Elon Musk tells Tesla workers that 'remote work is no longer acceptable' | Mashable.

Elon Musk to Tesla employees: 40 hours in the office or GTFO

It's Elon... are you surprised?

Musk wants his execs to set a "good example." Credit: Getty Images

Twitter's would-be king and current troll-in-residence is telling Tesla workers to head back to the office or else.

"Remote work is no longer acceptable." This was the subject line of the email Elon Musk sent to the company's executive team on Tuesday. The email, as reported by Electrek and Bloomberg, signals Musk's desire to end remote work for Tesla employees and sets expectations for working in the office full-time:

"Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum (and I mean *minimum*) of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla. This is less than we ask of factory workers."

Musk, in response to a screenshot of his leaked email, tweeted this apparent confirmation: "They should pretend to work somewhere else."

Musk's decision to force Tesla employees to fully return to the office comes at a time when many tech companies are reconsidering remote work policies. Reddit, 3M, Spotify, Airbnb, and Oracle are just some of the companies that now have permanent hybrid or remote work policies in place. Apple, which initially took a hard-line approach by mandating employees start coming back into the office in early April, has since delayed this plan because of major pushback and has given them the option of opting out of the return-to-work program.

Twitter is yet another example of a tech company which has adopted a hybrid work model — and also happens to be the company that Musk is in the process of acquiring.

Musk explained his decision in a follow-up email to staff, saying he wants senior leadership to set an example by being "more visible." Visibility and time spent in the factory is now the apparent key to Tesla's success. "That is why I lived in the factory so much – so that those on the line could see me working alongside them. If I had not done that, Tesla would long ago have gone bankrupt," he said.

Continuing with this logic, Musk stated that companies which don't have strict return-to-office mandates are failures. "There are of course companies that don’t require this, but when was the last time they shipped a great new product? It’s been a while."                            

Ever the diplomat, Musk says he will review any exceptions directly for any "particularly exceptional contributors for whom this is impossible."

In other words, you'd better be a genius with an oxygen allergy to work remotely at Tesla.

More in TeslaElon Musk


  1. Why is he looking more & more like a cartoon villain?!? In a few months he's gonna transition into Mr. Burns.

  2. Right thing to do. Everyone should return to office.

    1. yes, why? After working remotely almost entirely since 2020 my production is up so much that I've been able to take on extra projects and earn extra money. My employer has seen 138% growth and is happy. Put me back on 9-5 and working when it is convenient for someone else and not me then that production is gonna drop 🤷

    2. so exactly why would your production drop if you went back to the office by the sounds of it you werent trying hard enough when you were in the office before covids

    3. because the human brain doesn't work on demand. Hard to understand your logic, why wouldn't I slack off at home, without supervision but slack off at the office? That makes zero sense 🤦. Working remotely, I work when it's convenient for me. If I'm feeling burnt out I do something else, or go for a walk, or whatever, and go back when I'm fresh. If I want to work from 8-midnight, I do. My boss doesn't care as long as the work gets done, and totally agrees that I should be working when it's best for me. As long as I'm available for scheduled meetings, we're golden. Obviously it's not going to work for every job, but there are plenty of statistics out there that back up my own experiences.

    4. if I have to spend part of my day commuting to the office to do something I did very effectively remotely it only increases mine and my employers operating costs and takes time away from being productive. Just because someone works remotely doesn’t mean they spend less time working. Most of the time you end up working more hours and being more productive.

    5. yeah go back to be less productive. Sounds like a great idea.

    6. so exactly what do you do because no one I know who works from home talks about work like you do and they definitely dont work more hours, most actually end up watching tv while working

    7. those same people stream Netflix at their desk in the office and take long lunches and gossip for hours. I’m not heads down the entire day but the fact I don’t spend 3 hours commuting for 11 miles because of Bay Area traffic means I can be flexible and work on stuff after hours or take calls in the early morning or late evenings because I’ve had the flexibility to pick up my kids from school when necessary. I’ve become a more engaged and shall I say appreciative employee who takes my job more seriously.

    8. yet it doesn't take most people 3hrs to travel 11 miles most spend less than 30 mins travelling to work and if these people are watching Netflix at work then there definitely spending a lot more time watching it at home where they cant get caught

    9. these same people who make you work 9-5 for their convenience are also the people employing you and paying your wages, I'm sure when you applied for the job it was clearly stated you would work in that same office and work 9-5 but yet you still took the job

    10. he single thing that affects the happiness of Americans most of all is commute time. A happy person is a productive person.

