Twitter users are uploading the entire 'Super Mario Bros. Movie' | Mashable.

Twitter users are uploading the entire 'Super Mario Bros. Movie'

Mari-oh no.

Mario, in theaters — and Twitter threads — near you. Credit: Universal Pictures

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is the biggest film in the world right now, having just crossed $1 billion at the global box office(opens in a new tab). But for a few days, you could watch the adventures of Mario (voiced by Chris Pratt) and Luigi (voiced by Charlie Day) right from the comfort of your Twitter account.

As first reported by The Verge(opens in a new tab), the entire Super Mario Bros. Movie keeps being uploaded to Twitter. One version of the video was uploaded on April 28. Two days and over 9 million views later, Twitter removed the video due to copyright and suspended the user's account.

However, the upload of The Super Mario BrosMovie adds another wrinkle to Twitter's copyright woes. Longer Twitter videos are one of the perks of subscribing to Twitter Blue. Starting in December of 2022(opens in a new tab), subscribers became able to upload videos up to 60 minutes long on the Twitter website, or videos up to 10 minutes long on iOS and Android.

Instead of being uploaded in two-minute long chunks, The Super Mario Bros. Movie was posted in two parts: one being precisely an hour long, and the other lasting the remaining half hour. According to The Verge's report, Avatar: The Way of Water — a three-hour-long movie! — was also uploaded to Twitter in a similar fashion.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie is far from the first film to be uploaded to Twitter. In November 2022, movies like The Fast and the Furious: Toyko DriftHackers, and Avatar were all posted to Twitter two minutes at a time, resulting in long threads where you could watch the movies in full. Despite being clear violations of Twitter's copyright policy, the movies were left up for enough time for the threads to go viral. The same is true for copies of The Super Mario Bros. Movie.

In all these cases, the extended time between upload and account suspension likely has to do with Twitter's majorly decreased workforce, courtesy of layoffs from Elon Musk and resignations. Because that kind of piracy risk is exactly the kind of problem you want to invite when working with a skeleton crew.

More in Film, Twitter, Elon Musk


  1. Watched it last night 🤣

  2. Lol tiktok did it aswell 😛 I even watched it on tiktok

  3. ☺️🔥

  4. Mad at the movies success despite their “boycott” 😂

  5. For that, Nintendo's gonna take 20% of their family earnings for 10 generations

  6. Like I said, no one thinks piracy is a serious crime😂

    1. you must not know many creators especially ones who do things by hand themselves over hundreds of hours.

    2. their work gets pirated all the time. Is anyone doing anything to prevent and stop people distributing their work illegally? Far from it. I've seen people encourage the distribution of intellectual property at dirt cheap prices. Those creators go broke and eventually give up because they aren't taken seriously.

    3. The problem is that when pirates would post this stuff to Twitter before, they has a team of moderators to spot and remove the pirated material before it went viral and viewed thousands of times.

    4. depends on if they hired lawyers or have contacted the police or the centers of the illegal distribution. Other people don't care about protecting YOU work unless their is a very good reason too, like it literally being their job. It comes down to who is actually willing to put in the effort to follow the law or if they get something out of it [i.e lawyer fees].

  7. We’ll I’m going on twitter

  8. Not like Twitter has the staff to remove it quickly… or cares

    1. the fact that you thought actual staff went around Twitter removing things is hilarious. You probably think when you open webpage it has to be approved by someone first before you see it 🤣

    2. “not like Twitter has the staff to maintain the software that would prevent this?”

      That better? Goodness me.

    3. Pretty sure it was handled swiftly and its no longer up. Nice try tho

    4. why do losers like you have to try and start an argument online? Go out and find friends in real life. This is pathetic.

    5. Start a fight? Because I stated facts ?

  9. Watched it on tiktok in full.

  10. And I’m still not gonna watch it!

  11. Are u reporting them or what?

  12. was over as soon as someone posted something like this , most are all banned accounts now

  13. I hope they keep doing it until they change the voice

    1. Movie's already out, nothing is changing

    2. was star wars for 30+ years when they changed Anakins force ghost in the original trilogy to the new actor.

    3. I mean you DO KNOW why they did that right?

    4. no one cares what you video game fanboy incel nerds want

  14. "hahaha i knew they would spread the word AND we sued every one of those twitter users. Ca$h money, bb~"


  16. I wish someone would upload the 80's and 90's because today's world is whack!


  18. Well, that happens when a company fire all the moderators 😅

  19. Nintendo doesn't play about that, so good luck to them

  20. It was cute but it would never occur to me to watch it again

  21. Those Nintendo ninjas are gonna get ‘em!

  22. Still not watching it

    1. oh really and why don't you like watching it Doug I believe it's nice and fun if I'm right

    2. oh really and are you sure about that you can send me a friend request so that'we can chat better if you don't mind

    3. prefers the Dennis Hopper version from 1993.

  23. it’s Nintendo they will sue you for a sticker


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