NASA drops an unsettling new video.


NASA drops an unsettling new video

Humanity is radically disrupting the planet. 

In a succinct new video released Thursday, NASA announced that 2020 tied 2016 for the warmest year on record. Importantly, the science agency underscored this warming is part of a stark trend, largely caused by heat-trapping greenhouse gases amassing in the atmosphere.

"The last decade was the warmest decade on record," said NASA. The agency's modern temperature records go back well over a century, to 1880. And in the last forty years, Earth's temperature rise has been accelerating.

2020's record fire seasons and plummeting Arctic sea ice are likely consequences of human-caused climate change, the agency said.

On Earth, the last 44 years have all been warmer than average, and have grown increasingly hot. This wouldn't happen unless the planet was continually warming, Alan Hamlet, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and earth sciences at the University of Notre Dame, told Mashable. Hamlet had no role in NASA's 2020 climate analysis. 

"The warming of the earth is unequivocal," he said. 



  1. Probably because nobody is aware of what they are doing, to busy expressing their sub concious mind which has been influenced by the devil, luckily everybody is capable of change, it's just a very very very dark road

    1. I can't speak toward spiritual corruption in unwise actors, but I can speak toward economic incentives.

  2. Of course, they all want to say we humans are the problem, less population, better for the environment🤡 You can shove your population control and I’ll keep The Word of The Bible🙏🏻

    1. So Dumb GIF

    2. Where in the Bible does it say that pollution is good for the Earth? Where in the Bible does it promote factories releasing pollutants into the air and praise industry over people? Where in the Bible does it say that garbage filling the oceans, and oil being dumped into our drinking water is “God’s way”?
      Have you ever been to India, Brazil, or China for example? Have you firsthand seen what happens to people when too many people try to live and continue to multiply abundantly in the same area and over populate based on what the land can provide? Until you fully understand the scale of what happens you should sit down and be quiet.

    3. Literally no one but fringe ecofascists are saying this... Renewable energy is not population control

  3. The Planet is going to be disrupting humanity soon as well.

  4. Nibiru is and it's system that's here and moving through..... Note the pole shifting. The planet is heating up from the core due to the magnetic friction of nibiru. Cycle every 3600yrs.

    1. As is your amygdala. Go sit in a corner and chill.

  5. Is there a way to watch the video without the written commentary?

  6. Hmmm the article says from 2016-2020 is when they recorded this. Who was in charge during this time and ppl will probably his fault. Lol

  7. Yup. George Carlin knew this too. He ain’t even a scientist.

  8. The key word here is on record. What record are they talking about? Temperatures have been recorded for less than 200 years, which is about the time the Little Ice Age ended and the current Warm Period began. How do temperatures today compare to the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warm Period.

    1. The climate rise is accelerating faster than natural means. They also have explanations and comparisons for those

      What we’re doing is eating ice cream with the car heaters on. Sure it’ll melt on its own, but the car heaters are accelerating the process.

    2. Understand you want to cling onto some hope - we but 90+% of climate scientists agree that this warming is manmade and will lead to worse and worse extremes of weather if we dont stop burning fossil fuels, stop cutting down rainforests and trees and over cultivating the land. These extreme weather events are already causing droughts and floods and running crops. We have to believe the science and get on with cutting carbon.

    3. Content Warning GIF

    4. "90+% of climate scientists agree"

      You know that's been debunked, right?

    5. The guy that wrote that blog is a former accountant. Let's see, should I believe a former accountant or scientist when it comes to scientific data?

    6. Debunked by your Google search

    7. LOL Deal with the facts. Got any?

    8. Where is your evidence?
      Are you easily fooled?

    9. Not as easily as you

    10. obviously your science education seems to be at about a 6th grade level

    11. Do you think that scientists that got us to the moon and back have not taken that into consideration .oh sorry you have figured it all out and them with there fancy education have got it all wrong what are you sorting out next week..... how we can prove that the earth is flat

    12. Sure looks like you are easily duped.

      What are your solutions?

      I have several.

    13. Hold on everyone! We've got a top scientist @mark pribonic here. Because we didn't have science longer than 200 years to record things we cannot possibly know what happened before then. The artifacts from civilization 5000+ years plus, nevermind the carbon dating and myriad other scientifically tested and proven methodologies for understanding previous ages on earth.... Because we haven't been measuring temperature for longer than 200 years, this is all bunk. Thank you Mark for enlightening the world and science community to their egregious errors and showing us that we have not been impacting our planet and we should continue doing what we have always done!

    14. I'm comforted in the findings this article illustrates especially when I know they are funded well enough to choose the free WordPress hosting plan. It's been proven many times that information on the web, particularly free WordPress sites, are the ultimate source of truth.

    15. So you believe the repeatedly debunked Cook etal. study despite the facts? Got it.

    16. I don't care about the debate about 97 vs 1.6 it's stupid nobody can manage to interview scientists around the world and get an accurate consolidated alignment of views on ANY topic. It's more about whether Climate change is real and whether we are contributing in a meaningful way. Based on everything I have read: it is real and we are strongly contributing to it.

    17. " It's more about whether Climate change is real and whether we are contributing in a meaningful way."

      Did I ever say human activity didn't contribute? No.

      How much has always been the question and more importantly can we do anything about it that doesn't cause more harm than good.

    18. I'm not attacking you, Dude. So cool it - pun intended. Based on my research, I think humanity is heavily contributing to the problem and I think we have tons of viable and great options to reduce and eventually eliminate the problem.

  9. NASA always does that :|

    sorry for the self-promotion here ..please follow my blog if you like the content , here is the latest one

  10. Well that was a lot of info, and sure wrapped up all we need to know

  11. I've read that an average volcano eruption puts more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than humans have in our entire existence. I've also read that the planets slightly eccentric orbit and off center rotation have more to do with global warming than we do.


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