      Just because you need to be micromanaged to do your job doesn't mean most of us do.

      Working from home, when I have an early morning shift, I don't have to worry about missing the one not terribly dependable bus that will get me to work more or less on time. If I'm extra tired, I can hit my snooze alarm and instead of getting showered, drying my long hair, putting on makeup, dressing appropriately for work but hoping it doesn't set off the cat-callers outside my workplace. I can just wake up by washing my face and making a cup of coffee.

      When I work swing shift, I don't have to deal with the HS kids banging on the windows andaking disparaging remarks about our clients. And I don't have to wait half an hour to transfer buses on my three mile commute, because I don't HAVE a commute.

      When I work the night shift, I don't have people following me home from the bus stop.
      When my meal break rolls around, I have anything in my kitchen from which to choose, rather than having to bring something that works with the workplace microwave, or something from the workplace neighborhood bodega or a restaurant. My monthly coffee budget at home is about a tenth of buying coffees from a cafe.

      If I have a "clopen," I can squeeze in 7+ hours of sleep in between shifts. This makes me a lot more flexible and functional.

      And my commute cost is zero.

      My job is dispatch for a company that provides home health attendants and drivers for people who use wheelchairs. All I need is a phone to take calls (a simple matter of attaching a multi-line phone to my router) and a computer that can handle the data entry program (my Kindle tablet is enough).

      There are a few employees who work in the office, and a desk for training new dispatchers. We are welcome to come in and use that desk, and I have been trusted with a key for 24 hour access, but it would be silly for me to go in, especially since Covid cases are rising again with the relaxation of mandates.

      Also, I find having others around distracting. I have never done well with the "Heyyyy, how was your dayyyyy off!" energy required of being a coworker, though I can muster up enough energy to be very supportive and participatory during our monthly Zoom meetings (one for dispatchers, one all-staff.).

    11. and now we know that there's an alternative.

      If you had been doing a job with a certain amount of convenience and then your boss said "By the way, we want you to add hours every week to the time you're away from home, but we're not going to pay you any more and in fact it's going to cost you money," why would you be happy about that?
      Not everyone requires a supervisor breathing down their necks to actually get work done.

      In my case, I started my current job just about a year ago, ie, well into Covid. At some point, everyone in my position went into the office. They realized that dispatching from home would take very little infrastructure or change in functionality. So it's how we do it.

      Parking is a nightmare in my workplace neighborhood, my transit commute is about an hour because of transfer time (there is not bus anywhere close to straight to the office) and as I get older a three-mile walk ten times a day, including areas without sidewalks, is less doable.

      My job pays well and the lack of commute is a major bonus. I like the job and the clients like me. It wouldn't be as good if I had to go to the office.

    12. yet they arent asking you to do extra hours are they, your paid from when you walk through the door until when you leave how you get there or how.long.it takes is nothing to do with them, no one gets paid for travelling to and from work which I'm sure was the case when you applied and then accepted the job and that only changed during covids but then if there not happy about that then there is nothing stopping you from leaving and getting a job elsewhere, also you do realise what your saving on fuel your then spending on electricity and heating so you are no better off financially

    13. I run my own business and am a very good boss but I set the rules not the employees and what part of what I've said is incorrect, if you boss is happy to let you work from home then that is his prerogative and not yours so if your employer then decides he wants you to return to the office to work that again that is this right as the person employing and paying you, I presume you have been working for your employer before covids and was happy to work in the office otherwise you wouldnt have taken the job

    14. My company is now mostly remote because there has been no drop in performance. In fact, last year was one of the most profitable ever. Employees are productive, they can more easily balance family and work time, and are much happier. Even the management is pro-remote because their employees are more productive and happier, and so are they. The company also loves it because they can downsize offices and save money on rents because people only come in when needed. After 40 years being chained to a desk, I love the freedom of being able to balance my days according to my needs and still get the work done. I start early in the morning and can run errands or make appointments in the middle of the day when needed, and finish up late in the evening when there are things needing to be completed. My employee evaluation was as high as it is has ever been and I am a much happier employee. This model does not work for every company and there are businesses which require workers to be present. That is a given. I still don't see the country going back to the way it was and there will be more hybrid models as well as remote models as time goes on. Commute time is a stressful waste of time if the employee can be using that time productively as well as being a waste of fossil fuels.

