Watch out, Tesla: Report says Apple could build car by 2024.


Watch out, Tesla: Report says Apple could build car by 2024

Though plagued by setbacks and layoffs, Apple has reportedly been building a car under the “Project Titan” banner for years. Now, a new report shows the rubber might actually be hitting the road sometime soonish.

Multiple sources familiar with Apple’s automotive ambitions told Reuters that Apple could debut a car in 2024. It would be oriented toward individual drivers (not taxi fleets like Waymo), and would feature a reportedly innovative Apple battery and autonomous driving tech. 

The sources said that the pandemic could push the timeline back a year to 2025, and there’s a chance Apple might license its tech to existing car manufacturers instead of building the car itself. That certainly must be what a company like Tesla would hope for, because the hype around the launch of an Apple Car would make the launch of iPhones and iPads look positively puny in comparison. 

The Reuters article came one day after what MacRumors termed “sketchy reports” began circulating about the Apple Car. Those reports claimed that Apple would debut its car in the third quarter of 2021. The new 2024 timeline is in line with what frequently correct Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has said in the past about a car coming between 2023 and 2025.

In February 2019, Apple confirmed it had laid off nearly 200 employees, most of whom were engineers, from Project Titan. That wasn't a great sign for the division, but this latest report indicates Project Titan is still kicking. 

Again, details are up in the air. But analysts told Reuters it’s not out of the realm of possibility for Apple to actually manufacture its own car. The company is reportedly partnering with other component makers for tech like LIDAR. With those partners, it could have the supply chain might to compete with Elon Musk and other electric and autonomous car heavy hitters.



  1. Can someone else( or many) please report the post from Mary Charles to FB. I've been reporting this type of sleazy advertising with limited success.

  2. Ya and so have many of the worlds largest auto and truck makers. Yet here we are with the best being Tesla cars and the rest running a distant second at best.

  3. This won’t be something Apple will be able to hide and just show up with one day. I’ll take these rumors more seriously when Apple starts building massive factories and sourcing huge supply chains. Apple can’t outsource cars to Foxconn.

  4. That’s a hard no for me. Tires will be a permanent part of the wheels and require the entire axel to be replaced when you get a flat. ;D ;D

  5. Anouther company making cars most of us can’t afford. Cool.

  6. Entire car sold separately. Front window will crack from a rain drop

  7. It'll cost significantly more than any other electric car and most of the tech will be proprietary - but hey, it'll look cool...

  8. Every model year, they'll use a new charging coupling.

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

    2. The engine will be structured in such a way that if you try to access it, you void the warranty and the whole thing becomes non-functional. Then you'll have to buy a new car. And if the paint gets chipped or the windshield gets cracked, that'll also void the warranty. It'll only run on premium gas, too. It'll have fingerprint-sensor doorhandles so you don't need to worry about keys...until the pads get a bit dirty or crack. There will be no warranty on those, and it'll mean getting a new car. Again.

  9. You won't be able to open the hood, and if something goes wrong, you'll be required to buy a new vehicle. Unauthorized Apple vehicle repair shops will open and successfully repair the vehicles until Apple sues them out of existence.

  10. But they will only charge via Apple charge points, and the connector will change every year, if you dont upgrade your vehicle they will reduce the speed by 10mph and battery life by 10% every 6 months. If you close the door too firmly the windscreen will crack and every now and again for no reason everything in the car will just freeze and you will have to press the accelerator, brake and boot release button simultaneously to force a restart.

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  11. Wouldn’t doubt. I’ll bet that by 2030, we’ll be using a central automated system to work our cars. We won’t even have to drive our cars to work. Just let the central computer take us from A to B. That’s the only way we’ll have autopiloted cars.

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  12. Rims, tires, and steering wheel sold separately

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  13. They won't include any accessories like the wheels etc. That can be bought separately else you can use from your old vehicle.

  14. Steering wheel not included...

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  15. lol someone took a bite out of my warranty >sold as is lmao :)

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

    2. ya I Think not but thanks

    3. I hope someone teaches you a emp fault on your accts. lol

  16. It won't be a full car. Just a lot of disgustingly overpriced parts of mediocre quality you'll have to buy and assemble into a car.

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  17. Tires come separately.

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  18. The Apple Crate...
    Comes in Candy Apple 🍎 Red!
    Buy Stock Now and have a piece of the pie!
    Tesla may end up Bobbing for Apples!

    1. He is true and honest, I have made more than $2300 trading with him and am still currently making profits under his management and making my withdrawals smoothly directly to my Luno bitcoin wallet.Contact him via

      Facebook: _Mr Carlos Eduardo Macedo

  19. Will they purposely make my car slow with every future software update so they can force me to buy a new one while telling me its for the betterment of my own car?

  20. Apple company make more money than Amazon and Tesla

  21. Lol thats hilarious


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