Elliot Page speaks to Seth Meyers about activism, empathy, and joy | Mashable.

Elliot Page speaks to Seth Meyers about activism, empathy, and joy

"We're all on the same team here."

Marking the release of the third season of The Umbrella Academy, actor Elliot Page appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers and embarked on a conversation about identity, joy, and empathy.

In Season 3 of the Netflix show, Page's character, Viktor Hargreeves, transitions — which, as Mashable's Belen Edwards writes, "the show addresses early on and treats with an immense amount of care. The scenes in which Viktor comes out to his family and discusses realizing he's trans are among the best of the season."

Page discusses this with Meyers, outlining the research and sensitivity that went into this portrayal, with Page working directly with showrunner Steve Blackman and Amateur writer Thomas Page McBee to incorporate it into the show, weaving his own life experiences into Viktor's journey. Page announced he is transgender in December 2020, with a moving letter he posted on Twitter about love, happiness, and the fight for transgender rights.

Speaking to Meyers, Page said, "What I want to focus on right now and has been so extraordinary is the degree of joy that I feel, the degree of presence I feel. I feel a way I never really thought possible for a long, long time."

"We're all on the same team here, whether you're trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, cis, we all have these expectations, limits, and constraints because of people's obsession with the binary and how we're all supposed to live our lives," he said. "So, to me, it'd be so special for us to all be able to connect and talk about how similar we are in all of our journeys."


  1. I knew it was coming in Umbrella Academy but I still started crying when it did!

  2. You have the right to do or be who ever you want, however you Do Not have the right to try to shove it down my throat. You do you and I will be me. Peace out

    1. who's shoving unwanted things down your throat, Lady?
      It's an article. You are well within your rights not to read it. You are well within your rights to actually let people be who they are without taking it personally or implying that it's somehow about you.

    2. don't you know? Nowadays, merely participating in an obligatory interview is shoving things down other people's throats.

    3. So, how are trans people supposed to “not shove their identity down your throat”? Are you saying they should stay at home and never go outside? That trans people aren’t allowed to be actors? And why do you think you have the right to dictate how other people should live? Get over yourself.

    4. A great Cryptocurrency platform that can help you make profits online, I thought it was a scam 😡but when I try it I realize that, it's real so I won't keep silent i have to make sure everyone benefits and solve there problems, connect Mr Astro FX George on the link below
      Astro Fx George

    5. If you have to ask that at this juncture it's unlikely you'll get a response. Many do not wish to have it shoved down our throats.

    6. i think what she means,is they DONT and maybe shouldnt make their personal choices in their private lives,business for everyone else in the world.

    7. Right? It's like there isn't a line in their contract that states how many press appearances they have to do and what social media posts to make and when. And everybody knows the person being interviewed is the one the writes the questions.

    8. stop shoving Christianity down OUR throats 🤔🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

    9. again, how is simply being considered "shoving down our throats"? With that logic, any cishet couple announcing they're a couple are "shoving it down our throats" 🙄🏳️‍🌈

    10. they are, though! I've been single and unloved for so long HOW DARE ANYONE BE HAPPY WHEN I AM NOT!!! 🤣🤣🤣 just kidding. But you get the idea lol

    11. you’re gonna get a lot of things “shoved down your throat” if you follow celeb gossip covering pages on here. It’s like WHY, boomers, why.

      This whole page covers stuff on TV and movies and if you’re so sensitive, just go on Christian Mingle or something.

    12. you boomers are very obsessed with things down your throat I think. It might be projecting something ☹️

    13. https://media1.tenor.co/images/bf3e2cfbdffe58c46ec46b395a24e94e/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=19247065

    14. and you groomers are obsessed with putting your sick sexual subject matter in children's faces. You're not better.

    15. How is anything being crammed down your throat? I don’t understand that comment.

    16. How is he "shoving it down your throat" if he just speaks his truth??? If you talk about being straight are you "shoving it down (everyone else's) throat??

