An iPhone 15 with USB-C might convert some Android users, survey says | Mashable.

An iPhone 15 with USB-C might convert some Android users, survey says

If Android uses are considering switching to iPhone, you know it's a big deal.

The USB-C iPhone isn't just a big deal for Apple users. Credit: Getty Images

The rumored iPhone 15 with USB-C is so momentous, it might even convert Android users.

In a survey conducted by cellphone trade-in site SellCell, almost half of Android users surveyed (44 percent) said they would switch if this year's iPhone 15 came with a USB-C port. The survey, which comprised more than 1,000 iPhone users and more than 1,000 Android users in the U.S., also said 63 percent of iPhone users said the USB-C factor would influence their decision to upgrade to an iPhone 15, citing the ability to use one charger for all of their Apple devices, and compatibility with non-Apple devices as the top factors.

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Thanks to a law passed by the European Union that requires all phones and tablets to be universally compatible by 2024, Apple is forced to comply by manufacturing its devices with USB-C charging instead of its proprietary Lightning port. Strong rumors suggest that Apple's iPhone event on Sept.12 will be when it debuts USB-C charging on iPhones.

Apple has held out on switching to USB-C charging for years, despite it being the industry standard. While Apple claims switching from Lightning to USB-C would create more e-waste, the EU isn't buying it and says in the longterm, compatibility and interoperability will save consumers money, since they'll only have to buy one charger for all of their devices. Based on the results of the survey, the iPhone with USB-C is a good thing for Apple and Apple customers alike, since it's a motivating factor in upgrading to the iPhone 15. And, hey, Apple might even poach some Android customers at the same time.

Of course, we can't be certain until the Apple event on Sept.12, but if the rumors are true, the iPhone 15 is sure to make Apple fans (and some Android users) happy.

Topics Apple iPhone


  1. The charger??🤣 I think Apple has some big dreams and that's all they are.... dreams. Yall really think that's why we don't want your stupid apple phones

  2. Having both Android and iPhone, durability is the biggest bummer on my USB-C devices. Loose connections are much more common for me on USB-C, so much so that I buy the mag safe connectors for all my USB-C devices so they are inserted only once...oh, wait...why not just use 20 pin magnet connectors and ditch both? 😉

  3. Ha. Never changing. It's about time apple begins converting to USBC. Like all things..they're years behind.

    1. Good evening dear friend!
      Sorry for the inconvenience, I found you in my suggestions, visited your Facebook profile which I really liked, I also like your publications, I would like to be one of your friends so if that doesn't bother you. I would like you to add me as friends and also write to me via Messenger to start a conversation, I would be very happy to receive a message or an invitation from you.

  4. except Apple are limiting the USB-C cables from there full potential and then offering a high speed ( Standard to android) cable at a much higher price

    1. Good evening dear friend!
      Sorry for the inconvenience, I found you in my suggestions, visited your Facebook profile which I really liked, I also like your publications, I would like to be one of your friends so if that doesn't bother you. I would like you to add me as friends and also write to me via Messenger to start a conversation, I would be very happy to receive a message or an invitation from you.

  5. Then they look at the Apple price tags and say--nope.

  6. I believe in England all new cell phones must have a C port

  7. looks like USB-C.. malicious compliance

  8. You must be joking. Apple need more than usbc to save their sinking ship.


  10. Because of USB-C? Y’all be trippin! Go stick them fingers back where the sun don’t shine and quit posting crap online

  11. This is really one of the silliest ideas ever. As if Android users are there only because iPhones do not have USB-C, and not for the thousand other REAL reason.

  12. Not a chance...ever. #SamsungGalaxyForever

  13. Why would I switch from my Samsung to an iPhone? iPhone has been years behind in features next to Samsung.

  14. If adopting USB-C is the compelling reason for many Android users to move to iPhone, why hasn't the greedy Apple change to USB-C until Europion union push them?

    1. because they charge a fee for MFI certified lightning products. Profits.

  15. I bit the bullet and switched from iPhone to Android in 2018 on principle. In the US, iMessage was solidifying itself in the social space over the color of bubbles and I was getting uncomfortable with how high the walls in Apple's garden had gotten. I have zero interest in going back. The Sony Xperia 5 series phones have served me very well in ways I could only dream of on iOS.

    That being said, this report doesn't surprise me. Android is doing a poor job retaining the average user, who prioritizes both simplicity and consistency. The majority of smartphone users are not enthusiasts and care very much what others close to them think about their phone choice. USB-C appeals to the simplicity factor of one cable for everything. The social factor is setting up the premium Android market to be in a precarious position over the next five years- especially with another iPhone SE on the horizon. While Android is an enthusiast's playground, that's a niche proposition- not a recipe for dominance in the premium handset market.

  16. I find that hard to believe, out of all of the people I know that have Android, only a few actually have switched since 2007. One was because they had a large library of music from iTunes and just decided to go native and the others just felt they liked it better.

    Only authors like this actually care what phone you have at this point.

