last week! Or maybe you posted it too? Hell who knows; both of you have the most pointless, worthless articles focused on nothing but stirring primal emotion from people to hate on those who are actually pushing humanity forward.

  4. Suppose to be free so how is he bilking American public. Government is paying for it like the flu shot for seniors.

  5. Either pile is bigger than all our piles put together, so why would we care which of them is richer?

  6. Elon may donate some monies to space.. Possibly aliens.. ;D

  7. Good for him. He’s a beast in business.

  8. Maybe not once bill gates gets his vaccine money.

  9. Sadly many were rich before him who owned much more than him but all are in dust today.

  10. Every billionaire is a terrible person.

  11. I am wondering did he fulfill his promised to donate 1200 ventilators to hospital?

  12. So??? What’s your point???

  13. And this is something to celebrate?

  14. An expression of caring fails to cross my face...

  15. He's also arrogant arrogant

    1. There are no good billionaires. Anyone with that much money who doesn't use it up or give it away to help others is a detriment to humanity.

  16. The two (sunnah) rakahs of Fajr are better than this world and all it contains."

  17. on paper... and the article is copied from other sites

  18. The bigger they are, the harder they fall

  19. He can take it with him to Mars, yay

  20. Won't take long time to be number 1 ..

  21. And yet nobody cares

  22. I once heard from a guy who makes $18,000 a day that even if you make a ton of money your quality of life can only improve so much to a certain point. Example: Elon's pile of cash is bigger than Oprah's, but they can both afford the same cars, eat the same foods, live in the same neighborhoods/parcel of land, and because houses like the Biltmore are so massively inconvenient to maintain no one bothers to get homes that large anymore.
    Kind of like if you had a ton of food and another person only had one plate: you can only eat so much in one sitting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  23. Wait till the Tesla stock bubble pops

  24. elon is all stock - gates has cash.

  25. Nice Ser......so am jom your home ...please I so happy.. My contact 9112271163 ..India..Maharashtra....
    Ser no muny you he my job...plz ser

  26. Well done I'm so happy for them both really warms my heart


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