The feeling is mutual, Elon. | Mashable.

Elon Musk feels 'super bad' about economy, wants to lay off 10% of Tesla workforce

Elon Musk has feelings about the economy.

"Pause all hiring." Credit: Theo Wargo/GettyImages

Elon Musk has realized, it seems, that the economy isn't doing that great.

In an email to executives, Tesla CEO said he has a "super bad feeling" about the economy. He also wants to pause all hiring and cut about 10% of jobs at Tesla, Reuters reported Thursday.

Tesla has 99,290 employees, not counting part-time workers. The company last had a big workforce cut in 2019, when it laid off 7% of its employees.

Reuters, who has seen Musk's "brief" email, says Musk didn't elaborate on what, exactly, he feels is going to happen with the economy.

Musk's email comes just two days after another email he'd sent to Tesla executives, telling them that remote work at Tesla is "no longer acceptable."

"Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum (and I mean minimum) of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla," he wrote in the email.                          

Musk's feelings about the economy are shared by many prominent economists. Yesterday, JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon told investors to prepare for "a hurricane" caused by the Russia-Ukraine war as well as the Federal Reserve's recent economic measures. In May, Goldman Sachs Senior Chairman Lloyd Blankfein warned that there's a "very, very high risk of recession." Musk himself has recently predicted that a global prediction is coming, calling it a good thing, as "it has been raining money on fools for too long."

More in Elon Musk


  1. Musk shows us that the uber rich are just as capable as us in making stupid and self defeating decisions.

    1. he’s on the spectrum so really what his behavior shows us is that he understands how to make money but that he’s not great at empathy. Interestingly, then his behavior has nothing to do with being Uber rich.

    2. ppl think he's so smart but when u really listen he isn't lol... eveb some of his ppl say he can't even do simple code 😆

    3. ----- his family uses child slave labor in emerald mines ---- he basically has slaves in China building the cars --[12 hour shifts 7 days a week and sleep on floor of factory because of covid] ----- he believes that having money means regular humans are property

    4. Welcome to capitalism?

    5. for that information. Not sure what you think I should do with it or how you think it stacks with information I already have which was given to me from people with first hand experience who walked away from his companies. Regardless, as for what his family thinks. You seem to be assuming a lot based on interviews I’ve read. I get though people get very hung up on money and other peoples perceived integrity or lack, there off.

    6. what’s smart but a relative term? As I said he has technical vision and he’s also proved that doesn’t mean he can control his mouth or run a company.

  2. If you ever find yourself loving and cheering or defending one of the super rich, you're a clown.

    1. Americans are obsessed with rich people though. That’s why they vote accordingly to keep them in power.

    2. So when should we celebrate great persons? Our economies rewards great thinkers IDK just my thought...we can't celebrate anything good anymore soooo many pulling this negative attitude crap

    3. imagine thinking they're great person's 😂😩😂😩😂😩😂

    4. I agree and see that all the time unfortunately.

    5. so cute of you to determine how others should love, cheer or defend the “right” people.

  3. He announced earlier this week that he was forcing people to return to the office full time which experts predicted would have 10-20% of his staff look to leave.
    A few days later he announces that they’ll be getting rid of 10% of the staff anyway, with an explanation that might spook a percentage of the rest to reconsider leaving.
    Sounds like he’s just getting ahead on the damage control to protect the share price. 🤷‍♂️

  4. With the economy declining that means Tesla profits will also continue to decline. As profits decline, downsizing occurs. It’s happened to businesses big and small. If he downsizes 10%, he is still the one reason that roughly 90000 people have a job, which is huge these days. He is not a villain for making solid business decisions. You want a villain, look toward the gas companies.

    1. came to say exactly this. They don't like that he's rich. They want to control his wealth. But these same people are calling for socialism though so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The United States was once a place for opportunity & the chance to grow and prosper. I think people forget That's why their ancestors came here. Don't hate on the man for making his millions. Same goes for Jeff bezos. I guess people need to find some one to blame. But never seem to point the finger in the right direction. 🤷‍♀️

    2. maybe if he paid his fair share of taxes, people would be more tolerant towards him .🤔

    3. hes trying to find an excuse to fire people to mitigate the f**k up he did before. he's making valid business decisions? No he's not.

    4. if he didn’t pay his “fair share” already according to tax laws the IRS would audit and charge him and it would be public knowledge

    5. maybe. But weirdly thats never the argument I hear when people talk about Elon musk in particular. Just what he should do with his wealth. Let's not pretend like taxes have ever been "fair". And that's got something to do with the elite government, both sides. All politicians say they'll lower taxes for the low/middle class and the elites will pay their fair share but hasn't happened in my lifetime at least.

