The U.S. is no longer a rogue climate nation.


The U.S. is no longer a rogue climate nation

The U.S. is no longer acting like an insolent child peeing in a swimming pool

On Nov. 4, 2020, the Trump administration quit the Paris Agreement, becoming the only nation to leave the world's most important effort to curb Earth's relentless warming. Even the hyper-isolated dictatorship of North Korea was still aboard

But before he was elected, newly-inaugurated President Joe Biden pledged to rejoin the treaty on "day one."  He did, signing an order in the Oval Office on Jan. 20. Crucially, later that same day the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, accepted Biden's request to return (and thereby help stabilize the disrupted climate).  

Just like that, the U.S. is essentially back. (Wonky procedures mean this acceptance enters "into force" on Feb. 19.)

Returning to the climate treaty greatly benefits global nations, the U.S., and, not least, every living thing.

  • The U.S. has emitted more heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any other nation. It's responsible, then, for a significant amount of Earth's warming. Rejoining the treaty can influence or encourage other big carbon polluters to ambitiously slash emissions, too. "If we, the greatest historic polluter, are unwilling to take leadership, why should China?" asked Michael Mann, a climate scientist at Penn State University, when the Trump administration announced its intention to quit in 2019. "Why should India? It sends a horrific message to the rest of the world." 

  • The U.S. will directly benefit from stabilizing the world's temperatures, perhaps at some 2 degrees Celsius (or 3.6 Fahrenheit) above temperatures in the 1800s. Already, the nation is experiencing the likes of a Southwestern megadrought, rising seas, and surging wildfires.
  • Stabilizing the climate is not about saving the planet. The planet, in the long run, will "survive." Rather, curbing today's warming is largely about avoiding severe impacts to human civilization. "The climate crisis is not an environmental crisis, it is a crisis of human society and the biosphere that sustains us," Sarah Green, an environmental chemist at Michigan Technological University, told Mashable in 2019.

A primary aim of the Paris Agreement is to encourage global nations to ramp up their climate ambition, meaning how much they'll reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades and beyond. Right now, with relatively small efforts to curb emissions, the world is on track to warm by some 3 degrees Celsius, or some 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit, above pre-Industrial Revolution temperatures by the century's end. 

This would be bad.

"A 3C world will have catastrophic impacts for some, the loss of islands, corals, Arctic sea ice, some land glaciers, and not to mention changes in extreme weather," Glen Peters, the research director at the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO) previously told Mashable.

The good news is humanity can potentially curb warming at a more moderate 2C, or perhaps somewhere near there. 

"We’re already experiencing the dangerous effects of climate change," Bob Kopp, a climate scientist and director of the Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Rutgers University, told Mashable last year.  

"Every bit we emit causes more damage, " he said. "The sooner we stop emitting, the less damage we’ll cause."  


  1. the Only reason SNOWFLAKES want us back into this is so America and again foot the bill.

  2. But Mashable is acting like an insolent child so it’s a tradeoff

  3. Great - we became a gullible nation again

  4. Now we’re throwing money at a problem that we can’t fix anyway.

    1. Change costs us money... and maybe mind your own bank account while the adults try and correct the problems cause by irresponsible greed.

    2. Do I send my money directly to the climate gods for them to wave their magic wand?

    3. In 2019, climate change contributed to extreme weather events causing at least $100 billion in damages. By 2050, cumulative damages from climate change may reach $8 trillion, impoverishing by 3% of gross world product and the poorest regions by more of their gross domestic product (GDP).

    4. Totally fixable with political will

    5. Go back to the 17th century and hope it heals itself?

    6. Not necessary. We have pretty much all of the answers we need, just need political will to implement them

    7. The west has been benefitting from causing climate change for the past 300 years and have become very wealthy from it and everyone living in the west or grew up in the west or who’s parents or their parents grew up in the west has benefitted from causing this huge problem. Countries in the East have only been been financially benefitting from causing climate change for the past century.
      We’ve abused this planet the most and done very nicely out of it, it’s time we grew up and paid our dues.

  5. China still building coal plants,it makes no difference

  6. The rogue climate nations are China and India - The U.S. has reduced its carbon footprint more than many nations.

  7. the toad pissed all over our Country, good riddance

  8. Meanwhile China the biggest polluter wants nothing to do with it

  9. No, now the US is back to being the child in the back seat, Biden's America last policy didn't take long to go into effect.

  10. Trump did the right thing by dumping the Paris money sponge. The major polluters don't follow any agreements. The US just sends money and pays for stuff. Must be some good kick backs. Follow the money!

  11. No we will just be broke...

  12. What ever happened to the hole inn fry he ozone layer at the South Pole?

  13. The US hasn't been for many years now. Typical lies by Mashable.

  14. China emits almost twice the amount of greenhouse gases as the US..and growing...
    Theories....hypotheses....supported by sporadic data...and mathematical models. .Paris accord will have MINIMAL affect ..and China wont comply...

    1. So your argument is essentially... Someone is doing worse than me, so me changing my actions won't help.

      What an adult way to think. /s

      Have you ever heard the saying "two wrongs don't make a right"?

    2. We need to migrate away from fossil fuel..its finite....but it is a global ecosystem....and if the heaviest polluter does not comply...we accomplish little...except allow China to continue on the path of economic and therefore overall dominance of the world....
      So the article basically spread misinformation..was not pragmatic...willing to have a debate on the nature and course to take...we are impacting the globe..are we the most significant cause of what we are seeing? Read the reports...looked at the models and attendant data..that try to emulate and synthesize complex variables...many of which are constantly changing and whose interactions we cannot replicate in a lab...
      So..we need to be measured in our response..taking into consideration the economic impacts as well...migrating away from affordable fossil fuels will hit the most vulnerable the most..the under priviledged..

  15. The US exceeded the carbon reductions of all other Paris signatories.

    1. Being part of an "Accord" is just virtue signalling.
      The US Got R Dun without the carbon footprint of massive travel and gatherings related to accords such as this.
      Quit pretending through the media, fattening bureaucratic pockets with these make work groups, and just get it done!

  16. Yup the usa very good to the carbon credit shop..again.

  17. America suddenly reappeared in the world ;D


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