Facebook will now finally ban COVID-19 vaccine misinformation.

Facebook will now finally ban COVID-19 vaccine misinformation

On Monday, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg held a livestream with Dr. Anthony Fauci to talk about the coronavirus.

The Facebook comments on the video quickly filled up with musings from conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. The gist of these comments: "I'm not getting your fucking vaccine, you quack.”

Fast forward to Thursday. Facebook has announced that it will now remove false claims about COVID-19 vaccines from its platforms.

“Given the recent news that COVID-19 vaccines will soon be rolling out around the world, over the coming weeks we will start removing false claims about these vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts on Facebook and Instagram,” reads the company’s statement.

Facebook offered up examples of the type of content that would be prohibited under this policy update, such as the false claim that coronavirus vaccines contain a microchip.

The social networking giant, realizing coronavirus misinformation was being increasingly spread on its platform, took action and banned COVID-19 falsehoods that could result in harm early this year. Remember when people were drinking bleach in an attempt to fight off COVID-19?

Before Thursday, there was no specific policy position on coronavirus vaccine misinformation. Facebook says this new policy specifically targeting vaccine conspiracy theories will begin rolling out soon.

Many science and health professionals have worried about these actions coming too late. Experts have warned about the damage being caused by anti-vaxxers for years.

Facebook has taken action against anti-vaccination rhetoric before. The company banned ads meant to discourage vaccinations just last month. It also cracked down on anti-vaccine hashtags over on Instagram last year in an attempt to curb their reach and spread. However, the abundance of coronavirus vaccine misinformation makes it clear that more needs to be done.

And when it comes to coronavirus vaccines, specifically, Facebook is playing catchup with one of its competitors. In October, YouTube announced a new policy that would prohibit misinformation about coronavirus vaccines on the platform.

However, Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms can do one better. It seems completely reasonable that all anti-vaccine misinformation — not just related to COVID-19 —  should be prohibited.

For now, Facebook will just take on coronavirus vaccine falsehoods — something the company couldn’t even control when they were running rampant on its own CEO’s livestream.



  1. Too little too late!! Should have been tackled way back in the spring

  2. The anti vaccine nonsense is out here flowing deep already.

    1. Twenty years ahead of Agenda 21 forced biologics. Every conspiracy is true because it is playing out like a story book on time. Experimental vaccine = you are the experiment. Genocide is coming

    2. Don’t worry, the prophecy was told that the cheerleader would save the world. Google “Heroes” for more info.

  3. Misinformation = information we don’t agree with.

    1. No, misinformation is false information that is passed off as truth. There are many truths I don’t like to hear, but that doesn’t make them fake.

    2. Youre Wrong John C Mcginley GIF


    3. and somehow Facebook is the authority on that? Riiiiiight.

    4. one of my favorite shows!

    5. See, we can always find common ground.

    6. Well, it is their platform, and making sure blatant lies are not spread is kind of important. If you don’t agree with that, start using Parler - they are happy to allow users to spread lies and misinformation freely.

    7. no only fake information. repubs put out

    8. This is Facebook, not your house.

    9. Right, Facebook... a publicly traded company. Defining misinformation... or allowing their “fact checkers” to do so anyway.

  4. So how are they the experts now on what is misinformation?

  5. Way to step up - to little to late

  6. Yes....only spoon feed us what you want us to see. SO typical.

    1. No, their algorithms spoon feed you what YOU want to see based in making comments to posts...like you just did.

  7. They should ban all conspiracy theories too.

    1. Maybe they can start QAnonbook. Hahaha

  8. So they're finally sending anti vaxxer mommies over to Parler? Wunderbar!!

    1. After the vaccine cleans up the mess, we ll be the only one standing

  9. Interesting.. and who judges what the misinformation is?

  10. Facebook has ruined lives by allowing the free flow of dangerous, false information. Too late

    1. You think just Facebook did that? How about Infowars, Breitbart or even Fox news?

  11. Not the comments though

  12. Do you mean the results?
    Of illnesses per say??

  13. How do they know what is and isn't misinformation just rich warheads trying to manipulate people

    1. Yep, the fox watching the henhouse

  14. Like theres a thing good about that.

  15. Or they will ban all truth. This is new world order. Inject Or get left out. This was planned elite takeover genocide - guess what they can’t ban? Twenty years of research, non-indoctrinated education, vaccine injury and shared stories of harm.

  16. That puts them into knowing what is or is not misinformation and I don’t think any of them have a medical degree so Facebook can blow it out their butt.

  17. Great! Bye, bye Mashable! ;'D


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