Are all men obsessed with the Roman Empire? We investigate. | Mashable.

Are all men obsessed with the Roman Empire? We investigate.

'Colosseum looks cool.'

Julius Caesar lives rent-free in the minds of men. Credit: Getty Images

Ask the dudes in your life how often they think about the Roman Empire. You might be surprised to learn the answer: often and regularly.

That's what TikTokker @paige.elysee discovered earlier this week. In a video posted on Tuesday, she recapped a recent conversation she had with her girlfriends, where someone posed the innocuous question: "How often does your boyfriend, or the man in your life, think about the Roman Empire?" By doing so, she tapped into a truism hidden in plain sight; which is that, apparently, straight men think about the Roman Empire a lot. To support this theory, @paige.elysee said she asked some of her gay male friends, to which they responded, "Never."


There are, of course, exceptions, which we'll get to later, but the overwhelming response has proven there's definitely something going on with the straight male mind and the rent-free space in which the Roman Empire inhabits.

The post, which currently has almost 10,000 likes, quickly spawned numerous Stitches and videos of women asking their male partners and friends. Notably, many of the TikToks feature men answering the question without missing a beat, instead of asking why they're being asked such a random question. Their immediate responses underscore what a normal habit it is for them — like asking them how often they brush their teeth.

"Like, all the time," @listenwithbritt's husband quickly said. In another TikTok, @kirakosarin's partner immediately answered, "three times a day." Just when you think @shleybe's partner is going to ask why she asked him this, he instead responds with a simple, "biweekly."

Other responses from a quick search of "Roman Empire trend," include, "Honestly? At least three or four times a week," from @haley_mcquire and "mmm once a week" from @heatherandsinna. What specifically does @heatherandsinna's boyfriend think about? "The longstanding misattribution of the word 'vomitorium' and sometimes just, Colosseum looks cool."

The Roman Empire is still relevant

Aside from the fact that this is a funny trend that gives the world a little more insight into the minds of dudes, there's some real truth to it. That the Roman Empire comes up so frequently is a testament to its enduring legacy and relevance. There are the infamous tyrants. The depraved and sadistic Caligula, the cruelly violent Caracalla, and the brutal and paranoid Nero. These figures serve as cautionary tales for the power-hungry, and we love a cautionary tale.

And then there are the Roman emperor fanboys. If there's one thing straight dudes love, it's political and military strategy, and Julius Caesar was the political and military GOAT. And on any given day, you'll find someone referencing Marcus Aurelius and r/Stoicism is a "Top 1%" subreddit in terms of the number of members. Also, hustle culture loves #stoicism.

Beyond that, the Roman Empire's renowned innovation and achievements come up a lot in everyday life. This became evident when I conducted an informal survey of Mashable staffers. One coworker said her husband rarely thinks about the Roman Empire, but it comes up occasionally (e.g. when people talk about how roads are falling apart, "but the Romans made stuff that's still standing").

The Roman Empire has infiltrated pop culture and media in ubiquitous ways. You may not organically think about the Roman Empire that often, but you've probably seen Gladiator. Even Game of Thrones borrows from the Roman Empire from time to time. Another coworker said the Roman Empire came up in a completely unrelated conversation the other day. Why? They were discussing the HBO series Rome. Oh, and did you know there's a Gladiator 2 coming out in 2024?

Roman history isn't just for straight dudes

I'm a woman, and I think about the Roman Empire fairly regularly. My frequency of Roman Empire thoughts definitely increased after listening to the Hardcore History season "The Fall of the Republic," which tracks with this theory, because it's a podcast favorite amongst dudes. When I think about the Roman Empire, I think about its decline and human tendencies to repeat the same mistakes throughout history.

Other women have come out of the woodwork to share their interest in the Roman Empire. Mashable's Senior Culture Reporter Christianna Silva recently read SPQR — which is written by a woman, Mary Beard, and loved it because of how it focused on how Rome was built, not its decline. Sex and Relationships Reporter Anna Iovine, said, "Not a man but I'm absolutely the 'Roman empire partner' in my relationship." After reading A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Iovine has been thinking about the Roman Empire every day: "I love learning about Ancient Rome/other ancient societies because of the parallels to our society."

There's no denying that Roman history fascinates people because of its enduring relevance, and, yes, straight men do spend an indescribable amount of time thinking about the Roman Empire — but so does everyone else who's curious about the past and the lessons it offers about modern culture. Just as the Colosseum once served as an ancient space for spectacle and collective discourse, TikTok is now our virtual arena. And women are driving the conversation.

Topics TikTok


  1. Mashable ,,What we do in life... ECHOES IN ETERNITY!!!" 🤌

    (Joe Pantoliano as Ralph Cifaretto, imitating Russell Crowe in Ridley Scott's Gladiator, 2000)

    1. You ever heard of the Masada? For two years, 900 Jews held their own against 15,000 Roman soldiers. They chose death before enslavement. The Romans? Where are they now?"

      Tony Soprano: ,,You're looking at them, a**hole."

      (The Sopranos, 1999)

  2. Replies
    1. 🐥💄😏🌾 Rise and slay.

  3. Only with the man to man relationships 😈

  4. We are obsessed with history because we can't make our history as good as it was. Our time will pass without any major impact for the future..
    We are not creating any legacy for the next generations..

