Facebook says it'll ban anti-vax content, again.

Facebook says it'll ban anti-vax content, again

If at first you don't succeed, keep telling people that you're trying again.

Facebook announced Monday that, over a year into a pandemic that has killed more than 460,000 people in the U.S. alone, it intends to do more about the pervasive anti-vaccine content sloshing across its platform. Specifically, the social media giant said it will remove a specific set of false claims about both COVID-19 and vaccines. 

Of course, we've heard this promise before. In March 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic, Facebook promised to crack down on anti-vaccine content. In October of 2020, Facebook said it would finally ban anti-vaccine ads. And in December of 2020, Facebook insisted it would ban COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. 

As Monday's announcement makes clear, Facebook still has some work to do.

"Today, we are expanding our efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic," explains the company in a blog post. "Today, following consultations with leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), we are expanding the list of false claims we will remove to include additional debunked claims about the coronavirus and vaccines."

Facebook kindly provides us with examples of statements that, going forward, will theoretically no longer be allowed on the platform:

  • "COVID-19 is man-made or manufactured"
  • "Vaccines are not effective at preventing the disease they are meant to protect against"

  • "It's safer to get the disease than to get the vaccine"

  • "Vaccines are toxic, dangerous or cause autism"

The company says it will start implementing the new policy immediately. Notably, Facebook also says that if a Group or account repeatedly posts or shares the now-banned anti-vax content, it may boot it from the platform entirely. 

Better late than never.



  1. Question... how come it never mutated for 10 months pretty much in the worst of it and now all of a sudden it has "MUTATED" 3 times???

    1. Actually it did mutate in the beginning but people were too busy trying to prove it was fake that they didnt notice.

    2. It's clear that you have no idea how viruses work. You should educate yourself before publicly saying something so silly ☺️

    3. from May of 2020


    4. Because people are catching on and starting to push back.

    5. It took a while for the 5G towers to broadcast the virus at full strength.

    6. Actually it did.... go back and look it up

  2. Facebook is run by twats anything

  3. I want more antivaxxers so I can get my dose early.

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  5. It would be nice if they actually succeeded

    1. not really.

      That would be censorship which is never good in my opinion.

      There is legitimate reasons to not get a vaccine and be “anti vaccine” esc such as allergic reactions, moral implications (some vaccines have fetal or animal products in them which breaks some people’s religious views) and many others.

      Are these people just instantly bad/banned?

    2. Allergic reactions are one thing, but moral objections are opinions.
      There is no room for opinions in science.

    3. Yikes. So I guess your okay with live medical experiments? Drug testing on children?

      Let’s do a lobotomy on live patients.

      That exact line of dialogue (word for word) is what caused some of the most horrendous medical and scientific events in history Erich hippke and unit 731 both said literally the exact same thing.

      Scientific ethics should read into it.

    4. another good example would be say the Stanford prison experiment.

      Yea we learned a lot from it. But it was unethical and morally wrong.

      So they made that kind of science illegal.

    5. Keep moving the goalposts, it's not helping your argument

    6. Pointing out past ethical violations in scientific history has nothing to do with current scientific ethics

    7. The problem is that when we don’t “censor” bullsht, morons with sorry levels of critical thinking skills believe the bullsht, then they amplify it, and the next thing you know we have tens of thousands of people posting that “some vaccines have fetal products in them”.....thereby unnecessarily scaring thousands of people from taking the vaccine. So no, these people aren’t “bad”, just woefully ignorant.

  6. Lol they cannot keep hiding the truth

  7. Id like to get a second opinion, but that's against the Terms of Service, racist, misogynistic and makes you a denier.

  8. Direct breach of freedom of speach. Oppressors have something to hide. Be transparent and unbias facebook or cease operation.

  9. What facebook needs to do is to stop pushing the same things someone is into. Their algorithm must change. Instead of muting someone why not present other ideas to change their mind? Banning someone is a really bad idea, they will just move to another platform and do the same things. Think about it for a sec. Fyi I'm not antivax, I'm all for it, my arguement is against blocking someone's voice.

    1. The algorithm really is a huge problem

  10. Social media unleashed a tsunami of stupidity.

  11. Lies Not Buying It GIF


  12. They keep banning speech but cannot seem to get rid of scam ads from Chinese suppliers.

  13. Whatever happened to free speech?


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