    6. my bfs company is going through this currently. Much smaller business then tesla. If the demand isn't there then they've gotta cut cost. Its downsizing. I can't imagine people are rushing to buy a new tesla with the economy as is. Middle class isn't the middle class in this economy but tbf over $5 for gas most places and people are spending double what they were in groceries.

    7. they just live spending other peoples money.

    8. no one dislikes Elon because he's wealthy. They dislike him because he's a di*k. He just so happens to be a wealthy di*k. Everyone loves Mark Cuban, Rhianna and LeBron James who are also billionaires so the disdain for Elon has everything to do with the man and nothing to do with his money.

    9. what?? Nothing in the story sounds like "solid business decision". Rather, it sounds like a publicity seeking narcissist trying to keep his name in the headlines.

    10. But he’s just announcing “a feeling” after insisting two days ago that everyone return to the office for work. Like someone else commented, looks like he’s maneuvering to safeguard share prices after he bungled the Twitter deal, now, apparently, at the expense of 10,000 workers.

    11. well darn it. That means fewer teslas will be on the market. Great news! Guess the leftist worried about the green earth will have to allow gas powered automobiles for much longer.

  5. Musk: I have a shiny toy. I play recklessly with the shiny toy. I break the shiny toy. I am sad.

  6. You lost me at "Elon Musk feels......"

    1. He doesn’t. He is a psychopath

    2. But I still love my car!

  7. He won’t have to lay them off. People may leave based on his WFH stance…. Either that or this will be targeted in Germany where the union exist in his company. I lean more towards the latter. Just happy i don’t work for him, he seems very erratic in his decision making skills

  8. He’s probably going to layoff anyone that’s earning fair market rate since he prefers to under pay people. That’s the whole reason he moved to Texas.


  9. We feel super bad about his billions. Perhaps a 10% wealth tax, or 15% if he wants to cut his workforce by 15%.....

  10. This guy … manipulative to the core! And people fall for it. I guess you get a $20mil head start from daddy and yeah you may have a slight advantage above all others… but he’s just a simple manipulator of simpletons

  11. Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

  12. This new downturn in the economy is going to humble a lot of billionaires and that of course includes Elon Musk. It was easy to make a profit when interest rates were low and the government gave away billions.

  13. The cars keep catching on fire. Maybe work on that?

    1. Exactly- there are other EVs; would not buy a Tesla even if I could afford one

    2. I’m holding out that the beetle will come back and it will be electric. I’d have to sell an organ to buy it but lol.

  14. That generally happens in a recession so.

  15. He is on a one way street to tank his net worth... perhaps somebody is chasing his earnings?

  16. When you build something from the ground up, this does take place. I can’t run on emotions with money. Lots of immigrants lost their jobs even the ones who served in the US army in particular Mexicans. Didn’t change anything, work still went on. Get up and get moving. Stop complaining.

    1. absolutely, scary the comments here. When the collapse hits and people are starving, it’s these people here who will be roaming the streets like zombies. The ones who couldn’t see past their broken noses.

    2. yes, and that time isn’t far.

  17. "Economy" meaning "my personal profits"? Yes, I'm sure he does.

  18. Enough with this clown already. My god people worship people with money too much.
    Can I please just see Elon in my news feed again! Said no one, ever.

  19. Bitcoin was under attack of course he would, global food shortage, war between a european country and russia, huge political waves..

    if a rich person didn't sense something of a sort... an entrepreneur at that too.. i wouldn't know .. how everyone comes to think .. they would know better then one of the richest men

  20. More like he knows Tesla is going to have ongoing downturn as he continues to alienate the very people most likely to actually purchase Teslas🤷‍♀️

  21. Can’t be rich by being generous lol
    I’ll be happy just holding onto Tesla stock but will certainly avoid their products. Easier to sell Tesla stock than a tesla car.

  22. I doubt Elon works off of his “””FEELINGS””
    No people. He doesn’t not let his emotions run a billion dollar company. gTFOH

  23. The guy can do whatever he wants. Nothing says that he owes people a living.....

  24. He doesn’t live in the real world. He has no idea how the other half lives.

  25. He must do what is best for Tesla first.

  26. Headlines like he's running for office

  27. If he’d been born a US citizen, he’d already have his future “Trump style” campaign in the works. I’m sure he’s planning a workaround.

