Meet Jeremy the Manager, the famous cat who gets the job done | Mashable.

Meet Jeremy the Manager, the famous cat who gets the job done

Everyone loves Jeremy the Manager and his endless supply of ties. But what do his employees think?Share on Facebook

Credit: Molly Flores                                                                                                                                     
If Jeremy the Manager was my boss, I would be fired.

I showed up to this interview disheveled, drenched in sweat from the muggy New York humidity, and late, courtesy of either a car malfunction in my Uber or a higher power punishing me for not taking public transportation.

When I finally arrived at CitiPups in New York City for our interview, Jeremy the Manager — clad in one of his famous ties — was stoic. You could tell by the way he stalked around the room, sniffing my bag and refusing to make eye contact: He wasn't angry with me, he was just disappointed.

Jeremy stretching on the counterCredit: Molly Flores

This, it seems, is emblematic of his typical managerial style.

"He's very assertive. He's very focused on the task. He's very confident. He's a natural 
born leader, and he's very wise," Emilio Ortiz told Mashable. Ortiz works at CitiPups 
and runs Jeremy's social media accounts, of which the feline boasts more than 1.2 million 
followers on TikTok and more than 263,000 followers on Instagram.                                                                                                                                                                       
Credit: Molly Flores                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
All that said, Jeremy "could be a little nicer." But it's his managerial prowess and 
unbothered demeanor that makes Jeremy so beloved by fans — and launched him into 
internet fame. Just look at TikTok, where the #JeremytheManager tag has over 
million views and counting.

You can buy fan-created Jeremy the Manager laptop stickers on Etsy, and if you search 
him on Pinterest, his posts flood the feed. New Yorkers and tourists visit him every day 
at the Manhattan pet store and bring him gifts — art and collars and treats and 
sometimes just pets. Ortiz says that CitiPups might even start selling its own Jeremy 
merch. It's pretty clear: Jeremy is one of our generation's Famous Cats.

Like Grumpy Cat and other internet-savvy felines before him, people love Jeremy
because he's pretty sassy. In his videos, he's telling people what they can and cannot do
in his store, courtesy of a voice-over by Ortiz. He is particularly demanding of one of
the employees, Oliver, which he shows by knocking over his pens and scowling over his
work. But, most of the time, he stays relaxing in his cat bed on the CitiPups counter,
prepared to greet guests and ensure no mice overstay their welcome on the grounds.

Go to any of his most popular videos, and you’ll see a deluge of comments approving of
his managerial tactics. But he wasn't hired specifically for this job — it was a promotion
of sorts. Jeremy was rescued along with a few other cats to help manage the store's rat
and mouse problem in the early days of the pandemic.

"Jeremy actually got the job done and got rid of the rats," Ortiz said. "So as a joke, we
put a little tie on him and gave him employee of the month. Ever since then, it has
taken on a life of its own."

Yet, his fame hasn't increased sales at CitiPups, Ortiz said. Some animal rights activists
argue that isn’t such a bad thing, since they claim CitiPups gets its dogs from puppy
mills — and CitiPups' fight against that argument has played a role in Jeremy's
Credit: Molly Flores
In 2021, Ortiz posted videos on his TikTok account @pup_daddy to show his work at 
the store and remove some of the stigma surrounding buying a pet directly from a 
store instead of from a breeder or rescuing from a shelter. The drive was punctuated by 
a bill moving through the New York State Legislature that would ban the sale of dogs 
(and cats and rabbits, which CitiPups doesn’t sell) at pet stores. The intent behind the 
bill was to crack down on high-volume breeding facilities known as puppy mills.

"The video didn't really gain steam," Ortiz said. "And then I made the same video, word
for word, from the perspective of [Jeremy's] account. And it got hundreds of thousands
of views. It [encouraged] thousands of people to send emails and [sign] petitions."                                                                                                                                               

Credit: Molly Flores
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The comments on these videos aren't all in agreement. Some people show their
support for Jeremy, and others say they love Jeremy but can't condone this kind of

"Love the cat, love the idea but no breeder is a responsible breeder," one commenter
wrote. "So many animals in shelters, so many euthanized daily. I’m happy about this
bill and hope it becomes national. Partner with animal rescues and shelters and adopt
out and just be a normal pet store that sells pet products."

Ortiz told Mashable that CitiPups gets their dogs from reputable breeders. He says
they go on trips to visit the breeders and ensure none of them are from mills. But some
activists and politicians, including the then-Senate Deputy Majority Leader Mike
Gianaris who sponsored the bill, argue that responsible pet stores don't exist.

"Even if there are individual pet store owners that are trying to do the right thing, the
way the industry works is when they're getting mass-produced animals from breeders,
often outside of state, they tend to be from the mills. There's not a pet store that is

Credit: Molly Flores                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
stores obtained puppies from unscrupulous breeders — including at least two dogs that
were linked to CitiPups.

The bill was signed late last year, and it will go into effect in 2025. But CitiPups plans
to continue fighting it by supporting other pieces of animal-friendly legislation that
would soften its effect. Recently, another bill was introduced and that would allow pet
shops to continue running so long as they source dogs from breeders that have
established breeding limits and do genetic testing, among other requirements.

"Right now we’re focused on getting this bill through," Ortiz said over email of the new
bill. "It’s really painful for us to think about our family’s business being taken from us.
It’s hard to envision a future where we’re forced to stop doing what we love and
helping people find the right dog for their life."

He says he understands the fear and concern that the dogs are mistreated before they
reach pet stores, but he ensures CitiPups doesn't source their dogs from puppy mills.

