Parler CEO says the service will be down 'longer than expected'.


Parler CEO says the service will be down 'longer than expected'

Parler probably isn't coming back any time soon. 

The social network that still supports Donald Trump and his followers — one of the few to do so right now — has been shut down after Amazon suspended it from its web-hosting services on Monday. Google and Apple have already removed Parler from their respective app stores, and the service is completely inaccessible at writing time.  

Ahead of the shutdown, Parler CEO John Matze said (via screenshot by author Don Winslow) that the service will "likely be down longer than expected," in a post on the platform. 

Parler CEO announces their entire system has been shut down, no vendors will touch them, and that will be offline for the foreseeable future.

— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) January 11, 2021

This is not due to software restrictions; Matze says that the company has the "software and everyone's data ready to go."

"Rather it's that Amazon's, Google's and Apple's statements to the press about dropping our access has caused most of our other vendors to drop their support for us as well. And most people with enough servers to host us have shut their doors to us."

In a post Sunday, Matze said the company will try to move to a new provider and that it has "many competing for [its] business." He called the actions by Amazon, Google and Apple a "coordinated effort," and an "attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet."

Parler has gained notoriety as it allowed pro-Trump supporters to post on the service without moderation, with some posts inciting violence and posing threats to public safety. 

Parler might not be going away for good, however. "Parler is my final stand on the Internet," wrote Matze. "I won't be making an account on any social. Parler is my home. See you all 


  1. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s what is happening to the big Tech companies. I fear they will learn the hard way.

  2. It got hacked and sent to the fbi just before it went down. Hope you didn’t have any personal, incriminating stuff on there. ;D ;D ;D

    1. FBI has been monitoring it for quite a while, it's run by a russian woman and her husband out of Henderson, NV.

  3. We wouldn’t have won GA without you! Thanks for the memories. #boycottgeorgiarunoffs

  4. So nobody is really fighting over a chance to host it. Huh. Go figure.

    1. The opposite all size and servicer are saying hell no trumper even with 20 time normal fee offered by republican mafia and fox

    2. no one will support place with violent users

    3. the opposite all size and servicer are saying hell no trumper even with 20 time normal fee offered by republican mafia and fox

  5. Did anyone think this would turn out differently?

    1. It was possible that the rest of human history could hsve repeated where largely nothing happened or changed.

    2. Glad that doesn't seem to be the case today.

  6. Hatred and conspiracy theories should not be enabled. What's next, are conservatives going to storm our Capitol?

    1. and what about free thinkers are you being a tyrant telling people how to think now

  7. you know when your lawyers back away from very lucrative litigation money you are in deep S*#t.

  8. Trump fans on Parler, think of it as a gay wedding cake with Amazon playing the role of a god-fearing baker.

  9. Most sosial media should be labelled "for entertainment purposes only" for those who take it too seriously

    1. that doesn't even work with Fox News, who had to change their whole identity from a 'news' station to an 'entertainment' one.

    2. most American news channels need to do this as well

  10. This is what corporate responsibility looks like.

  11. I really don’t care, do u?

  12. Since it’s clear many of you have never bothered to read the 1st amendment (because you literally missed the FIRST word of the amendment) I'll post it. Go on ahead and point to the part where it says “twitter” or “amazon”. To make it easier for you I capitalized the significant word you should focus on; the one you apparently don't know about:

    “CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;…”

  13. Except they have all moved to “Gab” .../

  14. Is Parler headed for the funeral parlor?

  15. The fact that Parler is being suppressed by the tech giants tells you a lot about the state of things, and how corrupt things are

    1. The "pro-business" GOP let it get this way. Warren and several more progressive Democrats have been interested in regulating big businesses for years and years to prevent abuses of power, but McConnell and Senate Republicans have tried their best to stall or hamstring these efforts. So now we get to enjoy the consequences.

  16. "Parler CEO announces their entire system has been shut down, no vendors will touch them, and that will be offline for the foreseeable future."

    If no company wants your business, maybe it's time to reconsider your business model. There are thousands of companies they can go to to get server hosting.

  17. “We reserve the right to refuse service to any one” This signs need to make a comeback. Too many people were spoiled as children.

  18. The parallels to the start of the 3rd Reich are undeniable. Making lists of people with different political views and going after them, disrupting/shutting down opportunities for free speech, policing of opinions so that anything outside of 1 world view is censored, and fascists celebrating publicly that their political opponents are censored and attacked. 1 world view is now mandated and policed through govt and media.
    Many thought it could never happen again, but lack of education has led us here to repeat history.


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