Twitter/X CEO didn't seem to know about Elon Musk's mandatory fee plan | Mashable.

Twitter/X CEO didn't seem to know about Elon Musk's mandatory fee plan

Twitter/X CEO Linda Yaccarino appeared to know nothing about Elon Musk's plan to impose a mandatory fee for using the platform.

Credit: Jerod Harris / Getty Images for Vox Media

Twitter/X CEO and prime glass cliff candidate Linda Yaccarino appeared at the 2023 Code Conference on Sept. 27, speaking to CNBC's Julia Boorstin about the platform formerly known as Twitter. Unfortunately, her responses about the company's direction weren't reassuring — and also indicated a possible breakdown in communication with owner Elon Musk.

A telling moment midway through Yaccarino's 40-minute interview hinted that the CEO may have been unaware of Musk's plans to impose a mandatory monthly fee for users on Twitter/X. Musk announced his intention to implement the change earlier this month, stating that it was "the only way" he could think of to combat bots. 

However, when asked to confirm Musk's plans to turn Twitter/X into a paid website, Yaccarino appeared caught off guard and unable to answer any questions about it.

"Did he say we were moving to it specifically, or he's thinking about it?" Yaccarino inquired, after first asking Boorstin to repeat the question.

"He said that's the plan," answered Boorstin. "Did he consult you before he announced that?"

"We talk about everything," Yaccarino said, refusing to provide a direct answer while sounding an awful lot like someone defending their terrible partner to their friends.

Yaccarino then proceeded to dodge the question for several minutes, despite it being put to her for a third time, opting instead to divert attention to her role at Twitter/X and to praising Musk.                                                                                                                        

"Who wouldn't want Elon Musk sitting by their side, running product?" Yaccarino asked, displaying a remarkable inability to keep track of public opinion or read a room.

Though hypothetical, her question was answered by tittering laughter from the crowd, with Boorstin noting that there was "a show of hands."

"There may be a few show of hands to get the cute chuckles you're getting," Yaccarino insisted. "But I would say the percentages in this room are about 99 percent, 'Who would say no to that?' and one percent of maybe personal opinion [and] feelings."

Musk has received widespread criticism for his leadership of Twitter/X since acquiring the company late 2022. Users and advertisers alike have fled the platform, which is now valued at around a third of what Musk paid for it, and it continues to roll out an endless parade of overwhelmingly unpopular changes. Considering this, it would be reasonable to conclude that the percentage of people eager to have Musk as a colleague is considerably lower than 99 percent.

Yaccarino also spent some time responding to comments made by surprise Conference guest Yoel Roth. Twitter’s former head of trust and safety has been a vocal critic of Musk, and wasn't shy about explaining how the billionaire had personally endangered him.

"I work at X, he worked at Twitter," said Yaccarino, ignoring the fact that it's literally the same company with a different name. "X is a new company, building a foundation based on free expression and freedom of speech."

If there's any silver lining, it's that Yaccarino's apparent ignorance of Musk's monetisation plans may indicate that it hasn't been seriously discussed. This may indicate that it won't be implemented — or at least not for a while. But if anyone was hoping Yaccarino would accept accountability for Twitter/X's missteps, or at least temper Musk's whims, they're likely to be disappointed.

Topics Twitter


  1. Why do you folks keep hating on Elon? Let him be himself and if he fails, it is on him and nobody else. People on the spectrum think out loud and say outlandish things but ultimately they will straighten things out.

    1. 🐫👗😄🌷Hurry and watch before it gets deleted.

    2. So Elon can be big mouthed, but no one else can? I don't think Elon needs you to defend him. If he does, I'm sure he'll email you directly. In the meantime, Elon brings these things down upon himself. He likes to share his views publicly (just as Trump does), so that makes him "fair game". His purchase of Twitter X was a very public decision that has impacted a lot of people. Just as Elon has a right to express himself so do they.

    3. I think you've missed the point of the Internet. It was invented so that whiners can cry even louder.

    4. huge difference between criticism and hatred toward him or anyone else. America has a hate problem and we need to fix it.

  2. Exactly what does she run? Elon appointed her yet just continues on.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. A lot I didn’t know about Fusk

    Everything I’ve learned has determined he’s a Richard

  5. To be fair, I'm pretty sure Elon comes up with a lot of ideas and doesn't really consult anyone else in his companies. He's a very independent thinker

    1. if we know about it she should know about it genius.

    2. Maybe she's not as competent as you think?

    3. if that’s the case it speaks more about Musk than her.

    4. she's the CEO of X. She's supposed to know.

  6. Yes. "Twitter X". That's what I've been encouraging people to call it. We can no longer call it just Twitter and "X" just feels too odd. So combine the two.

    1. Twix… bummer it’s already taken. 😆

  7. She has the most meaningless job title and role in the history of business.

  8. Linda thinks she’s in charge

  9. If you Elon bashers at Mashable didn’t know… he throws darts at the wall to see if it sticks. He’s done this many times and reverses course if public opinion is strongly for or against it. Just sayin’ 😉

    1. you mean he backtracks constantly to hide his ineptitude, fails to communicate in any meaningful way with the people below him and acts like a petulant spoilt child when it comes to choices that will hurt the companies or people who's income depends on them?

