Twitter confirms Trump's ban is permanent, even if he runs again in 2024.

Twitter confirms Trump's ban is permanent, even if he runs again in 2024

Donald Trump and Twitter are never, ever, ever getting back together. Not even if he runs for president again in the future.

A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to Mashable on Wednesday morning that the former president's suspension from the service is permanent and will not be lifted even if Trump were to run for president in 2024.

You may recall that Trump's personal account was permanently suspended from Twitter on Jan. 8 after a review determined that several of his tweets related to the Capitol riots carried a "risk of further incitement of violence."

In a Jan. 8 blog post announcing Trump's permanent suspension Twitter explained that although its "public interest framework exists to enable the public to hear from elected officials and world leaders directly," the platform also has a responsibility to hold those people accountable when they clearly violate rules.

"...We made it clear going back years that these accounts are not above our rules entirely and cannot use Twitter to incite violence, among other things," the post stated. Twitter then highlighted two Trump tweets related to the violent acts at the Capitol that it felt had the potential to incite further violence.

In addition to Twitter, several other social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook,) Snapchat, and Twitch took action against Trump back in January. But Trump's hopes of getting back on Twitter if he were to run for president in 2024 are now officially squashed.



  1. Little birdy has had his wings clipped

    1. You left out “cuckoo.”

    2. I think that would be an insult to cuckoo,s ;D

  2. His first heartbreak. He loves Twitter more than Ivanka.

  3. Everybody is acting like Twitter is so brave for doing this, instead of castigating Twitter for allowing him to spread lies for years.

  4. Pelosi is the one who failed, she knew about the Interlopers, and failed to act appropriately, in fact she turned down any extra help and it is interesting no one is addressing her putting in danger all the people including Congressmen, the President, the rally members,

  5. that would be great in 2016 but nah money right?

  6. People are confusing "free espeech" with "the use of a platform to say BS all day long". Trump still has the right to say all the BS he wants... Just not on a PRIVATE platform that he used. He can still use other media... Or create his own. No one is putting a gag in his mouth and stopping him from saying things. Whomever is saying this is not "free speech" nas NO CLUE what "not having the right to speak" means...

  7. So, he'll start his own - "Twatter."

  8. The First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause doesn’t cover all speech, especially on a public social media platform that is run by a private company publicly traded on a stock exchange. The Community Standards and Terms of Service trump the free speech clause, especially since it really pertains to the government’s not being able to tell us what constitutes free speech. However, our employers can restrict our speech because we can be punished, reprimanded, or dismissed for violating company standards, policies, and procedures.

  9. I’m sorry but that is censorship. It’s a violation of constitutional rights.

    1. Grow up; all this freedom of speech noise only confirms your whining loss of privilege, not your rights.
      Better read the constitution again - if you can.....

    2. Your ignorance is no longer cute.

  10. He got his freedom of speech now he gets the consequences.

  11. Only thing he should run for is the toilet

  12. About 4 years late but better late than never

  13. Well confirms 2 things.

    Monopolys of information are run on money.

    Can't change the fact that Trump Gov was actually one of the best in 50 years.

  14. Hopefully he is never able to run again! And, none of the people who were connected to him are able to run either.

  15. Yes, but they allow thousands of tweets ALL about him. Maybe ban taht as well?

  16. When the time comes.. he wont need to.

  17. He should’ve been working instead of playing on his phone

  18. It only took a presidency to banned this clown.......

  19. Can't stand Twitter. Deactivated several months ago when I started researching other tweets that were not censored on their platform. SO many disgusting, vile comments making Trump look like a saint. That is just another evil platform. NOW to deactivate my FB account.

  20. All you Republicans who hid during the Capitol siege..tell us how you felt! No you won't you bunch of sissies!!! I hope you all lose your jobs, and those that stood up to Trump I applaud you!! You are the Americans we need in government by doing the right thing!

  21. unless he became President - then he would own the POTUS account -

    But really - he would be as old as Biden is - and that is too old. He won't run. He is done.

  22. I don’t know which he spent more time on, tweeting or golfing?

  23. And the world will be a better place for it.

  24. Many in MAGA were enthused by the oddness, division, and white nationalism.

    The Republican party quietly ignored the oddness, division, and white nationalism.

    Big tech says, "Hold my beer while I put a spike strip down in front of the oddness, division, and white nationalism.

  25. It's easy to see many politician and their circle, the same circle of pedogate wants to take Trump down. Because they are threatened just because trump exists.

  26. I’ll never tweet again either


  27. I think Trump might start his own platform?

  28. And our deleting of the Twitter app is forever too. Nazis.

  29. He should create his own social media app

  30. I won’t either (never did).

  31. Kangana Raut should also be banned permanently !

  32. Oh Jack do you think your relevant? ;D ;D ;D ;D

  33. Censorship ... against the constitution!!!! Twitter is a POS! F them!

  34. Hey may be saying "nO oNe CaReS!", but then hes actually...

  35. I am not Trump supporter but it is insane, he isn't Hitler. Why they (Twitter, YouTube, FB) do not bqn russian supremacists, nazis etc but they ban who against them??????

  36. A bit to late fools

  37. Sounds like a fascist platform., what about all the other real terrorist accounts? who cares, we don't need a communist backed garbage. Be prepared to lose an election again, but this time you won't be able to cheat.

  38. Clipped his wings;D

  39. I hope you all know the people your supporting are involved in child trafficking and sick satanic rituals involving children. When it all comes out hope you are still so proud of your support!!!

    1. I hope you know you've been duped by QAnon. Hope you're still proud of your gullibility. "It is easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled"- Mark Twain

    2. It is all Trump's fake news. The Orange Clown has told so many lies that so many think is the truth just because he said it. Then when the real truth is revealed he called it fake news and they believed that too. Leading sheep to slaughter.

    3. Yeah, us Liberals are all about the Satanism.
      I always put great heaping gobs of Satanism and Easter Bunny on my cereal every morning before beginning my morning routine of undermining “traditional American values “ and burning churches.

  40. I'll be surprised IF he's even alive then!

  41. Who gives a Shiite
    Twitter is a communist. Censorship organization

  42. Thank you! And I don't even have an account

  43. Lol banned from Twitter for life


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