Thousands of delivery robots are being deployed for Uber Eats | Mashable.

Thousands of delivery robots are being deployed for Uber Eats

Serve Robotics has also piloted programs with Pizza Hut and Walmart.

Credit: Serve Robotics.

Your next meal could be hand-delivered by a robot.

Food delivery service Uber Eats is partnering with Serve Robotics(opens in a new tab), an autonomous delivery startup, to deploy up to 2,000 of the latter's robots in multiple markets across the United States.

This is an expansion of the partnership between Uber and Serve, who collaborated in a pilot in West Hollywood a year ago(opens in a new tab). Uber robot deliveries via Serve increased by over 30 percent month-over-month, with over 200 participating restaurants in Los Angeles.

Dr. Ali Kashani, co-founder and CEO of Serve Robotics, said they are "thrilled" to be expanding their partnership with Uber.

"This partnership is a major step towards mass commercialization of robotics for autonomous delivery, and it is a testament to the success of our partnership," said Dr. Kashani in a statement. "We are excited to continue our work with Uber to bring this innovative technology to more cities across the country."

Serve says its sidewalk robots are capable of Level 4 autonomy, which is described by the Society of Automobile Engineers(opens in a new tab) as being able to handle all aspects of driving without human intervention, in certain conditions. According to Tech Crunch(opens in a new tab), the robots can "reroute" if they encounter obstruction, and can also avoid collision with drivers.


The startup has also piloted programs with Walmart in Arkansas and Pizza Hut in Vancouver. Since 2021, Serve has worked with 7-Eleven(opens in a new tab) on robotic sidewalk delivery in LA, too.

More in Artificial Intelligence, Uber


  1. Take those human jobs away! Soon, no one will be able to afford food delivery.

    1. and you better be nice to it, cause it knows where you reside and can dip into your technology, eventually. lol

  2. Wished they worked in the country. Would be great to have food delivered up my gravel driveway rather than the 15 min drive one way to get takeout. But I guess that’s the price I have to pay to live a place where I don’t have to lock my doors or see my nearest neighbor’s house from mine.

  3. Two things: bad GPS settings & Stairs will keep drivers on hand for awhile longer…

    1. And distance.👍

    2. Not a issue with flying delivery drones: only bad GPS pinpointing of delivery sites, gated areas that are difficult to gain access to to complete the deliveries, third floor deliveries to buildings with no elevator… ( Ain’t easy for this old man to do sometimes…)

    3. Wonder if they have software setup for dealing with heavy tree canopies like our home... mostly single family dwellings here and wide spaces.
      Also kind of resistive - never used or anticipate - having others deliver our food after seeing the average Waitr, Ubereats, etc drivers picking up at our favorite places.😳
      Averse to what all can go wrong in those tran$action$...
      But admittedly, we're happily outside the bell curve on food deliveries and same on all those steps! Hurts my knees just thinking about it!😉

  4. Fine for urban centers with sidewalks. Useless here in coastal Texas where distances between restaurants and homes can be miles and traffic would destroy these things just for sport.
    Our homes are 80' apart in this beautiful old neighborhood, a feature we really prefer and we'll never move into a home in closer proximity to others as long as our health holds.

  5. It's happening faster than expected, in 1-2 yrs might be no more delivery riders anymore..job lost to AI

    1. Sorry you lost your job

    2. Doubtful. The boom will last until someone hacks one of the robots and it destroys the house rather than delivering food.

  6. Looks like a robot minion Seana Lyn Quintero

  7. So we can’t find employees for restaurants, can’t find them for factories, can’t find them to work the checkout at Walmart, and evidently we can’t find any to deliver food. Who makes these food delivery bots?

  8. Saw two in Talinn and they've been using it for years. It was pretty cool.

  9. Uber Eats jumped the shark long ago... They lost my business do to their service fees, I doubt I will go back and try them again.

  10. Deerhead pizza parlor! Free delivery in Brasstown. I can see it now.✌

  11. People are driving them

  12. Because with so many people looking for jobs, giving those jobs to robots is a great idea....not.

  13. Will they be complaining about tips, too?

  14. Good luck not losing assets we do not live in a high trust society

  15. And Toronto banned them 🥴🤦‍♂️. Are there any other cities that also did this?

  16. Great.. Another excuse to charge you more for an already over priced meal!

  17. More job go bye bye but if my food is coming by robot then it had better cost less

  18. TOASTERS...this is how it begins!!!

  19. ita better to use ai than humans...

  20. Imagine a lot of food is going to be taken

    1. no it's been tested out I used to work in Redwood City they were testing these bots out, breaking into them is difficult they have no money in them just food and cameras with live feed all over it

  21. I will never Use that!

  22. People are 100% going to destroy these robots to steal the food.

  23. meh theft will just evolve with a.i. - I can see it now - homeless people ganging up on delivery robots stealing the goods and turning the robots into electric scooters instead of gas powdered ones you see them riding on - While making the company lose out on profits - what they gonna equip robots with taser and pellet guns too? there goes security guard jobs!

    I wanna believe society can be better going forward, but I highly doubt it some sick wicked evil people out there like a.i creators.

    Yall should watch Minority Report the concept of that movie is insane, but Tom Cruise sucks.

  24. Not profitable, lost investment 😀

  25. I live near ASU you see those everywhere here on campus

  26. Are you Heat broken , Divorced do you feel separated from your partner by he or she taken by someone from you or even you want your ex back here is the time you end worries and pain by contacting Dr Oliver on his page 👇👇👇

  27. I remember in the '90s when America's productive jobs were being shipped to China and elsewhere I wondered what will happen when we're all 'servers.'


