U.S. releases video showing rapid, alarming Arctic change.


U.S. releases video showing rapid, alarming Arctic change

NOAA's 2020 Arctic Report Card doesn't pull any punches.

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration observed extreme changes in the Arctic this year and laid them bare in its latest, and fifteenth, Arctic Report Card. The video underscores key points of the report.

The scientific agency published its first report card back in 2006. "It was clear from the beginning the Arctic was changing," NOAA says in the video. "The details were less understood then, and the rate of change has been extraordinary."

Now, as the planet relentlessly warms, the accelerated heating and melting trends are unmistakable:

"The story is clear," said NOAA. "The Arctic is warmer, less frozen, and transforming biologically."



  1. It's obvious that the world rotates and the sun rotates and we all move around it shifting to where the sun hits differently now

  2. The climate change deniers will have to deny their denying soon enough. Sadly, who pays the price for waiting with drastic measures until every single one is on board, is all our future.

    1. And you tree huggers will continue to fall for the lefts political B.S..

    2. serious question: what benefit do you get from denying what you can see? I mean we’re obviously never going to agree on everything because we’re humans, but why is the right’s stance always so “if it inconveniences me today, I’m just gonna deny the facts”?

    3. Nothing we can do about it.
      Its natural and has happened many times before.

  3. They will not even wear masks to protect other humans, why would they consider this?

    1. Are you a climate scientist?
      A mask researcher?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Preaching to the choir, the people who don't believe in science aren't going to believe anything about this....

    1. I believe in science
      I believe in climate change.
      It’s been happening for about 4.5 billion years. It’s always happened. Al Gore didn’t invent it. It’s always been there. It will always be there. Our climate will change and our planet become uninhabitable by man. It’s not mans fault. We didn’t start it. We can’t do anything about it. It’s stupid to try and make us change our cars to electric because it won’t do any good, it’ll just spoil our fun.
      So, forget climate change, live your life while you can, drive a big, ‘gas’ guzzling V8, and let what Is going to happen, happen.
      Eventually the Earth will be consumed by the Sun, but man will be long gone by then. We can’t stop it.

    2. Look At This Nfl Combine GIF By NFL


    3. DUDE, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, burning coal and refining fossil fuels has created the problem that is the climate crisis today....
      You are smart enough to realize that after 100 years of this, there is an adverse impact on the environment and the atmosphere....


    4. https://www.desmogblog.com/.../public/blogimages/Picture 8.png?itok=S3HFKiDR

    5. I’m assuming that you are joking?

      Yes, our climate took millions of years to evolve into this ideal state that it is currently in.

      Why not see how fast we can help facilitate it’s demise?

    6. Except its happening extremely fast. Follow the science as to how fast and why.

    7. Since The pilgrim fathers landed in America the white man has constantly destroyed the ethnic peoples, the land, and each other. Don’t you think, you should sort that out first? It’s a proper man made problem.
      You white American folk constructed one of the worlds most polluting nations too... whilst we’re on the subject.

    8. so, if you’re that bothered by climate change, I assume you’ll give up your career, which involves lots of travelling. Travelling makes pollution. Build a small home somewhere and work in the local shop or something. You won’t earn so much but you’ll help save the climate. Is any of your fishing tackle carbon fibre? Or Metal? Or plastic? Get rid! They all involve destruction of the planet and pollution to create. Live in a small hut, no electricity, no cars.

    9. I'm not emitting 20 million megatons of pollutants into the atmosphere.....

    10. you’re doing your bit though.

  6. They don't tell you the opposite side is growing and not melting so it's chain reaction

  7. Politicians dun care

  8. Oh noes. More climate fear porn.


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