How to delete your Instagram account. Bye, Mark Zuckerberg.


How to delete your Instagram account. Bye, Mark Zuckerberg.

So, you finally deleted your Facebook account. The misinformation, the scams, the data privacy issues, the odd company decisions (like the one giving politicians a pass to lie) — it all just became too much. 

Your Facebook profile is now gone, and you’ve moved on to other social media platforms like … deleting Instagram?!

You probably know this, but just in case you don’t: Facebook owns Instagram. And while those platforms might have felt different enough before, Instagram is increasingly experiencing the same kinds of problems — coronavirus disinfo, a role in the foreign influence on elections, scams — found on Facebook.

If you’re ready to tap out of Facebook altogether, it might be time to say goodbye to your Instagram account, too. 

So, you ready? OK, here's how to delete Instagram from your life forever.

You can't delete from Instagram app

First things first: If you’re looking for a delete button somewhere in the menus on your Instagram mobile app (you know, the thing most people use to surf and post on Instagram), you can stop. You cannot delete your Instagram account via the mobile app. 

You can only delete your account by logging into Instagram from your desktop or mobile browser.

Download your Instagram data first

But before we get to deleting your account, you may want to download your data to your own personal computer hard drive first. 

To do that, log in to your account via the web browser and click “Settings” (the gears icon) on your profile page. Click the “Privacy & Security” option on the pop-up menu, then click on “Request Download” under Data Download. 

Type in your email address and hit the “next” button. Instagram will email you a downloadable file with all your data within 48 hours.

Got your data? Good. Now, to delete your account.

Delete your Instagram account

Log in to Instagram and click this link to go to the Instagram account deletion page. Are you deleting your account because of data concerns? Privacy issues? Let Instagram know via the options in the drop-down menu.

After that, you’ll be presented with a password input. Just type out your Instagram password and click “permanently delete my account.” 

Remember! Your account, along with all your photos and data, will be deleted from the platform for good. You will not be able to register a new account with that same username, so make sure you really want to delete your account before hitting that button.

And ... that’s it. You are now free from yet another Mark Zuckerberg-run social media platform. Congratulations!



  1. You realize you are posting this on Facebook? Mark kinda owns this too

    1. Thank you for educating Mashable’s CM, I’m sure they needed to be enlightened this way.

    2. Well posting an article on Facebook about deleting Instagram and stating since you've already gotten rid of Facebook ... someone is either really drunk or not so smart at Mashable

    3. Well, one has to start somewhere.

    4. They post articles on Facebook about deleting Facebook. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not sure they have any clue what they're doing.

  2. I love how everyone here hates Mark Zuckerberg yet whine on his platform. You make yourself look pretty foolish.

  3. Is this Mashable’s way of telling us they’re deleting their Facebook page? Please?

    1. It takes less time to tap the unfollow button than what it took you to post that petty comment. Choices.

    2. It’s more fun to be petty than to unfollow the page, silly.

  4. Deleted it almost a year ago, and it's been a real pleasure. Facebook, you're next ;D ;)

  5. You do realise the people who care won't be on facebook to see this post?

    1. Got him Finally!! FTC!!

    2. There was nothing wrong with Instagram... Its facebook that sucks.

    3. it is a Anti Trust for FB. Hello? Going to dispute the FTC?

    4. Hello and have a very Ron Jeremy Christmas.

  6. So... Facebook is a very leftist site...You are a very leftist article source/page... both are owned by the Zuck. Instagram is far less worse than facebook on notifications of violations of community standards though they have been getting alot worse lately removing tons of posts that they claim violate those standards when they do not... yet you are advocating the deletion of a Zuck owned ap while enjoying the same Zuck views.... K.

  7. Mashable yeah be our guest .. delete yours FIRST .. funny I.

  8. Delete your first, or stop wasting our time and space.

  9. Got rid of that junk. Mark is losing this in Anti- Trust suit. Finally got the SOB!

  10. Saying bye to a Marc Zuckerberg app on a Mark Zuckerberg app....🤨🤔🤨🤔


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