Prince Harry opens up to James Corden about mental health on open-top bus tour of LA.

Prince Harry opens up to James Corden about mental health on open-top bus tour of LA

James Corden has had many memorable days out in LA in recent years — there was the time he shot arrows with Jason Mamoa, for instance, or the day he went boxing with David Beckham – but his most recent outing may well be the most memorable of all.

In the video above, the Late Late Show host takes Prince Harry on an open-top bus tour of the city. The pair cram a lot in over the course of the 17-minute segment: They starting off with a visit to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air's home ("If it's good enough for the Fresh Prince, it's good enough for a real Prince," says Corden, in an attempt to persuade Harry to buy it); they FaceTime Meghan; and they discuss Archie's first word ("crocodile") and the Queen's Christmas present for her grandson (a waffle-maker).

Things then take a more serious tone when Corden asks Harry about The Crown, which the Prince says he's far more comfortable with than seeing the stories that get written about his family in the press.

"It was a really difficult environment, as I think a lot of people saw," says Harry, when asked by Corden about their decision to move away from the UK. "We all know what the British press can be like, and it was destroying my mental health. I was like, this is toxic. So I did what any husband and what any father would do. It was like, I need to get my family out of here."

To round the day off, Corden arranged "a little taste of military life" in the form of an obstacle course in which the two go head to head climbing ropes and crawling through the mud. Needless to say, Corden struggles to keep up.



  1. Fun and humor...always great.for mental health. How fun is that bus ride...with proper tea! Great bit Brits!

  2. Harry rocked it and James knocked it! Good show!

  3. I love Prince Harry!

  4. He seems like such a nice guy! ❤

  5. That was so entertaining!

  6. He’s having fun now.

    1. Yes and he has lots of new mates! (David Foster)

  7. I love this so much.

  8. They could have found so much more privacy in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa - or even Antarctica!!!

    1. They prefer to be close to her mom

  9. Harry reports this news to a man part of the UK media on a chat show streamed worldwide including the UK media despite declaring not wanting media attention..... the definition of madness is repeating the same action and expecting a different result.

  10. Am I the only one who feels like this would be the best date ever?

  11. How desperate is this guy to make it Hollywood. The lost prince bel air :|

  12. Harry seems much more relaxed and himself when Megan is not with him ,when she is there he seems to take second place, to her...

  13. Why does anyone in the USA care about a royal form the UK ?

    1. Probably because a lot of Americans still have family in the UK.

  14. Sorry but they should be wearing masks idc if they’re on tv

  15. Harry journey by bus :|

  16. Replies
    1. Hello how are you doing how's your weather condition over there?

  17. Replies
    1. Since you took the time to comment...

    2. He’s saying who cares about that child rapists emotions, or otherwise saying “we shouldn’t be giving that scumbag attention”. But yes yes your comment was super witty ��

  18. Weak mind..........

  19. James Corden makes me want to Vomit.

  20. Send them both home

  21. Funny how so many people are mad at people like me who just don’t want to hear anything about Harry and Meghan. Funny how many POCs defend them, crying racism thinking that Meghan is being “attacked”, forgetting that this Harry once dressed up as a Nazi officer in a Halloween party ;D

    1. I have noticed that you actually know how to spell her name correctly - and you’re not even a fan!!!

  22. Over tea and crumpets of course

  23. Haven’t seen Prince Harry being himself for many years for an interview. I am glad California is treating him well. Santa Barbara is a very chill place. Hopefully Archie will be good at surfing.

  24. Public life does not mean public property. His mother would be proud. Glad to have them here.

    1. Well said
      I'm Richard from Washington state, nice to meet you

  25. We Brits love Harry. He's one of the few royals we actually love.

  26. The UK Press always lied. Harry is happy with his family's life in California.

  27. Holy snap. Prince Harry just climbed that rope like a boss! And does Meghan ever have a bad hair day? Beautiful people, inside and out. Loved the interview.

  28. As a Brit it’s great to see Prince Harry be happy and have fun. Without boundaries, and negative press scrutinising them. Although he is missed in the UK his happiness is what matters. He’s forever our Prince.

  29. Prince Harry is such a gentleman, waiting and encouraging James during the military obstacle course
    this was such a good and heart felt interview, wrapped in comedy!

  30. Aw he said he will always be in public service wherever he may be. He is really Princess Diana's son. She must be proud ❤

  31. Harry talking about making Waffles like it's the most interesting thing he discovered. Is life.

  32. "You know us royals never carry cash?!" Damn this is epic lol

  33. You know they both have a wonderful sense of humor, why isn’t that being talked about more?

  34. SPECIAL THANKS TO JAMES AND TLLS , FOR SHOWING US THIS SIDE OF PRINCE HARRY . The side we have not been able to see up until now ❤❤❤

  35. Talking about someone who is extremely happy!!!!. He is relaxed and comfortable. He behaves as if this is his normal life. Good on you Harry!!!!.

  36. Imagine the Prince Harry shows up in your house to take a piss

  37. What a wonderful human being , his mum would be so proud .

  38. Harry: James don't give up
    James: Let me get the ladder


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