Maya Hawke says 'f*** the Supreme Court' not once but thrice on 'Fallon' | Mashable.

Maya Hawke says 'f*** the Supreme Court' not once but thrice on 'Fallon'

What she said.

Stranger Things star Maya Hawke appeared on The Tonight Show on Tuesday, taking the opportunity to talk to Jimmy Fallon about the new series, yes, but also to condemn the overturning of Roe v. Wade, with the Supreme Court voting to eliminate the constitutional right to an abortion on Friday.

Speaking to Jimmy Fallon on Wednesday, Hawke said she called her mom, Uma Thurman, for advice ahead of her first Tonight Show appearance and they ended up talking about the Supreme Court decision instead. Thurman has publicly called for abortion rights, writing a personal essay for the Washington Post in Sept. 2021 when the Texas abortion law first passed.

"My mom wrote this really beautiful essay about her abortion that she got when she was really young and about how, if she hadn't had it, she wouldn’t have become the person that she’d become, and I wouldn't exist, and how both of my parents’ lives would’ve been totally derailed if she hadn’t had access to safe and legal healthcare — fundamental healthcare," Hawke said.

Hawke also spoke to the nature of privilege when it comes to abortion rights, especially when it comes to socioeconomic status and class.

"Wealthy people will always be able to get abortions but so many people, because of this ruling, will not only not be able to pursue their dreams but actually lose their lives and be unsafe," she said. 

"I just wanted to say, fuck the Supreme Court."                                                                         

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  1. It's so funny that the left HATES the Supreme Court when they don't get their way. Big Old Cry Baby's.

    1. access to healthcare is neither a left or right issue. You should be equally as concerned.

    2. Concerned about what? Abortions will still be available. If you live in a state that doesn't provide them, companies will pay your travel expenceses. I assume Planned Parenthood will do the same. There is big money in selling fetus's for research.

    3. Nice try but no.

    4. What, that I said, in not accurate?

    5. you make it sound so easy. That’s IF you work for a company that is willing to pay travel expenses. Then you have to take into account their age, they could be a child? What happens if they’re disabled? Or if they’re from a lower socio-economic background and can’t afford the out of pocket expenses? Your lack of concern comes from a position of privilege. Reflect on all possibilities and what that might mean for others who are less well off.

    6. Americans don't care what any foreigner thinks.

    7. It was all accurate. The left is literally paying to have babies killed, and they aren't just okay with it, they WANT to do it. Big corporations are now paying to decrease the population......

    8. 1. Abortions will not be “available” in many states. Many won’t have close-by neighboring states that will provide access.
      2. While some companies will pay, most companies as it is now will not. Also, this doesn’t account for teens and young adults that obviously don’t work at those locations.
      3. Regarding Planned Parenthood, there’s nothing saying they will or should take on this cost.
      4. Your comment about selling fetuses for research has literally nothing to do with this conversation.

    9. Selling fetuses has EVERY thing to do with the conversation. Without that, Planned Parenthood wouldn't be in business. Companies that will pay travel expenceses did not say "to neighboring states only", they'll go where they need to. It's only been a few days since the ruling, don't ya think people should calm down and see what the States actually do before they start destroying things and hurting people?

    10. “Calm down and see what the states actually do”? Um…look up trigger laws. Some states are already talking about restricting citizens to leave the state for the intention of having an abortion in a different state. There’s that “freedom” for you.

    11. Are you paying any attention to the news? Some of the states with the "trigger law" are going to ignore it. As I said, calm down and wait to see what the states legislators come up with. Some states make make abortion illegal. Because this is the America, you have the right to move to a state that will allow you an abortion. It seems to me, if abortion is THAT important to you, maybe you should use birth control. I have no idea why companies and insurance are happy to pay "travel expenceses" rather than make birth control free.

    12. Can't believe some folks still believe the unfounded conspiracy theory that Planned Parenthood sells fetuses. That claim has been proven many times to be false.


    14. it’s a lot easier than you think.

      Abortion is the act of taking 2 pills, and those pills are/will
      Be obtainable in 40+ states.

      Mailing them domestically isn’t an issue, and considering no one cannot find cocain or heroin that’s federally illegal, I can’t imagine it being difficult to get these 2 pills.

      Like our pro choice friends in Europe, all 34 countries there, if you can’t do it within 12 weeks with these medications, it’s illegal.

      Keep in mind, babies born 21 weeks can survive outside the womb, the idea of 24 weeks and beyond is just gross

    15. "Some of the states with the trigger law are going to ignore it"

      Do you.... do you know what a trigger law is? It's a law they wrote anticipating the Supreme Court decision that would "trigger" if the decision went the way they anticipated.

      The states that have these 100% have no intention to ignore the laws, however their local courts are suspending them pending local review.

      To say the states are going to "ignore it" is like saying just because someone tried to poison your cornflakes doesn't mean they intended to poison you, since someone entirely different stopped you from eating it until it was checked....


    17. Here’s another one for you that you may not be aware of…

    18. an abortion is extremely private and personal but now women have to ask their employer can I have an abortion. WTF kind of solution is that?

    19. Perhaps you misunderstand. You do NOT have to ask your employer IF you can have an abortion. Your company will explain your abortion BENIFIT'S to you. It's a good solution.

    20. but if your employer doesn't have a group health plan then you have to ask for the money to go have an abortion and for the time off

      Even with a group health plan the woman has to ask the abortionist, if she can find one, if the abortionist accepts her group health plan

    21. it’s hypocritical when the right applauds the Supreme Court when they rule that they can’t have vaccine mandates that force a person to get vaccinated because it violates their rights to control their own body, but the right also applauds the Supreme Court when they take away a woman’s right to control their own body.

    22. Please let us remind you "Jill" of your Right Wingnuts response to losing the Presidential Election on Jan 6th......

  2. She should study the constitution. Apparently, she was asleep during her high school Civics class.

    1. the founding fathers wrote the Constitution assuming Americans would operate in good faith.

      So there's no way to block the bad faith Republicans and the fascist oligarchy from taking over the country without breaking a single law

    2. bad faith vs good faith? There are likely equal offenders in both parties. You are too one sided. You have to step back and look at the big picture.

  3. She shouldn’t complain, now that there is going to be more babies growing up poor..…you would think the left would be happy as they will get more votes in the future

  4. We should all f**k the Supreme Court, and force them to carry the baby to term afterwards

    1. Yes. We do need to reduce American population.
      While china increases their own and becomes the super power of the world.

  5. The Supreme Court literally said the rights to our bodies does not belong in their hands….. and people are mad and hate them. Amazing

  6. The court has become not of the people for the people, but of the religious extremist zealots. Half of the court should be removed. Any and all religious based laws should be a direct reject, blocked and not even considered.

  7. It’s not the THIS supreme courts fault. It was the supreme courts fault back many years ago who broke to political pressures and ignored the constitution in the first place. This Supreme Court was just following the constitution. If you want to be able to have abortions then get an amendment passed through the house and senate. Once that’s done No Supreme Court will be able to say/do anything.

  8. Supreme Court votes for something I agree with: "You see, Democracy and the American way have triumphed once more!"

    Supreme Court votes for something I can't agree with:
    "You see this is why we need to destroy the old systems that drag this country down."

  9. Doing away with the court system, sounds like the words of an Insurrectionist.

  10. I agree. F**k the corrupted Supreme Court.

  11. Literally temper tantrum politics.


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