'Black excellence': Gymnast Nia Dennis blesses the internet with another stunning floor routine.


'Black excellence': Gymnast Nia Dennis blesses the internet with another stunning floor routine

Last February, UCLA's Nia Dennis went viral for a flawless, swaggering floor routine set to a Beyoncé medley. So how do you follow that? By adding Kendrick Lamar, Missy Elliott, and Tupac, apparently.

Dennis helped take her team to a win over Arizona State on Saturday with this joyous, confident celebration of Black excellence, opening with Kendrick's defiant "DNA" and (ahem) rounded off with "California Love" — which obviously went down a treat with the hometown crowd. 

"This routine definitely reflects everything that I am today as a woman,” Dennis told the Los Angeles Daily News, “and of course I had to incorporate a lot of parts of my culture. I wanted to have a dance party because that’s my personality and of course I had to shout out LA because we out here, UCLA.”

Missy Elliott, as well as fellow internet-beloved star gymnasts Simone Biles and Katelyn Ohashi, shouted out Dennis' star power on Twitter. 

And that was just the season opener. With more to come — not to mention the pandemic-delayed "2020" Tokyo Olympics, where Biles will compete — it's already shaping up as a great year for watching these incredible athletes defy gravity.



  1. So anyyyywaaaaaay.....she’s incredible!!!

  2. I always think the armchair critics are funny. When is the last time any of us did any one of those aerial moves? Some of us, after this pandemic, are lucky just to get our behinds out of our chairs! ;D;D;D She is excellent and she is impressive. Ah, youth.... :)

  3. Black excellence is the perfect title and the privileged trash who call it racist are scared they’re gonna lose their privilege

    And they will

  4. Very good, clap clap.

  5. I must be the only person who wasn't impressed with her performance. She's capable of so much more and higher skills but she settled on more dance movements. Her performance was very good but not at the level I know she's capable of.

  6. Great Human Being Excellence.

  7. Black excellence ;D

  8. Orrrrrr, we could discuss her performance. Just saying.

  9. Imagine if it was labeled "white excellence". Someone would get fired ;D

    1. I know right ;D

    2. It wouldn’t be headlined that because that’s always been the standard. Stop playing the reverse race card, it doesn’t exist.

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  11. Who cares about what color she is! Excellence is excellence! This does not serve this young lady well!

  12. no need to mention shes black, we can see that. excellence, without any bending of the rules??

  13. I dont know how these kids do this, but it is astounding

  14. To...Mashable didn't make it about race. It is a quote from the UCLA tweet regarding Dennis' performance. Hence the quotation marks. Quit whining

  15. What a positive attitude . I cannot help but wish this young lady success.

  16. Funny how Mashable makes it about race. She is an excellent gymnast.

  17. Enjoy it while you can, girl!! Soon you'll have a whole lot more competition.

  18. Why oh why do you say "black excellence"? And I'm referring to "black." Why does everything have to be labeled by race!!!!

  19. It has nothing to do with her skin color. It has to do with her using her God given talents and so happen to be better than her competition at THIS time.

  20. Why does caption have to call out race ... continual division..just celebrate the athlete regardless of race...geez

  21. Bad call Mashable

    Excellence should have been the title...thanks for stirring the racist pot and making it something it wasn't.

    Totally diminishing all her hard work


    1. Aim that at UCLA who said it . They just quoting

    2. So...it’s Mashable’s fault that some jerks got triggered from the word “Black”?
      And THEIR reaction diminishes HER? What the hell? ;)?

    3. Why does race, ANY race
      need to be mentioned when extolling someone's virtues or crimes?

      Attaching race to any announcement is archaic and unnecessary

      Read into it what you will.

    4. I could understand if we felt unrepresented and it was like a break out thing but simone biles already owns the sport so I don't like it either. Ucla does need to turn a profit so I guess marketing fail lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  22. no
    Sit in the corner and think about yourself for a while


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