    15. jesus you sound a bunch of fun to be around and seem to be very unlucky with getting cat calls every day and being followed home every night maybe you should either move house or call the police and as for you saving money not commuting i presume you still use electricity and gas during the extra 40+hrs a week your at home which at the moment also isnt going to be cheap

    16. yet while the company may profit from their offices being empty they still have to pay the rent, corporate tax etc but will sack the cleaners etc as they wont be needed and you are then paying more on your domestic bills because you are using them when you wouldnt be if you were in the office which adds another 40+hrs a week which in this climate is going to cost a fortune but at the end of the day it is still down to the employer where you work and not the other way around also for a lot of people the office is their main source of social interaction

    17. wow, good demo of how you're not actually paying attention. "The case when I applied and then accepted the job" was that it was a work from home position.

      And yes, lots of people get paid for travelling to and from work. I had a tour guiding job where most of the guides commuted by BART or ferry and then bus. If things had to be moved around and they wanted us earlier than the bus leg, we'd get a message to take a ride share and the company would cover it.

      Also, there is a whole industry known as commuter benefits. It helps retain great employees. So does allowing remote work.

      Why is this the hill on which you're choosing to fight? Do you get consideration from your employer by insisting that people commute? Do you just enjoy the taste of boot leather.

      After considerations were made for Covid, for jobs that do not have to be in person, the workers realized that. Musk is just beating his chest and pretending to be managerial around to pretend that his wealth comes from anything but having the ability to throw his Daddy's emerald mine money at smart people's inventions.

      You seem to be under the apprehension that a job is something and employer allows an employee to have our if the kindness of their heart. It's not. It's a mutual arrangement, and it's more expensive and less convenient for both employer and employee to work in an office.
      "It's always been this way" is a ridiculous reason to do anything, even more so when it's empirically untrue.

      I woke up this morning with a stiff neck, which hasn't gotten a whole lot better since I awoke. I would not have been able to get through a commute and workday in an office chair. But I can dispatch just fine lying in my couch with carefully arranged pillows, the phone is right next to me and I can do data entry comfortably on my tablet.

      Your refusal to pay attention to anyone's actual argument and continuous bringing up of new "But this might happen" points that don't exist in the real world speak of some hardcore seagull management.


    18. I clean (or not) after work just as when I worked in an office, I'm just less tired when the workday is done. What kind of "very good boss" doesn't realize that cleaning an office is very different from cleaning a home."

      Indeed, as long as I keep an ear out for my calls, I can, for example, mop up a coffee spill, which I couldn't do it I was running to catch a bus.

      You keep coming up with "reasons" to force people back to the micromanagement hellscape you run, but none of them have anything to do with reality.

    19. billionaires don't care about you.

    20. Why? Working from home is cheaper for everyone involved

    21. how is it cheaper, dont you use electricity or gas while at home

    22. unless you live alone and have no pets then that's a lot of money that was going to be spent either way.

    23. the small amount of electricity to power my work phone (which runs off the WiFi router that already exists in my house and is in 24/7) hasn't increased my power bill in any noticeable way. The only jump my household gets is in the bleak midwinter, when we keep the heat on at night so it doesn't get cold. I don't even have to turn on an extra light during working hours, you may have heard of my light source, it's called "the sun!"

  3. More people driving to work drives gas prices higher so more buy electric Teslas. He won’t win the race to the world’s first trillionaire by going easy on his employees.

    1. There should never be such a thing as a trillionaire. Ever. If it ever happened, inflation would rise to the point where it would choke the economy to death.

  4. He's such a genius 🤣😂🤣 to make them freeloaders get back in the office. "Sarcasm"

    1. this is the timeline of companies beginning in 1995.


    2. Freeloaders? I work even harder at home. Ridiculous to expect 40 hours in the office when so much work can be done remotely and improves work life balance

    3. I guess you missed the "sarcasm"

    4. I sure did...because I was working so hard 🙂

  5. I mean this is an easy fix! Everybody leave! At the same time on the same day. Just walk out and say “ok there you go bud, you got this” teach him a lesson about who actually does everything! Yea I get it you need to work and blah blah, but corporations take advantage of that and give people ultimatums and threats if they don’t dedicate their life to the job, I mean you seem to be doing really well so do you actually NEED to push your workers and give them threats? No you don’t! You just do it cause your petty! Show him what’s up y’all! Just leave him standing in the office wondering how to make coffee! Good luck all!