  28. I feel bad for the workers but less Tesla’s in the world mean less eye sores

  29. If the work force isn't productive it's best to trim the fat.

  30. He can pay off student loans !!!

  31. He must of found some sluggers within and now is going to get rid of them go for it it’s your company

  32. Sounds like people don't want to come back to the office and Elon tries to defend his stupid decision about 100% working in the office 🤣

  33. Would be a smart business decision to get ahead of this.

  34. I'm sure that'll motivate his workforce. You don't announce something like that until you're ready to do it.

  35. Why are we listening to this clown.

  36. He would really appreciate it if they would keep coming to the office though

  37. Then set up your own currency

  38. I feel bad about Tesla never going to buy one

  39. He controls his companies stock performance with his tweets and when he causes it to go down, he threatens to lay them off or make them come in. He needs to get off twitter.

  40. Yep I’ve been waiting for the economy to topple since the Dems took control of gov, it’s a endless cycle

  41. Still hating on Musk? Seems like you are having a melt down

  42. He "feels" super bad about the economy... He lays off 100k workers making his "feeling" a reality. People really worship this guy huh?

    1. it is a company and not your emotional support puppy grow up

  43. Might as well change last name to Kardashian. Always some sideshow

  44. Musk says it’s “been raining money on fools for too long”. Couldn’t agree more Elon - look in the mirror

  45. He’s not going to age well.

  46. He wants to be a politician

  47. When Google/Apple makes a software to make allĂ­ cars self driving, Tesla and munsk will go down

  48. Tell musk to fund sri lanka

  49. This guy is a clown

  50. Take a 10% pay cut Elon

  51. Wow you really needed a billionaire who is so out of touch with the day to day cost of living to tell you that? 🤦‍♂️

  52. So, let's take away jobs from people to help the economy? What?

  53. Oil shocks precede economic recessions.

  54. He seems like a guy who enjoys firing people.

  55. Feelings about Who’s Economy???

  56. I have 'super bad' feelings about Mr. Musk.

  57. Gah Elon 🤮

  58. All he wants is a reason to lay off staff and increase profit. First he tells everyone to go back to the office or you’re fired. Then a few days later this.

  59. Great story.
    Store telling much?
    Need more stores.
    Can't sleep.

  60. Possibly a hint to the 2007-08 Financial crisis 🤓

  61. Fuera los flojos liberales

  62. Well I started by telling them to come back to the office. Probably hoping a few will weed themselves out.

  63. 10% at least of his work force will leave anyway since he's forcing everyone back into the office

  64. ... please start with all the leftists woke

  65. Yeah so he can hire some people who can work efficiently.

  66. The guy is just an other clueless Right wing clown

    Like the rest of them Never mind him

  67. Tesla has 100.000 employees...thats too much, specially if the bigger share does homework

  68. But wants money for his space program!

  69. Proves that he is just a rich t**t! Money has gone to his head. 🖕

  70. Let me guess all the ones of color

  71. Who is going to stop this clown from cratering our 401ks with his Twitter account?

  72. #narcissisticegotist

  73. Replies

    2. Leave the guy alone….

  74. Just another capitalist pig thinking about maximizing profits, not about the well being of his staff. No wonder he wants his staff to return to office immediately or face his wrath.

  75. After what Biden been doing yep going to get worse.. we can drill right here in our own country and he will not do it. He’s not all there very bad president


  77. Rich and lay off the poor horrible man

  78. I feel sorry for the ones who worship "king Elon."

  79. His cars are turning to crap....

  80. He's probably right, but, can you not fire people until you absolutely need to?

  81. Right after the government gave him 10 billion for space x

  82. 🧐 "Mc LOVIN 892 MoMona St Honolulu HI 96820"

    1. I didn't understand anything but I liked it. 🤣👍

  83. These 10% will be hired by Twitter

  84. This man Clearly has a DEATH WISH!!!!!
    He just keeps pushing his Luck!!! smh

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  86. It really sucks doesn't it, for the entire world to find out that someone else had made all your companies?

    #iinventedtesla #muskgate #authoringpersons #followthewhiterabbit

  87. Feels bad so he wants to fire people. Not to mentioned he just threatened them to return to his offices or else leave the company. I guess one way or another he will get rid of employees.

  88. Homeoffice means homeoffice stupido! It depends on the work what happens in Homeoffice.

  89. Do it. Destroy the stock market. I dare ya

  90. It's just business.

  91. Good style my friend

  92. Oh Mr Musk sir would you please save the things that come out from between your teeth when you floss so we can pick a new grouping of religious deities? Oh please Mr Musk sir?


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