Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are on a downward spiral. Why? | Mashable.

Crypto is caving in. What's up?

This elevator is going down.

Weeeeeee! Credit: Picture Alliance/Getty Images

It hasn't been a great couple of months for cryptocurrency owners.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and basically all other major cryptocurrencies are sharply down Monday, with Bitcoin at one point trading at $23,500, a level we haven't seen since December 2020. Ethereum fared similarly, having touched the price of $1,180 and erasing all gains made since January 2021. The prices have recovered slightly in the past couple of hours, but everything is still sharply red.

Worse, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other major cryptocurrencies have been on a downward spiral since early April this year, with little to no relief. What's happening? Is crypto over? Was it a mistake to quit your job six months ago by climbing onto your boss' desk and yelling "I AM A CRYPTO GOD"?

As always, no one knows, but here's a little overview of what's happening.

A big lender in the decentralized finance (defi) space, Celsius, seems to have gone insolvent. It's unclear how bad things are for Celsius' balance sheet, but there are estimates that Celsius owns $1.3 - $1.5 billion in crypto assets, including hundreds of millions in Ethereum and Bitcoin. If the company is forced to liquidate some of that, it would likely reflect on the price of the underlying assets. And since some of Celsius assets are staked elsewhere (meaning locked for a period of time, with Celsius unable to withdraw them), this is threatening to destabilize the price of certain crypto assets, such as stETH (staked Ether), which should normally closely follow the price of regular ETH.

Crypto guy Cobie has a good overview of how these instruments work. But in short, when an entity as big as Celsius collapses, it potentially threatens some of the defi building blocks in which Celsius has heavily invested. Furthermore, people start wondering whether other companies of similar stature, such as BlockFi, will soon suffer the same fate (BlockFi says all is well, but Celsius was saying the same thing up until a week ago).

You may also remember the recent drama over cryptocurrency Luna and algorithmic stablecoin UST, which ended up in the entire thing folding, with billions of dollars of value wiped for owners. That particular episode is mostly over, but the fallout can still be felt in the market, both in terms of fear guiding the hands of investors and affected players in the space having to liquidate some crypto assets to stay solvent.

None of this has very much to do with Bitcoin, but crypto prices often move in unison, so Bitcoin is suffering the same fate as Ethereum.                                                                           

Also, there are outside reasons that are affecting crypto prices. The macroeconomic environment is bad for risk-on assets (which cryptocurrencies most definitely are, despite promises of Bitcoin being a hedge for inflation). The Federal Reserve is reducing its balance sheet and raising benchmark interest rates in order to fight the raging inflation, but that's affecting the prices in the stock market as well as crypto. Fears of possible stagflation or recession, driven by uncertainties over Covid and the war in Ukraine, are making investors turn to "safe haven" assets, such as government bonds and fiat.

Put all that together, and it appears that crypto investors have given up on the idea of an easy return of the bull market, which in late 2021 drove prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the heights of about $69,000 and $4,800, respectively. Instead, everyone seems to be bracing for prices to go even lower, or (at best) stagnate for a while, until the macroeconomic situation clears and all the major destabilizing entities in crypto are either proven solid or gone for good.


  1. All good scams must come to an end eventually, I guess.

    1. it started with right intentions, just got corrupted by greed

  2. Read Bernstein's Delusions of Crowds. This bubble following step for step with others going back hundreds of years.

  3. Elon wasn't expecting amber to loose the trial... he had to fund it somehow 😆

  4. It wasn't built to avoid abuse like pump and dump. And they underestimate the hw evolution and massive hw farms to mine bc. The creators of bt underestimated human greed.

  5. Dogecoin is going to the moon! Keep buying this beautiful coin that will be the currency of choice in Mars.

  6. They are all cheating with dump & pump↔️pump & dump… there’s nothing else

  7. Depois compro. 🙂

  8. Nft, free education and these things...never get them...

  9. Market cycles is a wild roller coaster for sure 😆

    1. Good work deserves. recommendation, knowing where to invest, what to invest in, who to trust and how to make profit can be very difficult as a beginner, but when you work with the right people, the road to financial freedom becomes a lot easier,Bryson Drummond has really been a great help to me on this crypto affair, you need the right guidance too, you can contact him👉👉 Bryson Drummond

  10. Can’t trust it.

  11. Binance has banned the withdrawal of bitcoin already. And this is the beginning.....

  12. Replies
    1. recommendation, knowing where to invest, what to invest in, who to trust and how to make profit can be very difficult as a beginner, but when you work with the right people, the road to financial freedom becomes a lot easier,Bryson Drummond has really been a great help to me on this crypto affair, you need the right guidance too, you can contact him👉👉 Bryson Drummond

  13. On twitter trending right now:

    1. 🚀🚀🚀🚀

  14. "Encryption is falling apart. What's up?"

    What's up? like everything in life, sometimes things up there and sometimes down there.

    Just time to wait...

    1. But waiting is a waste of time and money for some.

    2. Well, that's not me, I didn't put a gun to your head for you to invest in cryptocurrencies.

  15. It's just Elon saying the magic words.

  16. It’s just an amplified version of current market conditions and investor sentiment. It really means things will be looking pretty darn bad for the stock market soon. At least Bitcoin has the halving schedule and market cycles that are 100% predictable. See ya’ll in 2024.

  17. Ask the SoCon running for the leadership of the Conservative Party…

  18. One of Bitcoin's strengths was being a Highlander: There can only be one! A global crypto currency would be a marvel of efficiency. Kinda like when currency (Pick one, any one) was created (and before taxation!). Now it's post California gold rush - picking the winner has longer odds than the lottery crossed with the NCAA tournament.

    1. Bitcoin is the winner. The more it is copied, the more relevant it becomes and the more rare it is. The invention of digital scarcity can only really happen once. There will be other cryptos that win out for other use cases, but place of digital gold and store of value is firmly held by Bitcoin.

    2. hmm taxes are kinda crucial for society to run Mmkay

  19. It’s almost like they invented a whole currency based on nothing

    1. I know, atleast you can pick up and feel monopoly money.

  20. It was a complete scam and unstable gamble to start with and you'd have to be a gullible fool to buy into it?


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