Credit: Molly Flores
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            "The puppies are happy, they're healthy, and people rave about us," Ortiz said. "We
have really close connections with the breeders we get our dogs from, and we are
transparent about it."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Credit: Molly Flores                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
It seems clear that Jeremy has nothing to do with any of this. He’s just a good
manager. Can you separate the art from the artist? After all, Jeremy, for his part, was
rescued — not that you can really tell.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
I hadn't visited CitiPups before Jeremy's tenure, but I can't imagine the space without
him. He seems as integral to the shop as the bones of the building. Everyone who walks
in makes a b-line for him, whether they knew they'd see him or not, as he sleeps on the
counter, hangs out in the window display, or weaves between the shelves of dog toys
and accessories. He's inviting to guests, only playful when encouraged, and rarely — if
ever — shows any true signs of anger.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
He's a good cat. And, even if his home is riddled with one of the most vigorous political
fights a cat can take part in, he continues to elicit joy from everyone who crosses his
path — online and off.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Credit: Molly Flores
Topics TikTok


  1. I looooove Jeremy!!

  2. He's sitting in judgement of you....🤣🤣

  3. Imagine someone flipping out and demanding to speak to your manager and you take the to meet Jeremy

  4. Jeremy is one of my favorites

  5. The felinification of dapper...

  6. Managers be managing,

  7. I get it😂😂😂

  8. Jeremy you are handsome and awesome and I totally agree with you Jeremy 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  9. There is no Operations Manager running more of a tight ship than Jeremy! 🫡🫡

  10. Jeremy, you are awesome. Meow ❤️

  11. I’m waiting for the moment Jeremy goes rogue on that peasant. Lol.

  12. always right Jeremy 🥰😂

  13. Jeremy is what keeps that business going!!🤣❤️

  14. I wish Jeremy was my boss

    1. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    2. be careful what you wish for... he's kind of a hard ass, but he has a lot of pull in the companies politics and you know what they say:

    3. with great power comes great responsibility 😁

  15. Jeremy adopt me please

  16. Jeremy is the best boss to have. 💕

  17. amo a este gatito hermoso🥰

  18. He's fluffy, but fair 🥰

  19. I'm also an operations manager and I would take a seminar from Jeremy.

  20. I wish he was my manager. His soooo cuteee🥰🥰🥰

  21. Jeremy, eres el mejor ❤️🤗

  22. Jeremy should be renamed Frank

  23. I want a boss like Jeremy🥺

  24. good boss🥰🥰🥰

  25. Jeremy es muy profesional 👨🏻‍💼

  26. Wish he was my boss

  27. I got to meet him last week 🥰

  28. The best boss ever! ❤️😻

  29. I love this cat 😃

  30. Jeremy is very professional ✨

  31. Cutest thing ever 🥰

  32. I love you Jeremy🩵✨️-🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛!!!!

  33. Jeremy showing who’s boss 😅

  34. Jeremy slay ❤️‍🔥

  35. Jeremy, il gatto fotomodello🥰

  36. Giants or Jets, Jeremy?

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. That’s enough love for today 😂😂

  39. Jeremy♥️♥️Love♥️♥️

  40. Jeremy, the best. 😹😻❤️

  41. MY BOY 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  42. Jeremy I adore you 🥰🥰🥰

  43. 😍❤️🐱 Hola hermoso Jeremy.

  44. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  45. Adorable Jeremy 😻😻🥰🥰❤️

  46. Jeremy♥️♥️te adoro 🇲🇽

  47. Jeremy ❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️

  48. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  49. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  50. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  51. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰

  52. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  53. lindoooo 🇧🇷😻

  54. He’s a prince 🥰

  55. Jermey is the boss😂😂😂

  56. Awe Jeremy I love you 💙💙💙😊

  57. lindoooo❤️❤️❤️

  58. I didn't know him, he's really cute.

  59. i love this cat more than i love myself

  60. Jeremy works so hard!!🥰🥰🥰

  61. Jeremy The best Worker in the whole world 🐈‍⬛🖤❤️

  62. icon 🔥 😎 🤘

  63. Jeremy needs a vacation

  64. the best worker on the planet ❤️

  65. I love you, Jeremy. 😻❤️

  66. Jeremy for president

  67. He’s so handsome!

  68. I feel ya Jeremy. Adulting is hard.

  69. Jeremy, working for a living everyday🎵🎶🎵

  70. 🥰🥰🥰😻💖👑🥇number one, Jeremy

  71. his a cutie🥰🥰

  72. take it easy boss 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  73. Jeremy needs a girlfriend to share his life with 💗🐈

  74. Serious question: does Jeremy go to the vet for a comprehensive exam and teeth cleaning once a year? He’s the cutest thing but is he TRULY healthy???

  75. 🥰🥰🥰Jeremy I love you🩵✨️😊🐈‍⬛

  76. Jeremy needs a vacation.

  77. I love it ❤️👍❤️👍

  78. 🐈‍⬛I Love🖤 Jeremy He Is A Whole🐾 VIBE 🐈‍⬛

  79. 🥰🥰🥰 LOVE you Jeremy....a Texan girl who fell in love with a courty girl & now living in Indiana ❤❤❤❤

  80. Hermoso ❤️ternurita🤩

  81. 😁😁😁😁 ❤️special kitty

  82. Jeremy needs a vacation

  83. I feel so honoured that I met Jeremy 🥰 such a sweet boy with cattitude

  84. Cutie🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  85. Love you, Jeremy! 🖤🐾

  86. Love Jeremy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  87. He is better known than me, and works more too 🤣


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