Trump's back on Twitter telling his supporters 'you do not represent our country'.


Trump's back on Twitter telling his supporters 'you do not represent our country'

Donald Trump is tweeting again. 

A day after Twitter temporarily locked the president's account, Trump once again has the keys to his social media kingdom. Trump released a short video Thursday decrying the violent pro-Trump extremists who on Wednesday took over the U.S. Capitol. 

"The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy," Trump says in the video he posted first to Twitter and then on Youtube. "To those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction you do not represent our country, and to those who broke the law you will pay."

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021

Of course, the people who engaged in the acts of violence do represent at least one element of our country: Trump supporters. 

Trump was initially temporary prevented from tweeting after his first response to the attack on the Capitol was to seemingly egg it on — saying, among other things, that he loved the people who broke into the building. It's not exactly clear when Twitter lifted the ban. It's been 30 hours since insurrectionists took over the Capitol, and only now, after violence, death, and destruction is Trump calling for "a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power." Before the riot, he told his supporters gathered in D.C. "you will never take back our country with weakness.”

According to Twitter, Trump was first required to delete three tweets the company had already hidden behind a warning label before the lock could be lifted.

"We can confirm that the violative Tweets have been deleted," a Twitter spokesperson confirmed over email. "Confirming the 12 hour lock did begin after the Tweets were deleted, but we've nothing more specific to share on timing."

Notably, Trump remains unable to post on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitch — at least until the end of his term. 



  1. Oh, I'm sure this was in no way crafted and prompted by his lawyers in light of a DC police officer dying as a result of the riot he incited.

    1. Did an officer die?

    2. Drag Race Alaska GIF By RuPaul's Drag Race

    3. Yes, an officer died

    4. Yes, a US Capitol officer passed away this afternoon bringing the current count to 5.

    5. Officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher yesterday, and died today

    6. This is maddening. He stirs people up and tells them to fight, then when it gets out of hand, he says oh u won't get away with this. I guess he doesn't want to add to his crimes that he will face in a couple of weeks

    7. Actually erroneous report - critical condition not dead

    8. Rachel says not dead but in critical condition (as of 7pm MT anyway)

    9. good to hear, thanks!

    10. Maybe we're talking about two different officers? I swear I heard what I wrote above on npr earlier today

    11. since reported he died

  2. Two days after he is out, New York is coming after him. He can’t go to Scotland because country is on lockdown and won’ t let him in. Poor Donny only jail will welcome him!

    1. The poor schmucks that continue to believe the lies will never be free. They will continue to weave their tangled webs delving deeper into the dark reaches of social media finding obscure "wannabe self described experts" to validate their beliefs.

    2. I’m still trying to figure out why he was itching to go play golf outdoors in Scotland in gloomy January when he could do the same thing in Florida.

    3. He can go to India and spend rest of his life with his best friend ;D

    4. 'Cause maybe he's finally aware that he's worn out his welcome in the USA? Glad Scotland banned him.

    5. Your message is enigmatic -really

    6. let me spell it out. Trump supporters are leaving outlets like twitter and FB to dark web sites filled with conspiracy theories and mentally deranged people to find like minded deranged people.

    7. See answer below. I was speaking to my like minded friend Anne who knows what I mean.

  3. They represented Trump & he never ever represented anything of value to America in all 4 years except division & chaos!

  4. Too little, too late. To be a good, effective leader, you should be able to see and admit when you're doing more harm than good

  5. Too late donald! Everyone knows how you really feel so this crap isn’t going to cut it and is unbelievable as hell!!

  6. Told you he will totally disown you when the needs arise good luck when you go to prison for this.

    1. They can face up to 10 years jail under his own Monuments executive order..oh the irony ;D

  7. he's only saying it so they don't say he's crazy (which he is), didn't orchestrate a coup (which he did), and can't stand not being able to use twitter.

  8. Too late...the whole world watched. Trying to avoid prison?

  9. He also said at the end " our journey is just beginning". I bet it was a dry run.

  10. He told his cult to do it and now he's telling them they broke the law. I bet they're really confused!

  11. I see he is back on his meds and you can tell how he is talking. Finally he says something that makes sense but honestly too little too late. He is the one that riled them up and got this started. He incited treason and murder and jail is too good.

  12. Enjoy prison... rioters... hope it was worth it supporting this guy after you did his bidding. Now you’re just like every other lackey that trusted trump.

  13. That's true. They do not represent our country and after the past four years, neither does he.They represent him and every hateful and superiority complexed darkness within the human character spectrum. He had an opportunity after being elected into that office to actually do something good for once in his morally bankrupt life. Most of us knew then what we know now about what would happen to our once great Nation. We will either grow and become stronger or we will be destroyed from within as every adversary in the World rejoices.

  14. It was no accident that there were not enough law enforcement there. It was public knowledge that there was going to be Trump supporters there and they are people who have carried guns at rallies before. Trump should have had law enforcement or national guard lined up days or weeks before January 6th. The fact that he didn't is proof that he wanted this violence to happen. He literally put hundreds of lives in jeopardy and we have 5 people who are dead because of it. It could have been much worse.

    1. He wants to sabotage democracy

    2. He was hoping someone in congress would die. But that didnt happen. He had every intention of washing his hands clean regardless. But youre right. He meant for violence and death to happen.

  15. That was well written, obviously not by Trump as it had more than 3 words in a sentence. Trying to save your own skin whilst condemning others for carrying out your wishes is particularly cowardly, yet another childish trait from a deluded, dangerous fantasist, good riddance.


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