WikiLeaks' Julian Assange will not be extradited to the U.S., British judge rules.

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange will not be extradited to the U.S., British judge rules

Julian Assange will be not extradited to the U.S., a UK Central Criminal Court judge announced on Monday.

During a speech in which she dismissed many of the arguments made by Assange's lawyers, district judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled that the WikiLeaks co-founder's past actions wouldn't "be protected by free speech" if they took place in England and Wales, and that his attempts to recruit hackers "took him outside" the role of an investigative journalist, per The Independent

But she ultimately ruled against extradition due to assessments on Assange's mental health, describing him as "a depressed and sometimes despairing man," and a potential suicide risk.

The U.S. will now have the option to appeal, and the government said it will.

Assange was arrested in London in April 2019 after being charged with 18 separate counts under America's 102-year-old Espionage Act for "conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified U.S. government computer" by the Department of Justice. He's been fighting extradition ever since — Assange would have faced up to 175 fears in U.S. prison if the extradition had gone ahead.

The charge, per court documents referred to by the DOJ, relates to "Assange's alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States."

Assange co-founded WikiLeaks, an organization which "specializes in the analysis and publication of large datasets of censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption," back in 2006.

10 million documents have so far been published.



  1. So Now What? He’s pleading he’s mentally incompetent so that’s the reason of denial of extradition? What Now? If he’s mentally incompetent aka “Off his Rocker”? They going to at least interim him into an insane asylum? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Why would he be put in an asylum? Besides the fact that very few exist in the U.K. (as far as I’m aware there are 3 & they’re called “psychiatric hospitals”), I don’t believe that they lock up people for being depressed. If that were the case then a significant proportion of the world’s population would be locked up for having a mental illness that can be mild.
      Also, I don’t know how many requests for extradition the US will see granted after what happened to Epstein. Not that I’m suggesting that the accusations against them are/were comparable, but it’s not a tall order to believe that Assange will get neither the care or treatment he is entitled to if he were to be handed to USA authorities.

  2. When can we expect someone from the American military to be extradited to Iraq to answer for the crimes that Assange uncovered?

    1. The crime was invading Iraq for oil..
      Otherwise,that country would be a working democracy..
      Assange must be released, with Honours..
      A knighthood, for starter's

    2. Can't even get US soldiers to answer hit-and-run or rape casea in allied countries. What makes you think a hostile has a chance?

    3. Iraq was a military dictatorship and a kingdom before that. The electorate of one elected a candidate of one.

    4. I did mean to write “or The Hague” but was too hasty.

    5. US doesn't recognose the ICJ either. ICJ is European.

    6. So further enforces the point I was trying to make.
      America want people handed over to them to be tried, but wouldn’t dream of letting other nations hold them to the same standard.

    7. And it would be the ICC for something like that, I believe, UN war crimes tribunal.

      I remember Milosevic tried to not recognise their jurisdiction and it didn’t seem to help him much.

    8. From the Melian Dialogue: "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must".
      In any case the Pax Americana seems to be slowly giving way to Pax Sinica and China doesn't seem even remotely interested in fig leaves.

    9. Miloševićwas a defeated man. The EU & US could do what they wanted with hiim. Who will force the US?

  3. Maybe if the US don’t like that then they could start with an olive branch offer and send Anne Sacoolas to the U.K. for trial.

  4. The truth is illegal

  5. I hope this is true..🙏🙏🙏.

  6. He showed the world how disgusting the US military and the responsible leaders are. That guy deserves a medal.

  7. Send in the DoG!

    1. Why? .. I don’t think he can run 10 yards these days ;D

    2. And we've got a points based system now, don't think he'd have enough points, let alone a sponsor. Can't see the Sheriff's sponsoring him!

  8. Hey Julian can you forward the plans of Rothschild and Rockafellas
    I see a currencies take over in the future

  9. This guy has been tortured enough...

  10. When u expose government corruption you end going to prison ! Or dead like Epstein Those with power make sure of it.

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