    1. Correct . This is what the city council in city of Fremont , CA should’ve did to him back in 2020 when he refused to shut down is Fremont Tesla plant when coronavirus hit. Instead they turned into 😺 and caved in even though there are more car manufacturing plants there such as BMW, Nissan ,Toyota, Honda, Range Rover, Audi, and the like, Plus it’s only five minutes away from silicon Valley, they did fine before Musty came and will do fine when he leaves. 🤷‍♀️ His cockiness, greed , and his autism is going to be his downfall, and to everyone else that’s reading this :before you defend your hero who doesn’t give two damns about you, yes he is autistic- that explains some of his erratic / asinine behavior, add money into the mix from his wealthy family, and probably being told that he was a special kid all his life, instead of giving him boundaries and telling him what his limitations are; these are the things that  breeds the monster that you see today


  6. He’s your typical robber baron so what do you expect?

  7. 40 thats it??
    Nice bossman 🤷‍♂️standard 40Hr week..
    Unheard of in most any field of work ive seen..

  8. Yeah the should work 80 hours

  9. Of course, he sells cars!!

  10. Ende mit lustig .

  11. Please GTFO tesla employees! A lot of opportunities are out there for remote work lovers!

  12. Replies
    1. can I be you friend

    2. I dont have friends, sorry

    3. that's hard to do remotely, I'll admit. Most modern jobs aren't.

  13. True colors shining through!!

  14. 40 hours.. big babies, that’s standard

  15. Bye-bye. Their a plenty of good jobs.

  16. https://youtu.be/V6ScsP-RBKE

  17. His business, his rules… 👍

  18. I don't have a problem with the requirement to go into the office, as that is what people initially agreed to when hired. My problem is the statement about "minimum of 40 hours" as in work from the office for 40+ hours then go home and work some more.

  19. Plenty of remote work options out there. If you want that, just do not work for Elon Musk. UI, Scala, Python, Node/Typescript devs, if that is you DM me.

  20. Class act all the way!!!

  21. 8 hours a day? Like a full work day, working for the most successful man in the world? Wow, what a monster. 🤔

  22. When people show you who they really are, believe them the first time!!!

  23. Knowing what I do about the work environment at his Aerospce plants, this would be a very easy decision for me.

  24. Super hard to build a car, a rocket or dig a tunnel at home.

    1. https://tenor.com/view/obadiah-stane-tony-stark-was-able-to-build-this-in-a-cave-with-a-box-of-scraps-tony-stark-box-of-scraps-iron-man-gif-23963164

  25. New tech and old baron methodology


  26. The problem is that most of the people he hired for Office Work during the pandemic were AI Bots

    and they can't report to work in person.

  27. #ElonScroogeMusk

  28. What’s wrong with going to the office?

  29. Somehow I doubt Elon does 40 hours in the office.

  30. Sort of the corollary to, "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here?"

  31. I'm happy I don't have to worry about some boss's opinion.

  32. Not clear to me what's wrong with that. Of course I'm just some guy who's worked for the last 45 years...

    1. Nothing is wrong with that, but since we are learning to live in a pandemic, many companies are permanently going hybrid (part work remotely) and he is not… and being an asshole about it as though his company can function if those employees go elsewhere.

  33. elonmusk 👏👏👏💪💪💪

  34. 40 hours Oh NOO! he is soo bad. 8 hours per day at home... they deserve for rise. It is normal full time job not a kindergarden. Grow up.

  35. Go to work already. Jesus.

  36. The bird app sure is angry at him for promoting free speech. Anything to make him look bad.

  37. So they have a choice.


  38. In case anyone was wondering what profits for billionaires looks like… when he complains about an 80 hour work week it should be understood that his meals are all 5 star, he gets carted around in limos and jets, he has a staff of people catering to his every whim. His work week is soaked in luxury and servitude. His work week looks very different than yours. Understand that you will NEVER live like he does.

  39. Gonna be great seeing the people who spend all their time in their knees worshipping their corporate overlords.

    They'll love to say "that's what you're supposed to do" missing the point entirely.

    1. they've already been doing it, since Reagan

  40. people forget that businesses around these companies rely on trade from these workers to survive and they also forget the extra expense from working from home electricity, gas etc which you wouldnt be using if you were back in the office and for a lot of people its there only interaction with other people

  41. Good idea. You know they are loafing if they can.

  42. Bet he works from home

  43. Cool I’ll work for Tesla

  44. 40 hours is normal for a full time job

  45. It’s only because the banks are getting on him for all the empty buildings because they’re not required for their jobs which is why they’ve been able to work from home all this time and the company still sees large profit margins.

  46. Welcome to Germany 🤣


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