    2. no, he comes up with random ideas and sees what the public's response is to them.

    3. nah. I disagree. He’s trying to make back a few sheckles from a big investment. He won’t charge IMO. He thinks with his fingers like most people these days. 😜

    4. oh and yes… he’s a leader of companies. Many of them. All roads lead to him on decisions. That’s called leadership. What’s wrong with that? 😉

    5. and I can't blame him at all for constantly brainstorming ideas to make more money after dropping over $40B on the company lol

    6. that’s his own fault

    7. That is a terrible and unprofessional management style. Anyone else would get fired for such behavior.

    8. Testing ideas is a "terrible and unprofessional management style"? 🤣😂🤣

    9. You test first with a prototype in a closed environment separate from the main product. You get feedback and then you iterate until it's what the customer wants, only then do you merge it into the core product and service. That's how Product Design and Agile development is done. You don't run experiments on the core product while its live!

    10. what color is his jock today?

    11. if you s his d any harder you're gonna lose a filling

    12. hey for a billion dollars I may just do it 😘

    13. this coming from a toothless meth head keyboard warrior lol

    14. also look at the lack of freedom of speech… s his d lmao

    15. oh, speaking of throwing darts at the wall and seeing which sticks

    16. I’m creative like Elon 😂

    17. Simpin’ ain’t easy.

  10. I wonder why people think CEOs are professional liars. 🤔

  11. It would be like working for a doorknob 🙄

  12. Well duh, she's just a puppet...


  14. Replies
    1. Did you get your feelings hurt on twitter? 🥴

    2. Never bothered to get it.
      It blows

  15. This Linda Yaccarino is just an intermediary, everyone knows that Elon is still boss. He only gave her the position, so as not to have all the responsibilities fall on him. She shows her face and he gives the rules. We don't know what happens inside.

  16. Well, she’s not personally using Twitter/X either based on her phone’s home screen, so that’s understandable.


  18. I have no sympathy for @lindayaX. She sold her soul to the devil.

  19. Elon be trolling people and media along with it lol

    Media and elites just hate that they cant use twitter to control and silence people anymore lol

    1. Hello dear won't you be interested in earning or doubling what you already have? Technology has actually made everything easy you don't have to leave your home before you become a millionaire, I will teach and guide you on how everything works and you can also teach others

    2. You keep believing that 😂 delusion at is best 🤣

    3. It is with great happiness to announce that your comment just won 🏆 CUCK OF THE DAY AWARD.
      Your post and profile is automatically inserted into the Cuck Of The Year awards, which will be livestreamed on Twitch on new year's day 2024.
      If you don't wish to participate, please DM us or send an email to

    4. nah, just facts. Like he cares for that money. We know why he bought it. He even trolled and exposed the border. He already doing better than the potus lol

    5. Because Musk is not elite, not at all - the guy is one of the richest people in the world and you think he will side with the likes of you? (whatever opinions you hold) How do you get that delusional?

    6. he is not part of the left. Its simple if you aint brainwashed

    7. Because elites are leftists now - I have a feeling you don't really know what that word means, do you?

    8. well, if you had a clue, you would understand what i mean.
      Basically the people that have and maintain power. The left ( democraps) they can get away with anything basically.

    9. the elites who control the media, agenda etc. you clearly have no clue if i have to spell it out for you lol.

    10. You're the lost cause


  20. That’s not surprising. Musk probably doesn’t know what he is doing any given day either. 🤣

    1. ”I’ve surprised at the decision I made about the change in our subscription model as well. Totally didn’t see that coming”
      - Elon Musk didn’t say

  21. Except for he didn’t actually say he was going to charge everyone. He said that the best way to combat bots would be to charge all accounts for use, not that he would do it. If you believe these things and if you’re a reporter who pushes BS, I’ve got news for you. people with extra chromosomes are smarter than you

  22. Maybe she should get a facebook to follow x news lol

  23. Stop riding elon trashable

  24. Mashable 👈🤡 Meta's clone dies as X continues to blow up, months away from profitability, and breaking all user metric records.

  25. She’ll read about it in a tweet soon.

    1. Hello dear won't you be interested in earning or doubling what you already have? Technology has actually made everything easy you don't have to leave your home before you become a millionaire, I will teach and guide you on how everything works and you can also teach others

  26. Why would she? It's not like she's a real CEO.

  27. Wow. Rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic

    1. Hello dear won't you be interested in earning or doubling what you already have? Technology has actually made everything easy you don't have to leave your home before you become a millionaire, I will teach and guide you on how everything works and you can also teach others

  28. She was the most unlikeable person. Can’t imagine working for her.

  29. Are you just making up names now? What is Twitter/X? Dummies

  30. Very qualified 🫤


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