YouTuber builds a cat elevator for his 20-year-old furry friend who struggles with stairs.

YouTuber builds a cat elevator for his 20-year-old furry friend who struggles with stairs

"Are you ready to go downstairs without having to move a muscle? I hope so, because it took me four days."

Sometimes our older pets have a little trouble with stairs, and YouTuber Liam Thompson took it upon himself to help out — by making his own cat elevator.

The Auckland-based creator has made a huge name on the platform for his DIY creations, including a robot butler, a secret door, a 150-foot waterslide on a sand dune, and a casual rollercoaster in his backyard. But his videos featuring his pets are truly wondrous, including his viral video teaching his dog Max how to play Minecraft.

This time, he's invented a lift to help his cat, Frodo, who is 20 years old and loves to sit in the poolside sun each day — despite the giant flight of stairs he has a little difficulty descending. Thompson created his own teeny custom elevator for Frodo, based on his backyard rollercoaster (but obviously much slower) and using an electric hoist among other materials.

"Are you ready to go downstairs without having to move a muscle?" Thompson asks Frodo. "I hope so, because it took me four days."

It is, without a doubt, the nicest invention I've seen this week.


  1. Add a pressure switch under the box?

  2. This dude is a legend, he literally built an escalator for his cat

    1. Cat can't use it. He could just pick him up and take to the house.

  3. Frodo’s just like, “I’ve seen many things, but this is surprising. Eh, I like it”

  4. Frodo’s tail swings were on time to Liam’s counting. Gotta love that.

  5. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, eventhough Frodo looks really grumpy, I think he is really gratefull!!

  6. Liam’s Movie Character: The dude who lives next to u who always invents things and you dont think that he could actually invent those pretty stupid things but he manages to actually invent it. I love ur vids btw!

  7. He builds inventions for his pets that are way safer than the ones he makes for himself. Respect

  8. Lol Liam's parents are basically getting free renovations done to their house.

  9. Frodo: things made of premium wood quality
    Liam: Just "Cardboard"
    Max: "you don't get anything, just learn things"

  10. His engineering have improved so much over the years

  11. Tip: add something soft inside like a blanket so Frodo is comfortable instead of feeling the hard wood floor.

  12. The one thing I'd recommend doing is find a way to make it automated.

  13. you should add a sensor which detects that the cat is in the cart and connect a trigger which starts the cart. AUTOMATIC!!

  14. Cool invention! But, I noticed that Frodo's tail could get caught in the track as the lift is going up. Maybe a small door would help to prevent his tail from coming out of the lift as it's going up.

  15. i love his reactions to everything so much. he’s always genuinely so happy to see it work.

  16. Liam at the end is like “ I’ve had enough today “ btw this better than anything I’ve seen on ya channel

  17. The way he casually steps off the elevator, like yeah I’ve seen it all by now
    I wish all cats got to reach this age

  18. Question: is there a security ladder or other safety mechanism in the pool in case Frodo accidentally fell in, so he could climb out safely?

  19. 0:42

    Liam: Alright so first…
    Liam: woops that was probably a bit too loud

    *takes off ear muffs only talk at same volume

  20. "kinda like the roller coaster i made plus a few more safety features"
    i love how ur implementing more safety features to frodo's elevator than your rollerc oaster

    u shud still do it

  21. idea: you could possibly put a small ramp at the bottom of the stairs so he can get on and off much more easily!

  22. One day Frodo will have his own personal drone that will take him anywhere he wishes to go.

  23. I remember being told that before I was born my family had three ferrets, Max, Simon, and Frodo (I have 2 ferrets rn, a different max and Oreo [a girl]). The funny thing is, my brother randomly came up with a thing (keep in note he was a toddler) where he would kick Frodo and say “KICK FRODO” lol

  24. Have you thought of training him push a doorbell wired so when he gets on the elevator it is tied to the mechanics so he can start the elevator himself?

  25. I just love the way liam laughed when frodo was getting lifted

  26. Imagine Frodo waking him up at 12 am asking him to control the elevator…

  27. Liam: "you have arrived at your destination"
    Frodo: Bye

  28. Liam: takes cat Frodo outside the cat is in the building!!
    me: actually the cat is not in the building, liam

    also side note: this gave me major Up house vibes with the old man elevator theme, just picturing a clip of Frodo in his cat elevator with Habanera from Carmen by Bizet playing over it

  29. This is by far my favorite project of yours. Frodo deserves only the best <3 What a good kitty

  30. Frodo genuinely looked like he loved it, almost as much as liam ;D

  31. This is the funniest video I’ve seen lol and Frodo is a boss!

  32. Add a pressure pad, to fully automate the process. "If up, then down".

  33. I love how Liam will do literally anything to make sure Frodo dosent have to use his energy to move

  34. I love how his dog learns more but his cat gets more lazy


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