  17. Will iPhone users know how to charge their new phone if Apple doesn't include a USB-C cable in the box? 😂😂😂

  18. I would rather say many people will be using android chargers as apple don't provide them

    1. Apple chargers have been using only USB-C for a few years.

  19. Wow a whopping 1000 users were asked! It surely is indicative of MOST people on earth!

    Yeah I really doubt majority of the world will switch over.

    Found the second Apple bootlicker author!

  20. How people in this comment section doesn't understand that the stuff Apple added earlier years got them already very close to switching or thinking switching and now this USB-C might be the final reason to actually do the switch. Of course USB-C alone is not reason to switch platform.

    1. "Of course USB-C alone is not reason to switch platform."

      Which means the rest of your comment is invalid. iOS adding widgets, AOD, a zoom camera & a Type-C port aren't compelling enough reasons.

  21. Lol! How is USB-C related to switching from Android to iPhone? People who use Android prefer more customization and something which can let them make their device feel like their own. Android already had USB-C for many years and Apple adding USB-C in their devices won't change anything.

    1. I feel that I own all the devices that I buy, even those without customizations possible.

  22. If Apple switching to USB c is going to make Android users switch, please give me a valid why?

  23. You honestly think the only thing holding back some Android users switching to iPhone is the charging port? That's a good one!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Nope, the walled garden of Apple is the reason I won't get one. I like customizing the phone, settings, launcher etc the way I WANT TO, not the way Apple says.

  26. Regardless of it being almost ½ of the ones who took the survey, 440 of millions of Android users ≠ many.

    1. 40% of 1000 Android users questioned - surely it covers majority of the world's users right?

      This author is the new Martin

    2. Exactly. And following Martin's actions of not replying to commentors that have a point. Just write a trash ass article & start thinking about the next trash ass article.

  27. Please Mashable writers have a little more dignity 🤦🏼‍♂️

  28. I think there are more reasons than just USB-C for why Android users choose Android. I always hear the usual complaint “iOS is locked down.”

    1. Well... It is. Can't even arrange icons in 2023 lol

    2. This.
      USB-C and sideloading is what I could switch for.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. It's the biggest thing I'm looking forward to, so I could see some truth in the survey.

  31. You guys are tempted? Wait till you hear about the price

  32. Lets wait for android users to hear that the Pro models goes thunderbolt from the start, while android users have usbC for a decade and still without it..

    1. Apple building in Thunderbolt speeds would certainly add some Pro to the iPhone 15 Pro/Pro Max.

    2. This this makes a difference to about 10% of users. Most have no clue what Thunderbolt even is

  33. Not once have I ever heard an Android user say they would have gotten an iPhone if it had a USB C port. If someone wanted an iPhone before, the charging cable was not going to be a reason to get an Android phone instead.

    1. So you do your own 1000 Android person survey too? Interesting.

  34. Really, because of a port’s shape? Not sure why anyone would change BECAUSE of it. Sure it is convenient using the same cable for everything, but switching because of it is quite a stretch.

  35. Yes, USB-C 2.0 type. Great reason to move.

  36. Interesting data, but it was conducted in the USA where iPhone/iMessage are dominant. In Europe and many other countries, android is dominant.

    So it would be interesting to know how other android users around the world feel about the upcoming iPhone usb-c port. Like is apple about to gain market share once the usb-c port goes live?

  37. I really doubt 63% even know what USB-C is. I live in a quite tech-oriented environment, and when asking for a cable, most people still call USB-C things like “the new, bigger one you can reverse”. They’re not aware that USB-C is a thing. I bet USB-C will drive virtually no sales, just some controversy and customer complains, but overall neutral effect.

  38. Interesting that people would care so much about the port. Most probably only use it for charging anyway.

  39. The “No more multiple cords to carry” is just laughable.

    Sure if you’re planning on ditching slightly older but perfectly capable devices and buying all new.

    Great move for the environment! But even better for Tim’s bank account.

  40. TBH, after all this time.. and all the hate they probably hung on iPhone and Apple users over the years, do we really want them in the clan? :p



      I will welcome any new iPhone owners to our club with a hard boiled egg and some prune juice for our new friends. 🤓
      (Simpson’s reference 😊)

  41. Hard to imagine going Android or iPhone based on the cable.

    Clearly the pretty colors should be the deciding factor! 🤩

  42. They (Apple) really try to create a high demand for it lol. The last couple weeks there’s ‘researches’ and reports everywhere that claim the demand with be extremely high.

    While they probably offer the same as last year, carrying minimal upgrades and ask higher prices. And all that while the whole worst is heading towards a recession and customers thinking thrice now before they do an expensive purchase.

    Usb c to convert to iOS, usb c isn’t something magical. It’s really old and people should call Apple out for adapting to it now.

  43. If they switch it won't be because of a port

  44. So cable was the reason people used Android? People really couldn’t afford lightning cable or usb to lightning dongle?

  45. Can’t follow the hype… switching to a 9 years old connector because they were forced to do it.

  46. "Apple is too cheap to put a charging brick in the box? It's okay, I have years of USB-C chargers ready to go." - the Android users planning to switch(?)


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