    17. different rules, doncha know?

    18. they can't shove it down your throat if your mouth isn't open

    19. logical people 🤔🏳️‍🌈🇺🇲

    20. logical people would know that Christianity hasnt been shoved in nobodys throats for years now... lol

      Not like how LGBTQ themes are actually being shoved in every piece of entertainment lately... thats facts... just look at Lightyear with its marketing of that lesbian kiss or how Pinocchio has a black fairy Trans mother.. lol

      Its your group thats pushing their beliefs down other peoples throat.. ✌🏾🤣🤣

    21. *looks at my money* totes true bruv.

    22. dude..wtf did u just write??? I understood zero of it... 😂😂😂

    23. same thing you wrote 🤷🤣🤣🏳️‍🌈

    24. I don’t talk about being straight. It is no one’s business but mine if I am straight, gay or purple. I have other things to talk about.

    25. Then close your mouth, it's a pretty simple solution. Stop trying to play the victim.

    26. no one is shoving anything down your throat. Please.

    27. I am not playing the victim. She / he is that is all he talks about on any thing he is on. He is playing the victim. He is trying to right it in his mind by talking and explaining all the time. Just do it and move on. Get on with your life.

    28. Why are you crying on Facebook to complete strangers about someone you've never met? That sounds like playing the victim to me. Cry all you want, you're the one making things difficult for yourself. It sounds like you're the one who needs to get on with your life and let others live theirs.

    29. do you? Do you really? Because it seems that other peoples knicker bits are exactly what you are talking about!
      You do not need to be here. You can be basic anywhere! Elliott has literally no bearing on your lifelette. But here you are. Being squeamish.
      Have you not got a pointless opinion about Megan Markle you could be passive aggressively squirting at people? Those people love a random opinion.
      Meanwhile, I'm going to read what Elliott has to say. Because I'm interested, and find that actually accessing information is helpful.

    30. evidently, you don't have other things to talk about

    31. quite sure you've tagged the wrong Elizabeth here. I'm rather an Elliot fan and appreciate their activism. 👋

    32. Seriously, how is it being crammed down your throat ? At least admit it’s not .

    33. He. Not she/he. Have some respect.

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  5. I don't think Elliot Page takes the "We're all on the same page here." Attitude seriously. Elliot routinely attacks anyone even slightly out of line with their views.

    1. You mean like how anyone on the right attacks anyone having different views?

    2. and this changes my point why?

    3. Oh right, you don't care.

    4. I was trying to avoid arguing with people about gender, because that's not the point of my comment

    5. not particularly, lack of civility and and hypocrisy are present in narcissists on both sides of the political spectrum.

    6. they ALL do that

    7. the great they! How dare they!

  6. She was great in Juno.

  7. Really admire him and his courage.

  8. https://media1.tenor.co/images/65ebbe9f240530e2d0abbd34b987b588/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=10261851

    1. A great Cryptocurrency platform that can help you make profits online, I thought it was a scam 😡but when I try it I realize that, it's real so I won't keep silent i have to make sure everyone benefits and solve there problems, connect Mr Astro FX George on the link below
      Astro Fx George

  9. The same team, well some of us are deluded and think they are something they are not, the rest of us live in a reality where things are backed by science and facts, not feelings.

    1. being trans is backed by science, 100%. But then, anyone who pauses for a moment to look into the matter will discover that. So I assume you are referring to people who cry about trans folk existing as the deluded ones, who think they are somehow superior because they are cis (they are not), and have really strong feelings about it…?

    2. It was called gender dysphoria but later this was altered to fit with what is being pushed as gender identity which was founded by a sick twisted person who did experiments on young boys and a paedophile. So you parroting this man's doctiren which is not backed by science. But most of you think what you want and do what you want just don't try and convince me that your made-up gender is real. You are born a man or woman no amount of adding or taking away can change genetics and scientific fact.