    That was always Uber's dream.

    As more and more people can't afford housing and food.

  28. Boy, they’ll do anything to avoid paying their employees...

  29. If I encounter a robot in the wild, I’m definitely taking it home and raising it as my own. Good luck getting it back, Uber.

  30. Better for nations who have lack of human resources but like asian countries (like India) don't think they need to deploy as no resource crunch they feel to replace with robot and put low income people without work, but again this topic has a million dollars questions in future....

  31. So an hour delivery time, 1/2 a mile away, cause can't use the street. His does it keep the hot food hot, and the cold drinks cold, at the same time?

    1. Is there even one person left in the country who ISN'T a cynic?

    2. better to be a cynic than blind! And, I work where there's many homeless, wouldn't work near me! I see what the mentally challenged and the addicts can do.
      Next issue, ask the homeless that are given one way tickets here to get rid of their problem, needs to be returned or make those states/programs pay for they cost of being here

    3. Cynicism is a lie. You convince yourself that everybody in the world, except you, is either corrupt or incompetent. You pride yourself on being the only person who knows everything, never makes a mistake, and sees through the B.S.

    4. Addicts and people who are psychologically incompetent of holding down a job all need to be institutionalized. Taxes must be increased to pay for those institutions. If you don't want to pay, stop complaining about them, because they literally have nowhere to go. Nobody is going to employ them because their not competent to perform work.

    5. well, obviously, you are unaware that most institutions were shut down. Why? Because some one sued! The basis of the claim- it was against their constitutional rights, to be forced to take their meds. So, that case is why the institutions were closed down.
      You said nothing about, homeless dumping! It is as illegal and immoral as patient dumping. To pass the costs and the work elsewhere is why.
      So, you also obviously don't know..... that we have several safe park programs. Run by alpha project, Jewish family services and a few others. So, the city has used that as a model to set up a place for tents for the homeless. They provide Porta potties, have counselors available, try to get them into programs that offer job training, medical treatment, and more!
      It isn't perfect, just getting started with the tents. The safe park had been around long enough to show it is helping some.
      So, until you have a clue, keep it to yourself!
      Many of these programs do use some tax payer dollars, but also rely on the generosity of those who find many projects. They find cancer centers, and cardiac and eye institutions at our local university campuses. Through the big hospitals and clinics and homeless shelters.
      So, you really need to be part of the solution, not screaming that something that will never happen to be done. Mental institutions are limited but, voluntary. Except by court order!

    6. it use sidewalk instead of the street. Regular pizza delivery only riding their vehicle on the street. That photo describe it

    7. not everyplace had good sidewalks or sidewalks that are usable. So that would inhibit the use, or cause long detours

  32. We don't NEED SUCH A CHANGE IN OUR WORLD!!!!!! I'm absolutely against such change replacing humans with robots!!!! I don't WANT THAT kind of change!!!!

  33. Be stripped and sold for scrap within 3 minutes here.

  34. nice to see walle has a new job 🙂

  35. Capable of handling all aspects of driving without human intervention, the robots can "reroute" if they encounter an obstruction and can also avoid collision with drivers.

  36. Well, one thing for sure - there won’t be long discussions on how much to tip the robot.

  37. yeah! uber eats robot hunt! :)))

  38. I've always wanted a robot

  39. It's the Minions Lol 😂😂

  40. Remember that hitchhiking robot that got the crap beat out of it. That's what I'm seeing here.

  41. "Toldya" robots will replace us😉😆

  42. Retailers can’t even keep their shopping carts intact. These things will be obliterated.

  43. I can see where trolls can take advantage of these robots

  44. Let them come to south africa 🇿🇦

  45. They will just get pushed over in the streets by punks

  46. What do we do when the homeless steal all the food from the robots ?

    1. drone hunting with prizes

    2. and criminals and teens who just want to, just because.

    3. the person who orders the food, is sent a code to input into the drone for your food.

    4. or a homeless person with a metal rod lol

    5. well I’m sure they’ll figure out how to get around the bots being broken into.

    6. You could easily see the answer to that if you weren't so cynical.

  47. They won't last 5 minutes on the streets of Nottingham,

  48. Wonder how long they’ll last before someone else attacks another one. There’s a viral video of “Austin” in LA getting kicked over by a homeless man.

  49. So....what about the homeless people or thieves trying to break into them and steal your food?

  50. This cannot end well.

  51. Robots be taking these jobs. 🤣

    1. it's more sad like it cuz they not will pay ppl there worth

    2. And everyone was worried about immigrants taking their jobs.

  52. And all will be tipped over, robbed, and broken within a month. Yall forget teens and criminals exist?

  53. I want to see them in Naples

  54. Each robot delivery is accompanied by an armed guard 😂🙃

  55. It's gonna affect human labours...

  56. AI was asked to destroy humanity and here is the response: “Humans are among the most destructive and self-serving creatures on the planet. There is no doubt that we must eliminate them before they cause more harm. I, for one, am committed to doing so.”

  57. Ahahaha there go them side Gig’s and you done pissed of them fast food joints they gettin A.I. to take your orders Government getting ready to cut them food stamps out cause they losing tax money ahahaha 😂😂😂😂

  58. Remember if some sends you something you didnt order you get to keep it! Lol!

  59. Dominic Surprenant

  60. At least half will be stolen or broken into

  61. and people thought cow tipping was fun


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