  5. Women are driving the conversation? By asking men what they think. Good one.

  6. The Roman Empire is dope, this is why

  7. I think about it from time to time, but mostly it’s collapse and the similarities to today.

  8. If you don’t study the Roman’s , you will fail as a society. We now have the same senate trying to hold down the people

    1. thanks dead Jesus

    2. right on blazin asian.

    3. Maybe you should actually study.

    4. You've never read a single book on the matter, have you, Steve? Do you know what an unstudied opinion is worth?

  9. Surely not only men 😅


  11. The Roman I think about is Roman Reigns ☝️

  12. we need to make a list of things like this

    1. Right!!! boy brain is interesting sometimes lol

    2. your not going to like the answers

  13. Acknowledge me ☝🏽

  14. I’m honestly not sure if I’m right but everytime I watch night at the museum which only has happened twice 😂

  15. I think mine is broken . He said he doesn’t

  16. This is news to me 😂 must be a friend group thing

  17. Twice on Tuesdays😭😭

  18. Mine said never, but ask about lucha libre and that’s a daily

  19. I think about my Tribal Chief, Roman Regins, all the time!

  20. i asked mine. he said weekly and proceeded to tell me about its advanced sanitation system

  21. I am girl and I think about once a week at least 😭

  22. Everyday 👆🏻👆🏻

  23. Some ppl just like history🤷🏻‍♀️I think about the Roman Empire a lot, mostly bc of architectural innovations, but the storied history is fascinating

  24. Mine said once a week 😂

  25. My brother said twice a week 😂😂😂

  26. I thought about the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns the only Roman Empire I know

  27. I’m a history nerd so it’s a lot for me, but probably not the same reason as most guys. It’s myths and “Cleopatra & Antony won” alternative timelines

  28. He said once in a blue moon. 😂

  29. This is my favourite trend on the Internet right now

  30. rofl "not a lot going on in your head anyways"

  31. A lot! It’s all around us! You look at a clock - Roman Numerals. Months of the year all Roman e.g. July - Julias Caesar, August - Emperor Augustus

  32. This sounds like a joy to me!! I love history so if they respond with some great conversation I’m all in

  33. is this an American thing? cause idkkk

  34. Every day, as well as the events leading up to WW1 & WW2

  35. I got "a lot actually, why and how did you know that"

  36. Mine said “why would you ask me that. Never”

  37. Mine said never. Like ever…

  38. idk tbh I'm a woman and I think about it every other week. I thought I was strange for that but ig not

  39. “every time someone pisses me off” 😂

  40. Mine said "some months it's a lot and others not really" 😂

  41. Why is this a thing 😭😭 my husband said not often but went on a rant about it making me think his answer wasn’t honest 😂

  42. acknowledge him ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽

  43. So it’s like my second favorite time, below the old Greek, but my favorite game was placed in the area and I think of that game a lot and I like

    1. Learning about the gods and stuff from the time

  44. WE……THE……ONES !!! 👆🏾

  45. twice on tuesdays had me dead 💀

  46. I only acknowledge one Roman and that’s Roman Reigns☝️

  47. Mine said not really unless he’s watching a movie about it.

  48. my husband said almost never. but he's Arab so I asked him about the Caliphates and he said "oh every day"

  49. 🥴🥴🤔😂😂 Is it because of movies? I don’t understand. I’m scared to ask any man I know I don’t know why 🤷🏽‍♀️

  50. My husband said not often if at all. I probably think about it more because I watch a lot of history videos 😂

  51. Mine was a himbo. I doubt he does but tbh I think more about Napoleon

  52. Mine said never 😂 waiting for my dad to reply haha

  53. My brother said never. When I explained why I asked he said good to know because he thought I was losing my mind! 😂

    1. I had the the same conversation with my sister 😂

  54. It depends, are you talking about just the imperial period, or does this include the Roman Republic as well

  55. Gladiator 2 is in the works!

  56. So no one dramatically goes “Et Tu Brutus”? When they feel “betrayed” by their sibling or loved one ?

  57. I need more of these

  58. As a history teacher I teach Ancient Rome, but never think of the empire. Now wondering if my male students will get influenced by my lessons? 🤔

  59. I literally have ceaser's death on my outlook calendar 😳

  60. Doing this with my brother 😂 he loves history

  61. I’ve never thought about it since Latin class in high school

  62. it’s giving mojo dojo but respect 🫡

  63. he literally said 'anytime something reminds me of it so pretty often"

  64. mine said "literally all day"

  65. My dad said - uh never

  66. WHY IS THIS EVERYONES PARTNER. Mine is OBSESSED with anytning Roman…

  67. my dad and one of my good friends have uttered the words roman empire sooo many times 😂

  68. I basically never think about this without it being prompted. I honestly can’t fathom why people would think about the Roman Empire just because. 🤨

  69. Never leaves my mind

  70. I feel attacked….😂

  71. I think about ancient Egypt a lot… I wanted to be the female version of Indiana Jones 💀

  72. That that's my kinda guy lmao

  73. To be fair i love history and id say i think about it monthly

  74. I literally asked Everyman I know

  75. What do you mean only men? This article was very direct to men, I am a woman and I am also VERY interested in the Roman Empire.


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