    3. That's adorable.

    4. if you go back far enough in the DSM archives you will find All KINDS of things that were considered pathological, but which in subsequent years were proven to be fallacious.

    5. pretty sure DNA doesn't change based upon feelings

    6. no one cares about you Francis, that's a Deadpool joke.

  10. No. People need to understand that you can’t force anything to others. You can pretend to be anything you want but you can’t pretend that everyone will follow it.

  11. I get y’all don’t like him. But Juno will forever be one of my favorite movies


  12. Elliot/Ellen, I don’t really care.. loved Movies with Ellen, I’m sure I will also like Elliot projects the only difference will be the confidence & happiness of the person behind the character… all I want is a new haircut for Elliot lol ugh giving off strong Will vibes😂


  13. https://media1.tenor.co/images/ddb68591f21848d9499717f28129896a/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=17570114

    1. you're trying too hard. It's embarrasing.

    2. If you get to decide other people’s gender identify I’m deciding now that you’re a woman. You’re welcome.

    3. Nature decides. Sometimes it gets it wrong.

  14. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

  15. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  16. https://media1.tenor.co/images/8f70379996cc9d6061e341d9439e126f/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=11521100

  17. https://media1.tenor.co/images/4d46e9e20f427a006a54c70011c8720e/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=16023272

  18. Naaaaah we’re not 😂

  19. Whatever floats his boat!!  It’s just a shame that a human being can mutilate their bodies.

  20. She will never be a man

  21. Is activism even effective if everyone is sick of it?
    Nobody is receiving the messages being forced down our throats- and the ones doing the forcefeeding already believe what they want everyone to believe... so really... what is the point of activism at this point- besides to virtue signal and feel self-important?

    Activism= narcissism

  22. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  23. She's still a female.🤷🏻‍♂️

  24. She used to so hot 😔

  25. So many uneducated, nasty people…

  26. Its Ellen Page...

    1. how hard is it to call someone by their preferred name? Or does it threaten your masculinity in some way to show basic respect? I do know some men are pretty fragile that way.

    2. A great Cryptocurrency platform that can help you make profits online, I thought it was a scam 😡but when I try it I realize that, it's real so I won't keep silent i have to make sure everyone benefits and solve there problems, connect Mr Astro FX George on the link below
      Astro Fx George

    3. ok Douchebag Boomer

  27. Elliot! Phone homo!

    1. A great Cryptocurrency platform that can help you make profits online, I thought it was a scam 😡but when I try it I realize that, it's real so I won't keep silent i have to make sure everyone benefits and solve there problems, connect Mr Astro FX George on the link below
      Astro Fx George

  28. She ruined my Umbrella Academy. I don't want to see her face. Go away 😡

    1. 🥱😴

    2. 🏳️‍🌈=💩

    3. https://media1.tenor.co/images/f8498410ad4ca42870a19800190bd08f/tenor.gif?c=VjFfZmFjZWJvb2tfd2ViY29tbWVudHM&itemid=15563524

    4. Poor little snowflake...

    5. awwww little girl got offended 😂

    6. Sorry, I don't get offended by other people's ignorance. It's just too much fun trolling you insecure people!

    7. Are you saying people shouldn't be free to make their own choices? I'm sorry you want to dictate how others live. Now that sounds like something someone with mental illness would try and do.

  29. What an awful looking boy/girl

  30. Who cares what this woman has to say

    1. no one cares about what you have to say either ma’am

    2. you cared enough to make a comment. 😂

    3. Scroll on then...

    4. HE'S more of a man than you are.

    5. I'll take that bet. dna test, right?

    6. There's more to being a "man" than a DNA test. Try empathy and compassion and giving back to your community.

    7. true...to hell with science 😉

    8. I see you missed science, I think she’s short a couple body parts and a whole lot of organs.

    9. or like male organs

    10. but not a brain, dear...

    11. Apparently you care enough to comment about it. So to answer your question, it's you. You care what this woman has to say.


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